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Example sentences for "tying"

Lexicographically close words:
tydyngs; tye; tyed; tyes; tygers; tyke; tykes; tyle; tyll; tylle
  1. Any young girl who has taken one lesson in knot-tying will be able to make me appear very silly at it.

  2. One can almost hear the girls singing that of an evening as they sit around the campfire tying knots in ropes.

  3. Now, as a man, I am very jealous of my man's prerogative of chopping down trees and tying knots in ropes, and I resent the teaching of young girls to usurp my province in these matters.

  4. Instantly Mount tripped the man flat on his face in the dust, and Murphy jerked his arms behind his back, tying them fast at the wrists with a cord which Elerson cut from the pack and flung to him.

  5. Sobered, I dressed me in my forest dress, absently lacing the hunting-shirt and tying knee-points, while the old man polished hatchet and knife and slipped them into the beaded scabbards swinging on either hip.

  6. Joe did not allow a hit in the first half of the third inning and the Excelsiors got one run, tying the score.

  7. He allowed but one single, and then three men fanned in succession, while, just to make things more than ever interesting, the Excelsiors got two runs, again tying the score.

  8. Tying is done in order to prevent excessive bleeding; but whether to tie the ends of the severed placentic cord, or not, is a matter which should be left wholly to the attendant doctor.

  9. Following these directions, no tying is essential.

  10. Indeed, some authorities contend that when the pulsing has ceased the cord may be severed without any tying of the ends at all.

  11. It was a judge of knots because it had a habit of tying up unfortunate blue-bottles.

  12. Mother Martha, as you know, never says very much; she just stood there tying knots in her shawl.

  13. The fourth son, who was not more than seven years old, gathered up the finished nails and threw them into a trough filled with water, afterward bunching and tying them.

  14. To keep it on her head in the winds she had resorted to tying a ribbon down over the brim from the front of the crown to the nape of her neck; and tying another ribbon from the back of the crown down under her chin.

  15. He hung up the receiver before he started to laugh, but once he did start, he laughed all the time he was re-tying the door in the same kind of knot Johnny had used, and all the while he was returning to the corral.

  16. The bridge looks as if it was a silver string tying the two sides of the river together.

  17. She then put a few clothes in a bundle, and, tying on her shaker, prepared to walk to Pleasant River, twelve miles distant.

  18. REEF--To reduce a sail by rolling up and tying part of it to a spar.

  19. It was while Jose was tying Ollie to the wagon, telling her he was doing it just to keep her from falling off, that the team got scared and began to run.

  20. For the last few miles, before tying up, we had kept up a sharp scrutiny of the shores, in the hope of detecting some signs of the outlaw.

  21. Although of course she had looked, and seen the form of the present, and noted the colors used in tying it up.

  22. Gathering nuts was a scantily paid-for harvest; tying onions a less pleasing one, and chiefly followed in the Connecticut Valley.

  23. What did trouble her was the tying up of big Jim and her wagon at a time when she needed them most.

  24. Lombardic sculptors were excessively fond, usually tying the shafts together in their centre, in a lover's knot.

  25. What's the reason we can't tie the corn husks together at the tip ends, and keep on tying 'til we get enough to go around the room, and then hang up the long string of ears and husks just above the pictures?

  26. While the girls were tying the corn husks, Jotham Potts and Reuben Jenks were making themselves very useful, for by this time the girls had discovered that it required a great many ears of corn with which to garland or festoon the room.

  27. Directly this fellow caught sight of them he stopped, and, stooping down, pretended to be tying his shoestring, at the same time keeping his face turned away from them as they passed.

  28. There, you'll do now," said Mr Brathwaite, tying up the hand with a handkerchief.

  29. Let me have a look at it," the old man said, tying the foremost mule to a gnarled tree.

  30. Without the weight of the body, the skin was light, and they had no difficulty in tying it over the back of one of the mules, which appeared not to notice the extra load.

  31. He invited the traveller to enter, an invitation to which Hsi Shan gladly responded; and, tying up his mule, he went in.

  32. One day he went off for a holiday, and on the next day a stranger called; who, tying a black mule at the door, accepted the invitation of the master to take a seat within.

  33. So he got up quietly with his money, and was on the point of going, when he suddenly recollected his mother's injunctions, and at once tying his purse-strings laid himself down to sleep.

  34. In addition to these he found an embroidered belt for tying round the waist, which was stuffed full of gold.

  35. The natives also light their way on a dark night by tying one or two at the end of a stick.

  36. Tying my thick veil over my face, and wondering at myself, I took his arm and walked by his side through the twilight streets.

  37. Moaning like your grandmother," said Spicer, descending from his saddle and tying his horse up to a tree near by.

  38. This Fallaba creek is noted for mosquitoes, and the black passengers made great and showy preparations in the evening time to receive their onslaught, by tying up their strong chintz mosquito bars to the stanchions and the cook-house.

  39. So far my Ajumba friends have only tried to meet this difficulty by tying the cargo in.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.