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Example sentences for "transcending"

Lexicographically close words:
transcendentalist; transcendentalists; transcendentally; transcendently; transcendeth; transcends; transcontinental; transcribe; transcribed; transcriber
  1. It may be asked, Are we to regard this divine Power as wholly immanent in matter or as partly transcending it and governing it from without?

  2. Le Dantec would, no doubt, treat as an illusion the belief that man can communicate with and be responded to by a Power, a Life, transcending that of which the senses inform us.

  3. And yet the instinctive language of man shows that he does regard it as possible to lose himself in the contemplation of something transcending his powers of ordinary intellectual apprehension.

  4. We all delight in the ineffable presence of transcending power; we all require to renew our soul's strength and keenness in the union with souls stronger and keener than ours.

  5. Yet just in this its highest phase art ends by transcending itself, inasmuch as it abandons the medium of a harmonious embodiment of mind in sensuous form, and passes from the poetry of imagination into the prose of thought.

  6. In this way, romantic art must be considered as art transcending itself, while remaining within the artistic sphere and in artistic form.

  7. It has nothing to do with transcending mental states to arrive at an external object.

  8. It is transcending limits of security of immediate response.

  9. He had just avowed his complicity in designs far more diabolical than those of Catiline or Cethegus,--nay, transcending in iniquity all that the genius of a Milton has attributed to his fallen angels.

  10. A survey of the ancient history best known to us may help to make clearer the fatality of strife and the impossibility of solving it save by transcending the physical plane.

  11. But even thus it remains extraneous to thought, and unconcerned with the presence or the absence of it; transcending the entire life of the human spirit, and incessantly subject to the danger of error.

  12. No tie of our present earth life could be weighed against that idea of a spirit love, enduring through the ages; a love transcending and immortal, repeating itself in ever ascending stages of rapture.

  13. They gave him powers transcending nature, which raised him above the earth and the gods, secured divine power for him, and carried him back to the origin and essence of all things.

  14. It was a dream of bliss, transcending the power of words to picture, or the imagination of man to conceive.

  15. It possessed a sheen transcending that of the finest silk and was striped perpendicularly.

  16. Reflecting upon the one idea adduced by Hume, as transcending the ordinary source of ideas, he began to ask himself, whether it were likely that this idea should stand alone?

  17. Sheath after sheath has to be transcended, and the proof of transcending is that it can no longer affect you.

  18. From this transcending and false use of the categories, arises the transcendental appearance which decoys us beyond experience, by the delusive pretext of widening the domain of the pure understanding.

  19. All must partake of Him, He dwelling in each, and yet transcending all.

  20. This Supreme Entity can be known only by an intellectual intuition of the Spirit, transcending itself, and emancipating itself from its own limits.

  21. The world has nothing to show of the preternatural in painting, transcending the figure of Lazarus bursting his grave-clothes, in the great picture at Angerstein's.

  22. Every self-transcending passion has in it a divine promise and pledge; even the passion of the senses if it has hidden within it one spark of self-annihilating love may be the salvation of a soul.

  23. It is obvious even to the unmetaphysical person that self-consciousness always presupposes and involves something prior to one's own existence and some reality transcending the reality of one's own self.

  24. These conditions, however, are no part of the Law itself; and a clearer realization of the Law shows us that it contains in itself the power of transcending them.

  25. Then he thinks that this is the law and so ridicules the idea of transcending it.

  26. Certain it is he possest transcending genius and that in this room that genius was slain.

  27. There is therefore this wide difference between these two inconceivables: the one is so only in the sense of transcending the power of our mind, but the other is unthinkable, self-contradictory, absurd.

  28. These are, indeed, only conjectures; but the balance of probabilities seems to me to incline the mind to the belief that there may be a botany as well as zoology in the future world, far transcending their prototypes on earth.

  29. It were easy to say, that God can, in a moment, convert a globe of fire into a paradise of beauty, and make its landscapes smile with charms transcending the bowers of paradise lost.

  30. Mr. Fessenden considered the pending resolution as "transcending in importance the question of the amendment of the Constitution, which had been under discussion for several days.

  31. The biographer of Theodore Parker, the freelance preacher of Boston, remarks: "In his theology God was neither personal nor impersonal, but a reality transcending these distinctions.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "transcending" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.