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Example sentences for "ulcer"

Lexicographically close words:
ukelele; ukin; ukulele; ular; ulcerate; ulcerated; ulcerating; ulceration; ulcerations
  1. Even a very bad ulcer should give way under a careful course of united acid soaking, rest, and this stimulating treatment.

  2. The discharge from an ulcer or other sore.

  3. Defn: An issue or artificial ulcer for the discharge of humors from the body.

  4. A place in an animal body where the skin and flesh are ruptured or bruised, so as to be tender or painful; a painful or diseased place, such as an ulcer or a boil.

  5. Defn: Affected with, or as with, an ulcer or ulcers; as, an ulcerated sore throat.

  6. Defn: Virulence; tendency to a fatal issue; as, the malignancy of an ulcer or of a fever.

  7. Affected with an ulcer or ulcers; ulcerated.

  8. Defn: To affect with, or as with, an ulcer or ulcers.

  9. To make morbid, carious, or gangrenous; as, to putrefy an ulcer or wound.

  10. Foot rot, an ulcer in the feet of sheep; claw sickness.

  11. To discharge pus or other matter; as, an ulcer runs.

  12. Defn: A small, deep-centered ulcer of the transparent cornea.

  13. Among other miracles and conquests of hardened souls, was the conversion of his cousin John Corsini, an infamous gamester; and the miraculous cure of an ulcer in his neck.

  14. He long concealed a horrible ulcer in his foot, swarming with maggots.

  15. When also there has been an ulcer in the flesh and the skin, and it has been healed: 13:19.

  16. The Lord strike thee with the ulcer of Egypt, and the part of thy body, by which the dung is cast out, with the scab and with the itch: so that thou canst not be healed.

  17. May the Lord strike thee with a very sore ulcer in the knees and in the legs, and be thou incurable from the sole of the foot to the top of the head.

  18. Ulcer of the stomach, sometimes caused by focal infection, 82.

  19. Then he was carried into the woods, laid down in a clear spot, and a fire was built against his back while the doctor scarified the ulcer with a blunt instrument.

  20. At about 52° 40´, between the Fraser River and the Pacific, Mackenzie observed the treatment of a man with a bad ulcer on his back.

  21. A rodent ulcer was eating its way upwards, coiling on in its serpiginous fashion until the end of it was flush with her collar.

  22. A deep ulcer leads to perforation with more or less serious consequences according to the extent of the perforation.

  23. The healing of a corneal ulcer is characterized by the disappearance of pain where this has been a symptom and by the rounding off of its sharp margins as epithelium spreads over them from the surrounding healthy parts.

  24. Until father gave up trying himself and realized that he was weak, he was--was--sort of hiding the ulcer with a bunch of ribbons.

  25. It had a most horrible ulcer on its shoulder and they'd tried to hide it up by plaiting its mane and tying it with a great heap of ribbons.

  26. An ulcer surrounded by an inflammatory areola and the granulation tissue together illustrates the etiology of cicatricial tissue.

  27. A scar may be from the healing of an ulcer from stasis, or one of specific or precancerous character.

  28. Peptic ulcer of the lower esophagus may be a cause.

  29. Simple ulcer of the esophagus is usually associated with stenosis, spastic or organic.

  30. Denham he told me he had cured, after it was come to an ulcer all over his face, to a miracle.

  31. I did give him a piece, with good hopes, however, that his advice will be of use to me, though it is strange that Mr. Hollyard should never say one word of this ulcer in all his life to me.

  32. Burnett, who assures me that I have an ulcer either in the kidneys or bladder, for my water, which he saw yesterday, he is sure the sediment is not slime gathered by heat, but is a direct pusse.

  33. Since there is much danger of contamination from tuberculous sputum, the presence of tubercle bacilli is significant only in proportion to the thoroughness with which the ulcer was cleansed.

  34. When found in the fluid removed after a test-meal, it commonly points toward ulcer or carcinoma.

  35. The diagnosis must be based largely upon the clinical symptoms, and where ulcer is strongly suspected, it is probably unwise to use the stomach-tube.

  36. The Cavernous Ulcer is that the Entrance of which is streight and the bottom broad wherein there are many Holes fill'd with malignant Sanies, without any callosity or hardness in its sides.

  37. The Ulcer must be at first gently dry'd with a Plaister of Diasulphuris or Diachylon, and afterward that of Diapalma may be us'd, and Ceruse or White Lead.

  38. The Corrosive Ulcer is that which by the Acrimony and Malignity of its Sanies, corrodes, makes hollow, corrupts and mortifies the Flesh.

  39. But if the Escar be too hard and obstinate, it is requisite to proceed to Incisions to make way for the Sanies, lest a deep and putrid Ulcer shou'd be engender'd Underneath.

  40. The Fistulous Ulcer is that which hath long, streight, and deep Holes, with much hardness in its sides; the Sanies whereof is sometimes virulent, and sometimes not.

  41. The Putrid Ulcer is that wherein the Flesh is soft and scabby, the Pus and Ichor being viscous, stinking, and of a cadaverous smell.

  42. Of the Caries or Ulcer of the Bones, Exostosis, and Nodus.

  43. It is this, that a Wound always proceeds from an external Cause, and an Ulcer from an internal, such as Humours that fall upon a Part; or else a Wound in growing inveterate degenerates into an Ulcer.

  44. If the Bone be corrupted, a little Euphorbium may be apply'd; or else the small Pledgets steept in the Tincture of Myrrh and Aloes; then the Ulcer may be handled as all others.

  45. Might it not rather be some unknown form of ulcer of hysterical origin?

  46. First of all the ulcer was healed; you could press her knee and she felt nothing, only a slight redness remained to mark where it had been.

  47. I know a boy had an ulcer on his eye and it was cured by that.

  48. Kevin Ralph: I went to Macklin near Loughrea myself one time, when I had an ulcer here in my neck.

  49. When she came next morning the eye was quite well; the ulcer had disappeared, and there was no inflammation.

  50. When the ulcer appears soft enough to lance, do so, and be careful to avoid the glands and veins.

  51. It begins with an ulcer or sore at the junction where the head and neck join; and from its position, more than any other cause, is very difficult to heal.

  52. It became a great, eating, nauseating, foul-smelling ulcer on the body municipal.

  53. There is no intention here to paint a lurid picture of Chicago's ulcer spots that might arouse passions and do evil.

  54. On the great white, festering ulcer of Chicago's world of crime and vice, we have turned the burning searchlight of truth.

  55. The hideous ulcer is no longer concealed.

  56. Why doth the hair never grow on an ulcer or bile?

  57. Why is the curing of an ulcer or bile in the kidneys or bladder very hard?

  58. Why doth itching arise when an ulcer doth wax whole and phlegm ceases?

  59. But I must tell you that your mother will not recover if you can't apply to her ulcer a piece of man's fat.

  60. Two or three days afterwards she had there an ulcer that no remedies could cure; everything was tried and everything failed.

  61. Several months wore on; the ulcer did not heal.

  62. He was suffering from a scrofulous ulcer in the neck, and it was a hideous disfigurement.

  63. Father Letheby looked; and sure enough, there was but a faint scar, as of a burn, on the place where he knew well there had been a hideous running ulcer a few days ago.

  64. She was tenderly nursed by the nuns for an ulcer in the lachrymal gland, which had destroyed the bones of the nose, and produced other horrors of which there is no need to speak.

  65. See Ulcer Natak al-Nabi, at Meccah, origin of, ii.

  66. His finesse, 153 Nasur, or ulcer of Al-Hijaz.

  67. A third kept open an ulcer on the leg, rubbing in a little antimonial ointment, which I bought at fifty cents, and sold him at five dollars a box.

  68. As to the ulcer case, to my amusement he was put in bed, and his leg locked up in a wooden splint, which effectually prevented him from touching the part diseased.

  69. To sum up, before June 29, there were gastric pains caused by ulceration; on the 29th, bursting of the ulcer and acute peritonitis.

  70. Brinton estimates that perforation of the stomach in cases of simple ulcer occurs in thirteen per cent.

  71. It was a case of spontaneous perforation through a simple ulcer in the stomach.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ulcer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.