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Example sentences for "aggressors"

Lexicographically close words:
aggressions; aggressive; aggressively; aggressiveness; aggressor; aggrieved; aghast; aght; agile; agilely
  1. Apparently I had helped to keep the aggressors away from him.

  2. Massachusetts Bay Rulers aggressors throughout upon the rights of the Sovereign and of their fellow-subjects.

  3. From this last point they made occasional raids in the neighbourhood of Souakim, harassing the friendly tribes, and generally making things unpleasant so far as the limited numbers of the aggressors would allow.

  4. Of these they made such good use that in each instance they beat off the Dervish attack and forced the aggressors to retire.

  5. The motive would be looked at, and it would furnish a complete exoneration from blame, whilst the original aggressors would become justly responsible for all the consequences.

  6. During this time the archers, recovering from the panic they had undergone, charge the aggressors in the rear, and regular as mill strokes, overturn or knock down all that oppose them.

  7. But such a river has never proved a serious barrier against a vigorous and aggressive race, where it lies between two peoples, so that the aggressors have merely to cross it.

  8. Hostilities with the Indians were never ceasing, and, so far as Tennessee was concerned, during these six years it was the Indians, and not the whites who were habitually the aggressors and wrongdoers.

  9. He did his best to bring about a peace, and, like all Indian agents, he was apt to take an unduly harsh view of the deeds of the frontiersmen, and to consider them the real aggressors in any trouble.

  10. The Americans had "thought of their wounds" and had aided the Chickasaws in every way, as was proper; but the original aggressors were the Creeks.

  11. And this war of the Moslems to repel the force of their aggressors was the war of defence and protection enjoined in the verse.

  12. The second great mistake under which Major Osborn seems to labour is that he takes the injunctions of war against the Meccans or other aggressors as a general obligation to wage war against all unbelievers in the Moslem faith.

  13. In fact, these injunctions were only against those aggressors who had actually committed great encroachments on the rights and liberties of the early Moslems, and had inflicted very disastrous injuries on them.

  14. They proclaimed war against certain tribes, whose people did not regard ties of blood and good faith, and had been the first aggressors against the Moslems.

  15. Gone forever are the days when the aggressors could attack and destroy their victims one by one without unity of resistance.

  16. Thus, for instance, where reparation for injury, or the punishment of aggressors is demanded, it is but reasonable to wait till it can be known, whether the just demand will be complied with or rejected.

  17. But if the other should arm first, and this during an attempt at accommodation, it will be a question, whether it does not forfeit its pretensions to a just case, and whether both are not then to be considered as aggressors on the occasion?

  18. How long could they hold the aggressors in check?

  19. And we shall not go to Germany, and impose upon the aggressors the law of retaliation!

  20. And, what is worse, the aggressors were German troopers, and the victims good and loyal French citizens!

  21. They need not, and I think, ought not, to be aggressors upon each other.

  22. In further support of my statement, I quoted four Episcopal addresses and sermons, sufficient to show who were the first and real aggressors in this matter--certainly not the Methodists.

  23. Strachan), he took care to point out the difference between the principles maintained by the aggressors in that contest and the principles of the Church itself.

  24. Look to it, Gods; for you the aggressors are.

  25. Thus, tyrant, since the Gods the aggressors are, [Stabbing him.

  26. The admirals of the allied fleet were doubtless "the aggressors in the battle; but the Turks were the aggressors in the war.

  27. There is no such thing as impregnable defense against powerful aggressors who sneak up in the dark and strike without warning.

  28. The Northerners had much justification in saying that their opponents, if not the aggressors in the Civil War, were at least the aggressors in the controversy of which the Civil War was the ultimate outcome.

  29. Several American historians have sought to represent the soldiers as the first aggressors and offenders in this affair.

  30. Three of the nearest aggressors were struck.

  31. With a quick movement, he snatched the knife of one of his aggressors and set off at a run.

  32. Here he held his ground, declining to recognise in canine aggressors a superior force.

  33. Illustration: DRAW-WELL WITH CROSS-BAR] The aggressors were imperial eagles, and in their second attack had no doubt realised that the quarry was already wounded.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aggressors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.