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Example sentences for "another world"

  • He takes from my face the hideous mask which it has worn through life; and my soul's beauty, in another world, shall win me Joseph's love.

  • I was in another world, and was lost to the present.

  • The sun, which belongs to another world, has no share in my studies or my meditations.

  • Orestes sent word back that the Emperor should be informed of how this Bishop was misusing his office by making threats of where he could land people he did not like, in another world.

  • If there is another world we better be getting ready for it.

  • To rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force," said Hypatia in one of her lectures.

  • Another world, truly: and this present poor distressed world might get some profit by looking wisely into it, instead of foolishly.

  • Another world it was, when those black ruins first saw the sun as walls.

  • Yes, another world it was, when these black ruins, white in their new mortar and fresh chiselling, first saw the sun as walls, long ago.

  • Thirdly, the soul of man is described as being separable from his body and subject to suffering and enjoyment in another world according to his good or bad deeds; the doctrine that the soul of man could go to plants, etc.

  • There is also the notion prevalent in the Sa.mhitâs, as we have already noticed, that he who commits wicked deeds suffers in another world, whereas he who performs good deeds enjoys the highest material pleasures.

  • This bit out of the past, and of another world in the present, is at the end of the vista as one walks along the Promenade de la Croisette: and the Boulevard Jean Hibert runs right into it.

  • The Promenade du Midi at Menton is another world.

  • I need not tell my Reader, that I mean by this End that Happiness which is reserved for us in another World, which every one has Abilities to procure, and which will bring along with it Fulness of Joy and Pleasures for evermore.

  • The Heathens, indeed, seem to have valued a Man more for his Good-Fortune than for any other Quality, which I think is very natural for those who have not a strong Belief of another World.

  • He knows that the Misery or Happiness which are reserv'd for him in another World, lose nothing of their Reality by being placed at so great Distance from him.

  • Wisdom Chapter 5 The fruitless repentance of the wicked in another world: the reward of the just.

  • That is, I am going to die, and so to follow my ancestors that are gone before me, and to join their company in another world.

  • That is, in the state of the dead, and in another world, though not in the same place.

  • Job Chapter 21 Job shews that the wicked often prosper in this world, even to the end of their life: but that their judgment is in another world.

  • Brothers, if the Manitou keeps the good Indian and the good pale- face apart in another world, what has brought them together in this?

  • If he brings the bad spirits of all colors together in another world, why should they come together here, before their time?

  • Would it be disagreeable to think that you should meet all who are now on this platform in another world?

  • But one that had a mother like your'n, Hetty, can be at no loss to hope the best, as to how matters will turn out in another world.

  • Let us advise them to abstain from vice and crime; not because they will be punished in another world, but because they will suffer for it in this.

  • Absurd to imagine repair of misfortune in another world 89.

  • It is the height of absurdity to imagine, that the injuries and misfortunes, endured in this world, will be repaired in another world 89.

  • Anyhow, it would be a feather in Uncle Sam's cap if he made the first Reciprocity Treaty with another world.

  • The clergy are our spiritual advisers, preparing us for a pleasant and easy place in another world.

  • To know what these passages meant was absolutely necessary in order to find a right location for your soul in another world.

  • There's another world; and in this one--don't I know it?

  • If what I have done deserves punishment in another world, I must suffer it; but I know it cannot be half what I have suffered of late.

  • If all the mediums but one were dishonest, and that one produced the results that couldn't be explained away by psychology, then we must admit the existence of another world.

  • In both spirit and substance she was truly of another world.

  • But it was like dying and going to another world.

  • How little he thought that when she read his letter he would be in another world.

  • Yes, another world it was, when these black ruins, white in their new mortar and fresh chiseling, first saw the sun as walls, long ago.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "another world" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another aspect; another branch; another clan; another country; another family; another gospel; another hymn; another life; another man; another manner; another mind; another page; another player; another quarter; another section; another similar; another song; another time; another volume; another week; laundering activity; separate schools; third mate; tis but; vent length; when finished