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Example sentences for "reddish"

Lexicographically close words:
reddens; redder; reddere; reddest; reddidit; reddit; redditibus; redditum; redditus; rede
  1. For if such a Body turn the Syrrup of a Red or Reddish Purple Colour, it does for the most part argue the Body (especially if it be a distill'd Liquor) to abound with Acid Salt.

  2. These creatures are of a reddish yellow or flame color.

  3. The groin and hidden surfaces of the limbs are dark reddish brown.

  4. The flanks are uniform pale tan in leprieurii and uniform reddish brown in verrucigerus; in the other species the flanks are cream to brown with dark brown or black spots (also dark diagonal marks in some buckleyi).

  5. Iris greenish yellow with radiating black streaks and a median, horizontal reddish brown streak.

  6. The venter is pinkish tan with small reddish brown spots on the throat and darker brown spots on the chest and belly.

  7. The coloration consists of a creamy tan ground color with irregular reddish brown markings on the back and broad transverse bars on the limbs.

  8. The ventral surfaces of the limbs are pinkish tan; the other ventral surfaces are pale creamy tan with reddish brown spots.

  9. The ventral surfaces of the limbs are brown; the throat and chest are creamy white, and the belly is reddish tan, both with dark brown mottling.

  10. The suborbital spot is pale greenish tan, and the iris is deep reddish brown.

  11. A small tree, with reddish twigs; the leaves varying greatly in shape, turning bright crimson in early autumn.

  12. Capsules sessile; filaments and often the reddish anthers united so as to appear as one.

  13. Drupe ovoid (blue), supported on a club-shaped and rather fleshy reddish pedicel.

  14. Floating on quiet waters, from Lake Ontario westward and southward,--appearing like a reddish hepatic moss.

  15. The discharge of pneumonia is of a somewhat red or reddish brown color and, on this account has been described as a prune-juice discharge.

  16. In the nostrils are found small reddish spots, or petechiƦ, which gradually assume a brownish and frequently a black color.

  17. Red or reddish flakes or clumps in the urine are always abnormal, and denote a hemorrhage or suppuration in the urinary tract.

  18. It is a complex affection directly connected with a plethora in the blood of nitrogenized constituents, with extreme nervous and muscular disorder and the excretion of a dense reddish or brownish urine.

  19. The urine of the healthy horse is a pale or at times a slightly reddish yellow.

  20. The mucous membranes of the intestines are congested and reddish brown; the surface of the intestines is in many places denuded of its lining membrane, showing fissures and hemorrhagic spots.

  21. There will be found, on opening the cavity of the belly, a large collection of yellowish or reddish liquid; from a few quarts to several gallons may be present.

  22. If edema of the intestines has occurred, the membrane is found four or five times its normal thickness, reddish in color, with hemorrhages on the free surface.

  23. In bad cases the scanty urine may be reddish and the swelling may extend to the skin and envelopes of the testicle, which may become thickened and doughy, pitting on pressure.

  24. Is there an old man working for him--a fellow with thin shoulders and reddish hair?

  25. He was a small boy, with an old-looking face covered with a fuzz of reddish hair.

  26. The reddish rocks were behind, leading to a small hill.

  27. Another set of colors embracing light reddish and yellowish grays resulted from changes in the clay produced by simple open air baking.

  28. The lighter tints are usually warm ochrey grays, rarely approaching reddish or terra-cotta hues.

  29. It is of a pale reddish color, readily soluble in water or alcohol.

  30. A silicate of aluminium, occurring usually in thick rhombic prisms, nearly square, of a grayish or pale reddish tint.

  31. There was a sullen reddish smolder over the face of this alien sun; but the brief glimpse of the burning visitant from southern skies was an unforgettable experience.

  32. The slimed slope of gray rocks was darkened by a muddy reddish trickle of water.

  33. Mrs. Thornburgh studied him; her eye caught first of all by the stubble of reddish hair which as he took off his hat stood up straight and stiff all over his head with an odd wildness and aggressiveness.

  34. They stood a moment hand in hand fronting the cornfield and the sun-filled west, while the afternoon breeze blew back the man's curly reddish hair, long since restored to all its natural abundance.

  35. The boy drew himself up to his full height, and tossed his tumbling reddish hair back from his eyes.

  36. Some thigh-bones protrude from the heaps of rags stuck together with reddish mud; and from the holes filled with clothes shredded and daubed with a sort of tar, a spinal fragment emerges.

  37. His eyes wink and sparkle in the huge white clump that dithers on his shoulders--a clump reddish on each side, where the ears were.

  38. He comes towards me on all fours through the straw and lifts his intelligent face to me, with its reddish forelock and the little quick eyes over which circumflex accents fold and unfold them-selves.

  39. And Webb adds that there is an "elegant festoon near the center, starting with a reddish star.

  40. A slight reddish tint will be perceived in the light of this beautiful star, whose brilliance is enhanced by the fact that it shines without a rival in that region of the sky.

  41. When near the horizon, Arcturus has a remarkably reddish color; but, after it has attained a high elevation in the sky, it appears rather a deep yellow than red.

  42. It also separates into two stars, one being reddish and the other bluish in color.

  43. Then look into the northwest, and at about the same distance from Denebola, but higher above the horizon than Spica, you will catch the sparkling of a large, reddish star.

  44. About half-way your attention will be arrested by a remarkable stellar arrangement, in which a beautiful half-circle of small stars curving above a larger star, which is reddish in color, is conspicuous.

  45. You will perceive that it has a slightly reddish tint.

  46. The prominences are dull reddish cloudlets that were first seen during total eclipses of the sun.

  47. Alpha Herculis, Antares, and Mira, together with orange and reddish stars and most of the variable stars, belong in type III.

  48. Marius saw the hole in the wall shining with a reddish glow which seemed bloody to him.

  49. A reddish saliva soiled the corners of her lips, and she had a black hole in her mouth.

  50. A long trail of blood which had flowed from that head, descended in reddish threads from the window to the height of the first floor, where it stopped.

  51. One beholds reddish reflections in the corners.

  52. She had hideous hair, of a reddish blond which was turning gray, and which she thrust back from time to time, with her enormous shining hands, with their flat nails.

  53. It was outlined on a faint, almost indistinct reddish glow, which vaguely empurpled the flooring vault underfoot, and the vault overhead, and gilded to his right and to his left the two viscous walls of the passage.

  54. The constant yellow and reddish colour of the dust, produced by ferruginous matter, its falling with the trade-winds and not with the harmattan, increase the interest of the phenomena.

  55. They were already old, and I was saddened to see it; their fur graying, their prehensile toes and fingers crooked with a rheumatic complaint of some sort, their reddish eyes bleared and rheumy.

  56. There was the brassy blue sky and reddish granite rock and acres of thick red dust.

  57. He noticed that the spume at the tide's edge was reddish and stuck to his hands like gum.

  58. The tint of the undersurface varies much, but it is always some ashy brown or reddish colour, which matches with those of dead leaves.

  59. They are generally of a pale reddish ash colour, and are kept in large flocks.

  60. In life the hatchlings had a dull dark green dorsum, pale bright green venter and stripes on head, and reddish brown iris.

  61. In adult males the top of the head was reddish orange in life.

  62. One had an olive-brown dorsum and the other, a reddish orange dorsum.

  63. The juveniles have a tan dorsum with reddish brown blotches; the belly is gray, and the iris is cream-color above and brown below.

  64. The majority of observed trees had a reddish brown as the predominant color.

  65. Twigs upon the same tree would vary from gray to reddish brown to yellowish brown or tan.

  66. Reddish grey eyes searched the jungle as the creatures flapped along.

  67. Quivering, still screaming, the animal went down on its knees, and as the reddish green smoke fell on him and settled, it became a mass of growing moss spores.

  68. Their hands, their faces, and even their mustaches were of a reddish gray like the dirt which they had on their clothes.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reddish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    reddish brown; reddish color; reddish colour; reddish grey; reddish tinge; reddish yellow