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Example sentences for "boatbuilder"

Lexicographically close words:
boastfulness; boasting; boastings; boasts; boat; boate; boated; boaters; boates; boath
  1. The builder or owner determines the dimensions of the boat; the boatbuilder is concerned merely with the construction and, in most cases, usually their form or lines.

  2. The boatbuilder may be further restricted as to breadth, and, therefore, he again detracts from the form a boat should have by dispensing with sheer and increasing the depth from keel to gunwale amidships.

  3. He's drunker 'n a b'iled owl," added the boatbuilder lest they misconstrue.

  4. Give you twenty-five if you get away from the dock within five minutes," Iff told the boatbuilder directly.

  5. By the time they had reached the end of the dock, the boatbuilder and his companion were scrambling aboard a twenty-five-foot boat at anchor in the midst of a small fleet of sail and gasoline craft.

  6. The boatbuilder had also handed to Don Melville the envelope taken from him, after having ascertained that it contained only blank paper.

  7. While Jack struck a match, the boatbuilder read with feverish interest showing in his eyes.

  8. The boatbuilder came promptly on board the submarine with the news, adding, earnestly: "Don't you boys leave this boat unguarded for an instant until after the trial trip is over.

  9. Without a word, now, the boatbuilder sprang forward.

  10. Though the boatbuilder could not see the uniformed one's face very well, he observed that nod, as did also Messrs.

  11. Dark as it was, with the moon behind a cloud, the running boy, looking back over his shoulder, could see the enraged boatbuilder coming after him at great strides.

  12. The boatbuilder was long-legged and slim.

  13. Nor was it any wonder that the boatbuilder felt staggered with astonishment.

  14. The boatbuilder felt carefully over the outside of the clothing of his captive, until his hands encountered the feel of paper.

  15. In an instant the boatbuilder became absorbed in the idea as shown by model and drawings.

  16. Jacob Farnum had succeeded in hurling Don Melville away from him, and now the all but exhausted boatbuilder came through the forest with lumbering steps.

  17. I do not think you quite understand," went on Mr. Melville, regarding the boatbuilder coldly.

  18. Then, without explanation, the boatbuilder broke into a dead run that carried him along the shore to the northern edge of the little harbor.

  19. He hurried on in the direction of Boatbuilder Jago's yard, which stands close above the foreshore, on the eastern side of the little haven.

  20. Boatbuilder Jago's yard--suddenly and without warning, as a wave the terror took him that in his absence some thief or spy had surprised his hoard.

  21. Just now he would step around to boatbuilder Jago's and borrow or purchase a short length of eight-inch planking to repair the flooring of the bedroom cupboard.

  22. So the boatbuilder gave the officer a hasty description of the fugitive and asked that the steward, in case he returned to the station, and attempted to board a train, be arrested.

  23. It was plain that the boatbuilder was angry all the way through.

  24. She had promptly answered Farnum's telegram, and that boatbuilder had subsequently received from her two letters that he did not take the trouble to read fully to his companions.

  25. From the loud chuckles that came, from time to time, from the platform deck, it was plain that the boatbuilder had had his sense of humor mightily tickled.

  26. Before the boatbuilder finished with his explanation to the fleet's commander there was a very decided twinkle in Admiral Bentley's sharp old eyes.

  27. On the second night after his arrival, he walked with the boatbuilder upon the wooden quay.

  28. I became a boat builder--I have been a boatbuilder ever since.

  29. Another similar record tells us that "Mr. Henry Greathead, a shrewd boatbuilder at South Shields, has very generally been credited with designing and building the first lifeboat, about the year 1789.

  30. From the many plans sent in, those of William Wouldhave and Henry Greathead were selected, and after due consideration the prize was awarded to "the shrewd boatbuilder at South Shields.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boatbuilder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.