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Example sentences for "amok"

Lexicographically close words:
amoeba; amoebae; amoebic; amoeboid; amoena; amomum; among; amonge; amonges; amongest
  1. On the same day another Jharwa lad, when he got into the Turkish trench, flung away his rifle and belt, and ran amok with his kukri.

  2. How much of this subconscious side of the Pathan is responsible for his state of mind when he runs amok would be an interesting point for the psychologist.

  3. And we had come down only a very few months before he ran amok and married the local parson's daughter, the beautiful Consuelo Trent.

  4. For when a Bugi runs amok he will almost certainly get you unless you get him first.

  5. Running amok marks a climax of nerve disturbance, when the sufferer, instead of committing suicide, prefers to die killing others.

  6. The nervous system suffers, the newspapers relate cases of stabbing, or even running amok amongst the natives, and perhaps some suicides occur.

  7. This indiscriminate slaying is the amok proper.

  8. This regiment was every whit as famous in Indian warfare as the 6th, who had run amok at Allahabad, bearing on their colours the battles of Buxar and Korah.

  9. Although they had foully murdered many of their officers, the sepoys, to give them credit, did not run amok altogether, but put themselves under the command of native officers of inferior rank, who were now given high commands.

  10. Instances of Amok seem to occur also in the Philippines.

  11. Probably it is only an accidental coincidence that in the Malay countries Sakit-latar and Amok exist together, if not in the same individual, yet amongst the same people.

  12. Ellis, 'The Amok of the Malays,' in Journal of Mental Science, xxxix.

  13. Ellis, 'The Amok of the Malays,' in Jour.

  14. Gilmore Ellis has been told by many Malays that they consider Amok a kind of suicide.

  15. A Malayan Story If you run amok in Malaya, you may perhaps kill your enemy or wound your dearest friend, but you may be certain that in the end you will be krissed like a pariah dog.

  16. Head-hunting is to the Dyaks what amok is to the Malays or scalping to the American Indians.

  17. If you run amok in Malaya, you may kill your enemy or your dearest friend, but you will be krissed in the end like a pariah dog.

  18. To-day head-hunting is practically stamped out, as is running amok among the Malays, although cases of each occur from time to time.

  19. AMOK Merry saw how the thing was done one steamy hot day at Palembang, and he saw quite stark and plain.

  20. So he takes his knife an' runs amok to stab so many people as he can, an' he don't care a dam' if only he makes a big smash.

  21. And I felt foolish, as though I might do something lunatic, like giving a witless shout, or running amok with a table-knife.

  22. And that's just what he was; for he was a major, who could run amok like any second lieutenant, and he was forty, if a day.

  23. Ang huramintádu nga milaras ug patay sa tibuuk pamilya, The amok who killed all the members of the family.

  24. Nagkayukayu ang tigbas sa huramintádu, The man who ran amok is swinging his sword like a blazing fire.

  25. Maghuramintádu ku ug dì ku nímu sugtun, I will run amok if you do not accept me.

  26. Naglaas ug sundang ang hurimintádu, The amok was brandishing a bolo.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amok" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandoned; amok; attack; bellowing; berserk; convulsion; delirious; demoniacal; desperate; distracted; ecstatic; enraptured; feral; ferocious; fever; fierce; fit; frantic; frenzied; frenzy; furious; furor; fury; haggard; homicidal; howling; hysterical; intoxicated; mad; maniacal; orgiastic; paroxysm; possessed; rabid; rage; raging; rampage; ranting; raving; ravished; roaring; seizure; spasm; storming; transported; uncontrollable; violent; wild