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Example sentences for "airs"

Lexicographically close words:
airms; airn; airplane; airplanes; airport; airship; airships; airstrip; airt; airth
  1. To some people the airs and assumptions of Mrs Thorne would have been food for mirth; but to Hazel the mental pain was intense.

  2. Miss Burge enthusiastically, "for I do like her ever so; and the good, patient way in which she puts up with the fine airs and silly ways of her ma makes me like her more and more.

  3. I then slily introduced Mr. Garrick's fame, and his assuming the airs of a great man[760].

  4. Whereas the airs in The Beggar's Opera, many of which are very soft, never fail to render me gay, because they are associated with the warm sensations and high spirits of London.

  5. Having had a fortune left her, she assumes the airs of a woman of fashion, and exhibits the follies without possessing the merits of the upper ten.

  6. BAB (Lady), a waiting maid on a lady so called, who assumes the airs with the name and address of her mistress.

  7. And the fair harlot sits there, in her mocking modesty, practising the mimming airs that will become her state as future Lady of Bodowen.

  8. At length, wearied and exhausted, they sat down, and the harper gradually changed to one of those wild, inspiring national airs for which he was so famous.

  9. To be sure, there had been a threatened interruption the spring before, when he seemed suddenly to lose interest in his work, and went about with vacant looks and airs of profound preoccupation.

  10. They were airs played in other places at the theaters, sung in drawing-rooms, danced to at night under lighted lustres, echoes of the world that reached even to Emma.

  11. Your tragedy-queen airs have no effect upon me.

  12. With the simple airs then in use, a partially-harmonious fugue might not improbably thus result: and a very partially-harmonious fugue satisfied the ears of that age, as we know from still preserved examples.

  13. The idea having once been given, the composing of airs productive of fugal harmony would naturally grow up, as in some way it did grow up, out of this alternate choir-singing.

  14. Some people say we give ourselves airs at Barkham—but we don’t, really.

  15. No one, therefore, dares to be vexed if he hears old airs in my compositions; for, as they are beautiful, their antiquity cannot detract from their value.

  16. Gardiner "composed" a whole oratorio, which he made up of choruses and airs borrowed from various masters, and more or less distorted to suit them to their new place.

  17. For instance, careful observers have noticed that the Swiss peasants in singing their popular airs are naturally inclined to intone the interval of the Fourth sharper than it sounds on the pianoforte.

  18. One in particular attracted our attention, whose slow melancholy movement breathed the kind of plaintiveness so peculiar to the native airs of the Scotch, to which indeed it bore a close resemblance.

  19. But how shall we excuse for those instances of coarseness and indelicacy which occur so frequently in the airs of his oratorios?

  20. The dialogue in this part differed entirely from the querulous and nearly monotonous recitation of the Chinese, being light and comic, and occasionally interrupted by cheerful airs which generally concluded with a chorus.

  21. They conversed with one another through the means of an interpreter, and sometimes with the interpretation of looks; and Safie sang to him the divine airs of her native country.

  22. Do you remember when I used to play airs with one finger upon the Gerards' old piano?

  23. Rosine, too, in her character of street urchin, knew all the popular songs, and spent entire hours in picking out the airs with one finger upon the old instrument.

  24. Nothing there is motionless, Nothing save the airs that brood Over the magic solitude.

  25. He breathes at ease thy airs of balm, He scorns the lances of thy palm; Oh!

  26. It was to no purpose that he assumed all the airs of a stranger to the country, and asked various questions about the gentry and the people.

  27. His ill fame increased in still greater proportion, especially when he assumed the airs of a sorcerer.

  28. The smallest sudden noise occasions a shuddering; and it was remarked, that the change of measure in the airs played on the piano-forte had a great influence on the patients.

  29. He then changed his theme, and played airs so sprightly, that he set the grave philosophers, Sultan and all, dancing as fast as their legs could carry them.

  30. The very airs that stirred the glittering trees were soft and genial as the breath of life; and the leaves of the aspine seemed to lap the sunshine like the tongues of young and happy creatures that delight in their food.

  31. But even in that dreadful hour an unspeakable consolation came with the freshness of a breathing of the airs of paradise to my soul.

  32. Therefore, my friends, if I should at any time put on any airs on the strength of your good-natured treatment, please to remember that these are only the growth of that thin upper stratum of character I was telling you of.

  33. You'll have your father's money now I'm married; I wonder you stay around here at all with your airs of being better than the rest.

  34. The prince assumed all the airs of royalty, and proceeded to establish a petty court, appointing state officers to wait upon him.

  35. He assumed the airs of royalty, and assured his disconsolate friends that the time would speedily come when his wrongs would be righted, his enemies discomfited, and his adherents rewarded as they deserved.

  36. Light airs inclinable to calm, a very heavy sea from south-west.

  37. At 5 light airs and fine, got up anchor and made sail.

  38. It was a little trying to his gravity to see her putting on such pretty little airs of matronly dignity.

  39. Well, that is better than putting on tragedy airs and making yourselves miserable.

  40. A uppish young person," as she said afterwards; "but her grand airs made no sort of difference to me, I can assure you.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "airs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.