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Example sentences for "tumbledown"

Lexicographically close words:
tuma; tumba; tumbe; tumble; tumbled; tumbler; tumblerful; tumblers; tumbles; tumbleth
  1. So she walked on through the meadow till she came to an old tumbledown fence--so old that it was a wonder it managed to stand up at all, and it looked as if it depended for support on the old man's beard that climbed all over it.

  2. Why, yes, a tumbledown sort of a shack," observed Josh, with a trace of disappointment about his manner.

  3. Jack's idea, of course, was to reach the vicinity of that tumbledown shack.

  4. She likes to sit on the tumbledown front porch on summer afternoons, plying her knitting needles and stretching her aged legs in the warm sunlight.

  5. Seeing the miserable, tumbledown hut with its smoking chimney, he stopped.

  6. They took but one look at the tumbledown hut and then made for the nearest tree, behind which they cowered, shivering from head to toe.

  7. Some months before, the financier had bought, in the name of John Rivière, a tumbledown villa on the outskirts of Neuilly.

  8. He turns up unexpectedly from the wilds of Canada, and lives like a hermit, so Clifford tells me, in some tumbledown villa outside Paris.

  9. The cabin remained--the child's only patrimony; but it was in such a tumbledown condition that it was dangerous to live in it.

  10. Pam even felt as if she had been here before when she saw the cluster of houses near to the river, the tumbledown barns, and the various trails that converged at the crossing.

  11. It held its sittings in a tumbledown building in an obscure Calcutta lane.

  12. These Bustees or settlements consisting of tumbledown hovels, existing side by side with palatial buildings, are still one of the anomalies of Calcutta.

  13. The four men turned and filed out of the room, through the door leading to the tumbledown warehouse where was hidden the streamlined metal ship.

  14. Crumbling, rotting piers and old tumbledown warehouses, deserted and unused since the last ship sailed the ocean before giving way to air commerce, loomed darkly, like grim ghosts, in the darkness.

  15. A few nights later he was awakened by a vigorous thumping at his door, something that had never before occurred during his nearly sixty years occupancy of the tumbledown hut.

  16. It was nearly dark in the forest shade when at last they reached the little tumbledown hut.

  17. It ran the whole way across the end of the street and was flanked by rows of tumbledown dwellings.

  18. They were there, vividly from the circle of light beneath him, vaguely to the walls of the tumbledown dwellings across the street.

  19. Luke's eyes were caught by a movement at the window of one of the tumbledown dwellings across the street.

  20. She looked about her with interest as the car emerged from the bridge into a strange waste land of automobile factories, new stone-faced business buildings, and tumbledown wooden cottages.

  21. Instead, the number on Fourth Avenue proved a tumbledown house of two stories, with tattered awnings flapping above its shop-window, which was almost too grimy to disclose the wares within.

  22. Near the beach we came upon a group of tumbledown shanties, remnants of the seat of government.

  23. This was the Catholic mission, tumbledown and decayed, unpainted for years, overgrown by weeds, marshy and muddy, passing to oblivion like the race to which it ministered.

  24. The spot where the Abbey stands, by the dishevelled and tumbledown quarter of Nungate, is the more abject now in that it still possesses old mansions that tell of a more prosperous past.

  25. In one of the back streets he stops beside a poor, tumbledown little house, and taps at the window.

  26. The rubbish heaps and the tumbledown houses are hidden in the "poetical and silent lap of darkness.

  27. The market-place is a large square bounded on each side by a row of grimy, tumbledown houses, some roofed with straw, but the majority, with shingle.

  28. He bought the tumbledown chateau of Tournay, near at hand, which carried with it the right to call himself Count Tournay.

  29. With Madame du Chatelet he fled to Civey, where was the tumbledown chateau of the Marquis--the Madame's complaisant husband.

  30. After running half its course through the block, the alley is broken by an intersecting space between houses--a space that is taken up by push carts, barrels, tumbledown wooden balconies and lines of drying clothes.

  31. Narrow alleys, hardly wide enough to permit the passage of a man, led between houses to beer cellars, stables and time-blackened, tumbledown tenements.

  32. We had but to sit in our saddles, and wheel rapidly down the long and exhilarating descent to Pradelles, a very tumbledown village with a great shabby square lying at an angle of almost forty-five degrees.

  33. She found me on a dirty night," she said, "in a tumbledown cottage.

  34. It was a tumbledown place, but "any port in such a storm.

  35. Inside the tumbledown barn the light was bad, so the prisoners were halted in the doorway, and a score of troopers gathered around.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tumbledown" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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