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Example sentences for "bisects"

Lexicographically close words:
biscuits; bisect; bisected; bisecting; bisection; biserial; biset; bisexual; bisexuality; bisher
  1. AB is the rod and C the middle point of its axis; NS is the magnetometer needle; AM bisects the undeflected needle NS at right angles.

  2. The rod may be placed horizontally east and west in such a position that the direction of the undeflected suspended needle bisects it at right angles.

  3. The tangent at any point bisects the angle between the focal distances of the point, and the normal is equally inclined to the focal distances.

  4. A diameter is a line through the centre and terminated by the curve: it bisects all chords parallel to the tangents at its extremities; the diameter parallel to these chords is its conjugate diameter.

  5. Each individual ring elliptical or oblong, with one transverse arch in the shorter axis, which bisects it into two meshes.

  6. A line through the center of a circle perpendicular to a chord bisects the chord and the arcs subtended by it.

  7. We might, for example, define x as a line that bisects an angle without meeting the vertex, but this would not show that an x exists, and indeed it does not exist.

  8. It will be noticed that Euclid adds to the usual definition the statement that a diameter bisects the circle.

  9. A diameter of the circle is any straight line drawn through the center and terminated in both directions by the circumference of the circle, and such a straight line also bisects the circle.

  10. Thales is said to have been the first to prove that a diameter bisects the circle, this being one of three or four propositions definitely attributed to him, and it is sometimes given as a proposition to be proved.

  11. In measuring the deflection, the eye-piece is moved till the cross-hair bisects the slit, and the reading of the scale and divided head gives the position.

  12. Then the eye-piece is moved till the cross-hair bisects the deflected image of the slit; the reading of scale and head are again taken, and the difference in readings gives the deflection.

  13. Also, Q is the middle point of the chord BC, and therefore the diameter AD bisects all chords parallel to BC.

  14. From the harmonic properties of poles and polars, The center bisects all chords through it (ยง 39).

  15. The triangles CNL and ANL are therefore equal, and the line LB bisects the angle ALC.

  16. Any diameter bisects all chords parallel to its conjugate.

  17. They roped together now in one party and ascended the glacier diagonally, rounding a great buttress which descends from the rock ledge and bisects the ice, and drawing close to the steep cliffs.

  18. They came level with the lower end of a long rib of rock which crops out from the ice and lengthwise bisects the glacier.

  19. The tangent at P bisects the angle DPL, and is perpendicular to DL, which it bisects at a point I on the circumference of the circle whose diameter is AB, the major axis, the center being C, the middle point of D O.

  20. A centre of a conic bisects every chord through it.

  21. The line which bisects any two parallel chords is a diameter.

  22. If a straight line through the centre of a circle bisect a chord, then it is perpendicular to the chord, and if it be perpendicular to the chord it bisects it.

  23. Of two conjugate diameters each bisects the chords parallel to the other, and if one cuts the curve, the tangents at its ends are parallel to the other diameter.

  24. Every straight line which bisects a chord, and is at right angles to it, passes through the centre of the circle.

  25. The opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal to one another, and the diameter (diagonal) bisects the parallelogram, that is, divides it into two equal parts.

  26. C, D and the asymptotes in E, F, then the line OM which bisects the chord CD is a diameter conjugate to the diameter OK which is parallel to the secant t, so that OK and OM are harmonic with regard to the asymptotes.

  27. The right line, which bisects one of the angles of a triangle, divides the opposite side into two segments proportional to the adjacent sides.

  28. The normal bisects the angle made by the radii vectores with each other.

  29. The chords which a diameter bisects are parallel to the tangent drawn at the extremity of that diameter.

  30. The chords which a diameter bisects are parallel to the tangent drawn through the extremity of that diameter.

  31. The ridge which the river thus bisects is known as Rock Hill in Pennsylvania, and across in New Jersey stretches away to the northeast as the Musconetcong Mountain.

  32. Then he lays it in his palm, and haply with keen edge bisects the pips.

  33. The point of passage is placed on the twentieth parallel of latitude, which nearly bisects the larger one of the Bitter Lakes, now separated from, but formerly forming a part of the Red Sea.

  34. From July 1 to October 1 the spiral starts again, spreading out from the center until on October 1 it bisects the horizon again.

  35. On April 1, it bisects the horizon all day, swinging completely around.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bisects" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.