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Example sentences for "algal"

Lexicographically close words:
alfa; alfalfa; alforjas; alga; algae; algaroba; algate; algates; algebra; algebraic
  1. A more important consideration is the occasional absence of this colour in species, or groups of species, with, in other respects, algal affinities.

  2. They undoubtedly represent the lowest grade of algal life, and their distribution rivals that of the Green Algae.

  3. Shoreward, these rocks grade into ostracodal limestone, gastrapodal limestone, and, closest to shore, algal limestone.

  4. The highest mortality of fish then might have occurred during late summer algal blooms and at this time also would occur the most rapid precipitation of CaCO{3}.

  5. An interesting aspect of the Mudstone Tongue is the presence of algal logs.

  6. Continued research on nutrient-algal relationships to better define the principal chemical factors which result in nuisance algal growths, particularly in the Potomac estuary.

  7. If all sources of pollution had been receiving adequate treatment, this minimal dilution might not have been so badly needed to avoid the fish kills and algal stagnation and other results that would have ensured without it.

  8. It was, therefore, most desirable to devise a method of ridding the bed of algal growth without injuring the cress.

  9. This only killed the algal growth with which the particles of copper came in contact and left the main body of algæ unaffected.

  10. On the other hand, copper in solution just strong enough to destroy algal growth could not possibly injure man; in fact, the temporary presence of such a small amount of copper in drinking water could not be detected.

  11. The work was begun with an inquiry into the extent of the trouble from algal pollution.

  12. In fact, it developed that the solution necessary to kill algæ in the laboratory must contain from five to twenty times as much copper as that contained in a solution which will exterminate algal growth in its natural habitat.

  13. Satisfied with the results attained in exterminating algal growth in water-cress beds, attention was next given to reservoirs.

  14. The chains of cells are usually badly broken up, and the nature of the algal host is, therefore, difficult to distinguish.

  15. The algal hosts are usually Dactylococcus or Polycoccus, and both hosts are sometimes found in the same thallus.

  16. The algal host cells lie in the medulla, just below the upper cortex.

  17. The algal host is Pleurococcus-like (Fig.

  18. Spatial and seasonal distributions of marine algal communities at Amchitka Island, Alaska.

  19. The importance of the in-ice algal bloom and its associated under-ice fauna is not yet clear.

  20. As the ice melts, the in-ice algal bloom is released into the water.

  21. C, for supplying these requirements for a single man in space include the following: 168 kg of algal suspension ([ref.

  22. Other studies have indicated an extremely efficient algal system which offers a real potential for a practical and effective gas exchanger ([ref.

  23. Most algal studies have been carried out in small units and the data obtained have been used as a basis for extrapolating logistic values for the use of these organisms in manned space vehicles.

  24. Research is being carried out on algal regenerative systems by about 40 or 50 laboratories in the United States.

  25. Air containing a high percentage of oxygen and saturated with moisture is released from the algal system.

  26. The use of algae for several purposes might require from one to three separate algal systems.

  27. Algal cultures have had the most extensive investigation as food in space, but the technical problems of using this material as a food source have not yet been solved.

  28. Using the blue-green alga Synechocystis, 600 kg of algal suspension would be required, according to Gafford and Craft.

  29. They found that the algal portion of a lichen, Trebouxia erici, showed only slight resistance to the Martian environment.

  30. If algal growth in mass cultures could be maintained in a steady-state concentration of 2.

  31. Future engineering development should lead to a space requirement, per adult person, of no more than 3 to 5 cubic feet of algal culture, equipment, and instrumentation for adequate purification of air.

  32. That as the germination of the spore had not been followed further than the development of a hypothallus, it might be accounted for by the absence of the essential algal on which the new organism should become parasitic; 5th.

  33. Theoretically the lichens may be classified on the basis of their algal constituent, on the basis of their fungal constituent, or they may be classified as if they were homogeneous organisms.

  34. The view of the dual nature of lichens had hitherto been based on analysis; the final proof of this view was now supplied by the actual synthesis of a lichen from fungal and algal constituents.

  35. In many other cases, especially those algae possessing Pleurococcus as their gonidia, there are no penetrating hyphae, but merely special short hyphal branches which are in close contact with the membrane of the algal cell (fig.

  36. When the spores germinate the germ-tubes surround the algal cells, which now increase in size and become the normal gonidia of the thallus.

  37. It has been made clear above that the gonidia are nothing more than algal cells, which have been ensnared by fungal hyphae and made to develop in captivity (fig.

  38. Since they are provided with both fungal and algal elements, they are able to develop directly, under suitable conditions, into a new thallus.

  39. The algal cells are never known to form spores while part of the lichen-thallus, but they may do so when separated from it and growing free.

  40. In these forms gonidia are found in connexion with the young fruit; such algal cells undergo numerous divisions becoming very small in size and penetrating into the hymenium among the asci and paraphyses.

  41. The algal cells are usually controlled in their growth by the hyphae and are prevented from forming zoospores, and in some cases, as already described, the algal cells are killed sooner or later by the fungus.

  42. The first of these systems is impracticable owing to the absence of algal reproductive organs and the similarity of the algal cells (gonidia) in a large number of different forms.

  43. An isolated mature soredium, with an algal cell (Pleurococcus) in the envelope or hyphae.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "algal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.