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Example sentences for "vanishing"

Lexicographically close words:
vanillin; vanish; vanished; vanishes; vanisheth; vanisht; vanitas; vanitate; vanite; vanitie
  1. The sheriff slipped into the tangle of cat-claw, prickly pear, and mesquite, vanishing into the gloom from the sight of Goodheart.

  2. If any one had cared to notice, the colored roust-about might have been seen at that moment vanishing out of the back door to a zone of safety.

  3. On their vanishing he is simply amazed, wonders if they were anything but hallucinations, makes no reference to the predictions till Macbeth mentions them, and then answers lightly.

  4. They be done for, sir," he said, with a gloomy jerk of the head in the direction of the vanishing pair.

  5. The girls in this county are just eating up my vanishing cream and my liquid powder that won't rub off.

  6. Next Judith demonstrated the virtues of a vanishing cream and made several sales.

  7. Thus the thoughts of the dancers dance--dead hopes, wearied ambitions, vanishing youth do an inarticulate can-can in the heads of the dancers on the cabaret floor.

  8. And they was having trouble at the morgue owing to the stiffs vanishing and being mutilated.

  9. Attend to the perspective according to the vanishing point opposite to your eye.

  10. Hundreds of beautiful skates were gleaming and vanishing in the air above him.

  11. Faded and threadbare as it was, it was gorgeous in their eyes, with its white linen tucker, now gathered to her plump throat, and vanishing beneath the trim bodice of blue homespun, and its reddish brown skirt bordered with black.

  12. My eye still roved over the sullen swell and along the moor-edge, vanishing amidst the wildest scenery, when at one dim point, far in among the marshes and the ridges, a light sprang up.

  13. I traced the white road winding round the base of one mountain, and vanishing in a gorge between two; how I longed to follow it farther!

  14. Compound lenses on the Dollond principle, repeating the structure of an eyeball, are used in all good telescopes, microscopes, and cameras, and are now executed in varieties of Jena glass which bring perturbing hues to the vanishing point.

  15. Their one desire is to arrive at truth as nearly as they can, to bring grounds of disagreement to the vanishing point, and ensure exactness in all the computations based on their work.

  16. Diamond saw the gleam of something vanishing down the stair.

  17. When they saw North Wind, instead of turning around and vanishing again with a thump of their heels, they cantered slowly up to her.

  18. He was glad that she had stayed with him such a little while--it made it more precious, her coming with the shadows in that grey of breaking skies and a mysterious plunging sea, and then vanishing with the rising sun.

  19. But few as the moments were, it seemed to Giovanni, when she was on the point of vanishing beneath the sculptured portal, that his beautiful bouquet was already beginning to wither in her grasp.

  20. As the same hands generally have a monopoly of a public gallery, the contents of some are beginning to acquire a strange uniformity of external character, while the old masters in the same degree are vanishing from them.

  21. The mystery of the vanishing of this pioneer vessel only enhances the glory of its venture and service--as its loss but gave new foil to the hardihood of La Salle and Tonty.

  22. The shepherds who vainly followed their vanishing numbers found themselves out upon the edge of a new field.

  23. We see the red worshippers of the sun in their white cloaks crossing the river, vanishing toward its setting; and we see the black shadows of men, the negro slaves, creeping out of Africa after the white heralds of Europe in America.

  24. Ruth lay abed and wondered if the thing she had seen at the window in the garret on that other windy day was now appearing and vanishing in its spectral way?

  25. And as soon as Guillaume had found him out of danger he had gone off again, once more vanishing into the unknown.

  26. The Gave, now upon their right hand, was flowing through a deep gorge, a kind of cleft into which it plunged, vanishing from sight among the bushes.

  27. And then she went off, vanishing down the passage as light, as ethereal, as a shadow.

  28. He appeared to her under the most hostile and monstrous form, breaking everything, and vanishing in a trail of pestilential vapours.

  29. As the number of the "Trojugenae" dwindled, the pride of the vanishing remnant probably grew in proportion, and a clan like the Calpurnian reluctantly yielded precedence even to Tiberius or Nero.

  30. The great field of expenditure lay in the basilicas, temples, amphitheatres, baths, and pavements, whose vanishing remains give us a glimpse of one of the most brilliant ages in history.

  31. The human spirit, weary of the fruitless quest of an ever-vanishing ideal of knowledge, took up the humbler task of solving the ever-recurring problem of human happiness and conduct.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vanishing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.