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Example sentences for "boate"

Lexicographically close words:
boasting; boastings; boasts; boat; boatbuilder; boated; boaters; boates; boath; boathook
  1. I taried at the said Colmogro vntill the fifteenth day: and then I departed in a little boate vp the great riuer of Dwina, which runneth very swiftly, [Sidenote: Pinego River.

  2. But som 8 or 10 leagues short of Shimina Seak our boate ran against a rock in the water, that it was a woonder she was not split in peeces, but being a strong new boate shee had noe hurt.

  3. By meanes of contrary wyndes the ship Adviz retorned 17 back to Cochy; and Mr. Wickham sent a letter to have a boate sent hym to com ashore, which I sent to hym.

  4. Adames sent a boate of porpose ashore with 150 R.

  5. But this matter was noe sowner overpast but our junck arived from 307 Syam, wherin Mr. Eaton came and advized me of their arivall on this coast, and to send them a boate or two to helpe to toe them in, which I did; and Ed.

  6. And I gave hym 5 mas, to pay for his boate hier, and a silke coate or doboque,[94] an upper garment or Japon cloake.

  7. I was enformed Andreas sent away a boate at midnight past to Nangasaque, to adviz his consortes of my demand for the goshon.

  8. These stréetes are kepte alwayes cleane, and the moste parte of the houses haue two dores, the one towarde the calsey, and the other towarde the water, at the whiche they take boate to goe where they list.

  9. They prayed me that I would leaue them my house, that I would forbid my souldiers to beate downe the Fort and their lodgings, and that I would leaue them a boate to ayde them withall in their warre against their enemies.

  10. Then we presently sent our boate for the Masters of both the sayd shippes, to request them to come aboord, and to bring with them there Charters parties and other euidences, to the ende we might knowe of whence they were.

  11. The boate dispatched within a day and a night, by reason that my Carpenters found planks and timber ready sawed to their hands, as commonly I caused my Sawyers to prouide it, I sent men to seeke some newes of my thieues: but all was in vaine.

  12. They not consenting, we sent the boate well manned to fetch their powder and munition from aboorde their ship; but straightly commanded our men not to touch anything else in the ship vpon their further perill: which they promised to performe.

  13. M84) Also in the euening three of the Sauages, whose boat we had, came vnto vs for their boat; to whom we gaue coats and kniues, and restored them their boate againe.

  14. Why, then, ye are a boate without an oare.

  15. Make a boate of thy buckler, then, and swim out.

  16. And sitting in a trough, a boate made of a logge, The very same wherein you know we vse to serue a hogge, Aloofe he staide at first, put water to his cheeke, A signe that he would not vs trust vnlesse we did the like.

  17. The third and last is this, (if those two you refuse) To die in miserable wise, here in the boate you chuse.

  18. December wee departed from Hamborg, and passed the Elbe by boate being much frosen, and from the riuer went on foote to Boxtchoede, being a long Dutch mile off, and there we lay; and from thence passed ouer land to Emden.

  19. And eene thus as we were in talke, looking about, Our boate he sawe with wares that there was tied at sterne without: Which boate he viewing still, as then well stuft with ware.

  20. Hayn, by Strelen, were we should haue passed the riuer of Elbe, but the boate was not there, so that night we lay at a towne called Mulberg.

  21. Our boate thus halde vp drie, all things streight way were brought The which we mist or could espie, no man that durst keepe ought.

  22. Each man bankes to his ore, to hale the boate a land: Where as we see vpon the shore, fiue hundred Negros stand.

  23. Then, as it was our guise, our boate at sterne we tie, Eke therin leaue our marchandise, as they were wont to be.

  24. The watch now hearing this, the boate they hal'd vp fast: But gone was all the marchandise, and they escapte and past.

  25. The boate was back againe at Chichester, by Friday, to take his fraught.

  26. At last the man's stomach came downe, and carrie them he would, whatever became of it; and before he would be taken he would run his boate under the water.

  27. If Consequence do but approue my dreame, My Boate sailes freely, both with winde and Streame Cas.

  28. After which time, our boate could row no way, but wondring at vs as at gods, they would follow the same with admiration.

  29. And when she came aboord the boate she helde her childe so fast vnder her arm still, that two men were scant able to get it out.

  30. We sent a boate to Langasaque, to buy 400 Shashma boardes to cover the endes of our gadong.

  31. The Chinas rowed for wagers this day in boates with paddelles, som 8 or 9 on a side, seting up a ma[r]k in the sea, and the boate which came first at it got.

  32. There was geven to the owner and master of the boate which brought downe Mr. Eaton two peces of white baftas of 10 R.

  33. Bongo Dono was with hym before and gave hym a present, and came from hym as we went to hym; but we had byn with hym before hym, yf he had not sent a boate to call us back till he had first vizeted hym.

  34. In the after nowne the boate I sent to Langasaque, to buy provitions to envite the king to dyner, retorned and brought that she went for, with 2 jarrs conserves from Jorge, brought for me.

  35. Speck the newes we heard of the takeing a bark or boate of theirs on the bar of Champa by a Portingale friggat, as also what Jor.

  36. This day a boy of 16 yeares ould was cut in peeces for stealing a littell boate and carying it to an other iland.

  37. In which boate came 2 of Yasimon Donos brother in lawes, with littel Anthony, alius Sifian Dono, who at the first entry abord laid hold on Capt.

  38. Som thought to have fled, but were taken, the King of Firando haveing geven charge that no boate should passe out of the iland.

  39. Sayer with it expres, and agreed with a boate and 7 men for the voyag for 6 ta.

  40. Our fishmonger is run away this night and hath stolne a boate of his neighbors.

  41. So wee sent in our boate to sound, and they found no lesse water than foure, five, sixe, and seven fathoms, and returned in an houre and a halfe.

  42. After which time our boate could row no way, but wondering at us as at gods, they would follow the same with admiration.

  43. So in the course of a few minits after saw a boate coming, and so all was well again.

  44. I got my boat out in the meantime, sent her alongside the luggar, so that some of the men jumpt over board, and my boate pickt them up, and immediately the luggar went down.

  45. Syrrah, though you bee owner of the boate I'l steare my course at healme.

  46. For their I intended to hire a boate that should have carried me by night to some of the shipps which were rideing over against Blaye.

  47. Decke building [a] Boate for the more Convenient carriage of salt.

  48. This morn wee com near Malta; before wee com to the cytty, a boate with the Malteese flagg in it coms to us to know whence wee cam.

  49. This morning a boate of ladys with their musick to our ship syd, and bottels of wine with them.

  50. Besides the woods cleared for these purposes, a vast amount of timber was felled, as Boate tells us, for merchandise, and to make charcoal for the iron works.

  51. Boate tells us that few of the iron smelters carried on their work as profitably as Sir Charles Coote.

  52. So we sent our boate to sound, and found that it was a very good harbour; then we weighed and went in with our ship.

  53. The fifth, in the morning, as soone as the day was light, the wind ceased; so we sent our boate in to sound the bay.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.