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Example sentences for "wobbly"

Lexicographically close words:
woak; woan; wobble; wobbled; wobbling; wode; wodes; woe; woebegone; woeful
  1. I could not see where her feelings were being lacerated, and I kept right on picking up the calf and setting him on his wobbly legs and pushing him towards the drive-shed.

  2. That explained everything, and while we were settling the matter the dark object I had been looking at got up and began to stagger around on wobbly legs.

  3. Then I grasped the paddle, and with feverish haste urged the awkward, wobbly thing out upon the surface of the sea.

  4. With a wrench I tore it loose, and standing upright in the wobbly log drove it with all the strength of my two arms straight into the gaping jaws of the hydrophidian.

  5. He trembled on his wobbly legs as the green eyes stared at him, and his back seemed to break in the middle, so that he sank helplessly down upon the soft spruce needles, waiting for his doom.

  6. Again he followed where once had been the trail that led to Mooney's shack, over on the wobbly line of rail that rambled for eighty miles into the wilderness from Fort William.

  7. He had cut his last initial in the near panel and was starting a wobbly "H" in its neighbor.

  8. When the wobbly "H" grew to completion they laughed heartily.

  9. The strong light at the back of the house--a wobbly one--was rapidly becoming a glow in the heavens, as they say in journalese.

  10. There's been a big light there for some time--a wobbly one.

  11. But it was so perfectly blessed to have Greg talking sensibly at all, even with such a wobbly sort of voice, that I didn't much care what I said.

  12. A little way off you can't see the people who do it at all, and it looks just like a great fiery face with a changing, wobbly expression.

  13. He had done it that night in New York at supper, and at all the meals in the train in spite of the train being so wobbly and each time they had loved it.

  14. Susan resumed her seat at the bare wobbly little table, resumed her listless attitude.

  15. Then Godwin drew Major Ross and Ned to one side, his good-natured face assuming a grave expression as he seated them in a private room of the rambling and wobbly old house.

  16. It means, to my mind, that the men who made these deep, wobbly tracks carried a burden into the boat.

  17. These camels do move about in a dreadful, wobbly way, sir, don't they?

  18. Caroline sez ter lets take er drink an' so we does, an' terreckly I gits wobbly in de knees.

  19. Way atter awhile dey fin's de cellar an' dey drinks brandy till dey gits wobbly in de legs.

  20. She balanced the gingham-clad bunch on its own wobbly legs beside her, while through the pickets of the fence in greeting were thrust the pink hands of Petie, the bond, who had followed in the wake of his own maternal skirts.

  21. In a few seconds he had become a small Brown Bear, but he was stuffed with straw as he had been before, and when the little Brown Bear shuffled across the floor he was just as wobbly as the Scarecrow had been and moved just as awkwardly.

  22. Well, I was too clever for them," said she, giving a sudden laugh that caused such a breeze that the wobbly Scarecrow was almost blown off his feet and had to grab his friend Nick Chopper to steady himself.

  23. Mr. Ormsby is very beautiful; I shall hope not to disfigure him permanently;" but as I spoke my tongue was a wobbly dry clapper in my mouth.

  24. An unchivalrous and wobbly character, who evidently expects you to make the advances.

  25. Next he wheeled out a rather wobbly cayuse, then an equally wobbly and ferocious cow.

  26. These movements of the long second hand were so wobbly as if 60 seconds were like climbing over a mountain range.

  27. He wanted for the wobbly fan to fall and guillotine his head.

  28. In some cases when the trains were transferred to the completed line, the old, spindly, wobbly affair could be seen for miles in roadbed, to the one side or the other of the new.

  29. The Pennsylvania Railroad was no wobbly affair at any time.

  30. Finally, after a wealth of argument had been expended, she wrote her name in a very wobbly hand, and sealed it with a tear.

  31. Of course," said Jimmy vapidly, and he sank on his knees and strove to let the wobbly creatures down easily.

  32. The result was a hysterical running up and down of the shade which left him utterly bewildered as to what disposition he was supposed to make of the wobbly bit of humanity pressed against his shirt front.

  33. Girls have to pretend they don't feel all wobbly and anyhow, because it's more fun for a man when a girl doesn't hurl herself at him.

  34. And he went all wobbly and horrible because nearly all his legs had got pulled off.

  35. Then his feet got tangled up in the cinch of his saddle, which he had kicked before him, and after great labor he arose, muttering savagely, and continued on his wobbly way.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wobbly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aspen; broken; capricious; catchy; choppy; desultory; dilapidated; disconnected; discontinuous; doddering; eccentric; erratic; faltering; fitful; flickering; fluctuating; groggy; halting; hesitant; inconstant; infirm; insecure; intermittent; irregular; irresolute; jerky; lurching; oscillating; oscillatory; palsied; patchy; pendulous; quaking; quavering; quivering; rambling; ramshackle; rickety; rocky; rough; scrappy; shaking; shaky; shivering; shivery; shuddering; sick; spasmodic; spastic; spidery; spindly; sporadic; staggering; teetering; tentative; tottering; tottery; trembling; tremulous; tumbledown; unbalanced; uncertain; unequal; uneven; unmethodical; unsettled; unsound; unstable; unsteady; unsure; unsystematic; unwell; vacillating; variable; veering; vibrating; wandering; wavering; weak; wobbly