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Example sentences for "vault"

Lexicographically close words:
vats; vatthu; vatu; vaudeville; vaudevilles; vaulted; vaulting; vaultings; vaults; vaulty
  1. The stone walls, however, were quite bare, the landings empty and solemn, and a death-like mournfulness fell from the lofty vault above.

  2. The doctor, who belonged to Bartres, had a family vault in the Lourdes cemetery, a vault constructed at his own expense, and in which his father and mother already rested.

  3. It was a night illumined by a superb full moon, one of those matchless Roman nights when the city slumbers in Elysian radiance, steeped in a dream of the Infinite, under the vast vault of heaven.

  4. The hanging foliage assumed an emerald sheen, the hundreds of crutches covering the vault resembled an inextricable network of dead wood on the point of reflowering.

  5. He moved it slowly from one to the other horizon, causing it to describe a huge sign of the cross against the vault of heaven.

  6. The scene which he conjured up of Marie saved, Marie cured, affected him so deeply that he stopped short, his trembling arms uplifted towards the star-spangled vault of heaven.

  7. This storehouse, a kind of deep vault under one of the right-hand arches of the Place, was divided by timber into a number of spacious compartments, in which lay an extraordinary collection of tapers, classified according to size.

  8. The night was moonless, but extremely beautiful; the vault above looked like deep blue velvet, spangled with diamonds, and the atmosphere was exquisitely mild and pure, fragrant with the perfumes from the mountains.

  9. The vault of the Grotto sank towards the left, where the stone seemed baked and blackened by the eternal flames which had been heating it for years.

  10. And Pierre imagined Michael Angelo on the day when the bare vault was handed over to him, covered with plaster, offering only a flat white surface, hundreds of square yards to be adorned.

  11. These remarks caused Pierre as much dismay as if fragments of the celestial vault were raining on his head.

  12. A mist must have hidden the stars in the firmament; the vault above seemed opaque and heavy like lead; and yonder in front the houses of the Trastevere had long since been asleep.

  13. The funeral of the poor female serf piously performed under the vault of the forest in the midst of the heaped-up rocks at the mouth of the cavern--the immense tomb of so many other victims--was a spectacle of mournful grandeur.

  14. This vault was paved with marble, and on a raised platform in the centre was a large, handsomely decorated altar.

  15. The tourists hastened through and descended to the crypt or vault underneath the church.

  16. Houdini had once boasted that no bank vault could hold him.

  17. The vault could neither hold him out nor keep him in.

  18. Have me decently buried, and do not let my body be put into the vault in less than three days after I am dead.

  19. They drove out of the vault into a clear space and stopped before an immensely long but low-built house which seemed to ramble round a stone court.

  20. Knowing that your Eggs were as safe as if they were locked in a bank vault and the fact that you could watch so many curious things going on made setting a most entertaining occupation.

  21. These were rung through the vaster vault of space, arousing a spiritual echo beyond the constellations and the nebulae.

  22. These surrounded and often preceded him, as though leading him on, while the most heavenly anthems filled the air and the vault of the sky.

  23. The high vault and arches received the organ's tone, and a sombre light pervaded the interior.

  24. The moonlight shone softly, but in a ghastly way, on the marble crosses of his vault and those around, and he felt an unspeakable sadness within this abode of the dead.

  25. He stamped with force--there was a rumble in the vault overhead--that was all.

  26. The dinner time was past some ten minutes, when they saw a man in black put his hand on the garden-gate, vault over, and run breathless up to the hall-door.

  27. They buried him in the family vault under the chancel windows.

  28. They fought and fought, and an iron clank rose through the void air to the brazen vault of heaven.

  29. The sun was beginning to beat upon the fields, fresh risen into the vault of heaven from the slow still currents of deep Oceanus, when the two armies met.

  30. On the 22d of October, Garfield's remains were removed from the public vault in Lakeview Cemetery to a private vault on the grounds, there to remain until the completion of the crypt, where they will permanently repose.

  31. Through tears to look upon a tearful crowd, And hear the anthem echoing High in the dome till angels seem to fling The chant of England up through vault and cloud, Making ethereal register aloud At heaven's own gate.

  32. The cavalry halted at the vault and drew up in line facing it, with sabres presented.

  33. This vault still existed, though it had been remodelled at the time when the new house was built.

  34. At the end of half an hour the opening was choked with fallen debris, and the entrance into the wine vault thus effectually concealed.

  35. And now that we are safe, for this vault is fire-proof, I will let you see where you are.

  36. At most he had expected to find himself in some forgotten vault or old wine-cellar.

  37. It's probably in the safest safe-deposit vault in the country.

  38. The rest of the solution is probably in the safest safe-deposit vault in the United States.

  39. So cleverly was the entrance to the vault concealed in the basement wall that he failed to discover it.

  40. And it should go to the storage vault first where it had been guarding Maulbow's machine, to hunt for them there.

  41. He stood quiet, intent on the storage vault entrance far up the hall to his left.

  42. Lights went on automatically in the wide passage leading from the cargo lock to the vault as Gefty turned into it.

  43. But I intend to take a look at what Mr. Maulbow's got in that vault now, with or without his consent.

  44. Then another thought occurred: the storage vault lay directly against the hull of the Queen-- How long to cut through the hull?

  45. It wasn't ordinarily aggressive--Gefty's sudden appearance in the vault must have startled it into making an attack.

  46. Gefty grunted, blinked sweat from his eyes, and took hold of the handgrips of the heavy mining cutter again, turning it nose down towards the vault floor.

  47. The cutter was plucked from Gefty's grasp; then he was picked up, suit and all, and slammed up towards the vault ceiling.

  48. It means that the vault doors have been opened since then.

  49. But here in the storage vault nothing should have moved, and Gefty's muscles were tensing as his head came around.

  50. He'd been through a whole series of unnerving experiences, winding up with being shagged out of his storage vault by something that stank of ammonia and looked like a giant snake.

  51. It came flowing around the corner of the passage behind him as the vault doors began to slide together.

  52. Gefty started slowly over to it, heart pounding, with the vault entrance still at the edge of his vision.

  53. But he'd seen the stars of normspace through the torn vault floor.

  54. He hurried around the circle, checking the four charges, lumbered over to the vault passage, stopped just around the corner.

  55. He said to Kerim, "I thought the machine Maulbow set up in the storage vault would turn out to be some drive engine, but apparently it has an entirely different function.

  56. After trying the step with his hand, to be sure that it was now wedged safely, he flung his coil into the vault and followed.

  57. The stone which covered the vault of the Hastings family had been raised, and light and air let into the cold, damp interior.

  58. During the night John, the Professor and Blakely, with the boys, carefully stored the treasure there, so that the different tribes had no idea of the use to which the vault had been put.

  59. Or, more wonderful still, when at night an eye is turned up to the blue vault of heaven, there is portrayed on the little concave of the retina the boundless concave of the sky, with every object in its just proportions.

  60. The atmosphere presented a vault of transparent azure, spangled with golden stars.

  61. Dost thou remember, my Caius, that vault in the Comitium at home which the flamens say is the entrance to the lower world?

  62. They bound me with cords, and dragged me to a vault in the Tower.

  63. He's put her in a vault o stone, Where five an thirty locks hing on; Naebody there coud eer her see, Prince Heathen kept the keys him wi.

  64. I'll put you in a vault o stone, Where five an thirty locks hing on; Naebody there then shall you see, For I will keep the keys wi me.

  65. Peter listened attentively--"I hear them going round and round the vault to look for the passage," he observed to old John.

  66. The passage was somewhat slippery from the moisture which here and there trickled through the rock, and was clearly not often traversed, which it would have been had the vault above been used as a store-house.

  67. There are no spirits in this vault to hurt us, and depend on it if our friends have been carried away spirits have had nothing to do with it; still, I tell you, I cannot account for it.

  68. The sides of the vault were either solid rock or masonry.

  69. Of course the vault will be explored, and if the smugglers stop up the passage as they intend the entrance to it will not be found, and no one will be able to guess what has become of us.

  70. At every turn were heard roofs tumbling in with a crash and throwing upward toward the starry vault of heaven large jets of flame and sparks of fire.

  71. As to Ronan, he did ample justice to the repast; but the monk seemed to be absorbed in contemplation as he looked up at the starry vault overhead, and little Odille also dreamed--as she contemplated Ronan.

  72. The opening of the vault was barred by enormous rods of iron.

  73. The coffin was carefully deposited in the vault now in possession of Josiah Heath, Esq.

  74. The vault in which Palæologus was interred having been accidently opened, curiosity prompted the lifting of the lid.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vault" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.