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Example sentences for "bloodstone"

Lexicographically close words:
bloods; bloodshed; bloodshot; bloodstained; bloodstains; bloodstream; bloodsucker; bloodsuckers; bloodsucking; bloodthirstiness
  1. His heart had filled with prayer, his eyes with tears; he dug his knuckles into them, and missed the bloodstone signet-ring that he had worn since his father's death.

  2. And with trembling lips, before Ralph, before the man at the wheel, before the officer and the midshipman of the watch, Miss Merridew kissed the bloodstone signet ring upon the third finger of her left hand.

  3. A good deal of bloodstone comes from India, where it occurs in the Deccan traps, and is cut and polished at Cambay.

  4. Bloodstone is not very widely distributed, but is found in the basaltic rocks of the Isle of Rum in the west of Scotland, and in a few other localities.

  5. I was going to tell you that there's a drop of adder's poison inside the bloodstone that runs down a little hollow pin if you press the stone just so--" He moved to illustrate.

  6. A ring with a big bloodstone in the center, a bloodstone cunningly chiseled and marked, rested on the middle finger.

  7. The little bloodstone table on which the heptagonal coffer stands was drawn to the centre of the room.

  8. Such call to arms seemed mockery as Aldebaran looked down upon his twisted limbs, but as the bloodstone on his finger met his sight his kingly soul leapt up.

  9. All written in his face it was, and on his scarred and twisted frame; and by the bloodstone on his finger the old king knew his son had failed not in the keeping of his oath.

  10. When Aldebaran heard that he swore by the bloodstone on his finger that when the time was ripe for him to wield the sword he would show the world a far greater courage than it had ever known before.

  11. Then she, too, saw the bloodstone on his finger as he waved her a farewell, and she, too, knew by that token he would fail not in the keeping of his oath.

  12. And because he was born in Mars' month, the bloodstone became his signet, sure token that undaunted courage would be the jewel of his soul.

  13. By the bloodstone that is thy birthright, pledge me anew thou'lt keep thy oath until the going down of one more sun.

  14. How demure a greeting we exchanged when, the maid and I having seated ourselves together under its hood, my glance fell upon the bloodstone brooch pinned conspicuously for the occasion near the topmost button of her trim, outdoor jacket.

  15. In the evening, at supper, Eliza said she had been down Bloodstone Terrace, and could not see what I was making all the fuss about.

  16. It was in Bloodstone Terrace that I witnessed a sight which pained and surprised me very much.

  17. The short cut from our road into the High Street is down Bloodstone Terrace.

  18. When a tenant in Bloodstone Terrace is acting in a way calculated to bring the whole neighbourhood into disrepute, and depreciate the value of house property, the agents would probably be glad to hear of it.

  19. Another name for bloodstone by which it was chiefly known by the ancients is heliotrope.

  20. Who on this world of ours their eyes In March first open shall be wise, In days of peril firm and brave And wear a bloodstone to their grave.

  21. In present usage bloodstone is the "birth stone" of the month of March.

  22. Bloodstone is a variety of plasma containing spots of red jasper looking like drops of blood.

  23. By the bloodstone on her finger" she must fail not in proving that undaunted courage was the jewel of her soul.

  24. And then on the opposite page--"Because he was born in Mars' month the bloodstone became his signet, sure token that undaunted courage would be the jewel of his soul.

  25. By the bloodstone on my finger, I'll keep my oath until the going down of one more sun.

  26. When she drew on her gloves she was so near to tears that the little bloodstone ring on her hand looked so dim she could scarcely see it.

  27. It started Mary to talking of her absent friend; of the bloodstone and the Good Times book Betty had given her.

  28. Because he was born in Mars' month, the bloodstone became his signet, sure token that undaunted courage would be the jewel of his soul.

  29. A bloodstone will do more for you any day than an agate.

  30. Then he looked back at the page, with a slight show of interest, and she knew that the reference to Mars' month and the bloodstone had caught his attention as it had hers.

  31. By the bloodstone that is my birthright, I'll keep my oath until the going down of one more sun.

  32. Jack would have ground his teeth with mortification had he known that every girl in school was interested in his getting a bloodstone watch-fob in his Christmas stocking, and daily discussed the means by which it was being procured.

  33. By the bloodstone on her finger she was vowing that her courage should fail not in helping Jack "pick up the gauntlet which Despair flung down, and wage the warfare to his very grave.

  34. Well, the future governor of Arizona will get his bloodstone fob all right as far as my patronage will help," said Cornie, when she had laughingly applauded Dorene's suggestion.

  35. The candy is a success and Jack is going to have his bloodstone fob.

  36. In days of peril firm and brave, And wear a bloodstone to their grave.

  37. She had never once mentioned that her birthday fell on the seventeenth also, not even when she first proudly displayed her bloodstone ring, which they all knew was the stone for March.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloodstone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.