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Example sentences for "bounden"

Lexicographically close words:
bound; boundaries; boundary; bounde; bounded; bounder; bounders; boundes; bounding; boundis
  1. And I would bind thee more, and would myself Be bounden to thee more.

  2. The ruler of a land Is bounden by his power and place to see His people be not poison'd.

  3. From one who is ever your Lordshippe's most bounden to command, etc.

  4. Does any one say that it is wrong to exercise control and compulsion over these servants; such control and compulsion is not only the master's right, but they are included in his bounden duties.

  5. Farmers on the coast opposite France are not so firmly bounden as those in the interior.

  6. Your worship his bought "and bounden servaunt, "Sa.

  7. Kolskegg answered, "That wilt think it thy most bounden duty to make atonement for thy wife's wrong, and methinks it were best that thou farest to see Otkell, and makest him a handsome offer.

  8. Being but new beginners in the world, the wife and I put our heads constantly together to contrive for our forward advancement, as it is the bounden duty of all to do.

  9. In the meantime, let us do that which is our bounden duty--go and divulge all that we know relating to this foul murder.

  10. The which I humbly beseech you to accept in part of paiment of the infinite debt in which I acknowledge myselfe bounden unto you for your singular favours and sundrie good turnes shewed to me at my late being in England, &c.

  11. A man who is in mortal sin is not perplexed simply, if by reason of his office it be his bounden duty to minister sacraments; because he can repent of his sin and so minister lawfully.

  12. Still He went about doing good, and we are to do the same, in our little measure; it is at once our high privilege and our bounden duty to do so.

  13. It is our bounden duty to obey and submit ourselves to them in all things, provided always that they do not call upon us to disobey God, or do violence to conscience.

  14. The principle is this (let us Christians apply our hearts to it): It is man's bounden duty to bow implicitly to the authority of the Word of God.

  15. Be this as it may, it is our plain and bounden duty to tread that bright and blessed path indicated for us by the commandments of our precious and adorable Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

  16. It was the bounden duty and high privilege of the Israel of God to place themselves in the circumstances and enter into the feelings of others.

  17. Even though we may not be able, by reason of our ignorance, to see the why or the wherefore, simple obedience is our obvious and bounden duty.

  18. So he met at the departing of the two ways two knights that led Lionel, his brother, all naked, bounden upon a strong hackney, and his hands bounden tofore his breast.

  19. Speak simply, madam; I must obey you, being your bounden man.

  20. I am bounden to you, even for my name's sake, When that is done.

  21. Yes, it was his bounden duty now to live for the honor of the old name; to throw up the sponge now, to admit all now would be madness--the worst folly of which a man could be capable.

  22. Yes, it was his bounden duty to live now for the honor of the old name; he had also his descendants to think of.

  23. But for the bounden duetie that I beare to my Lord the Duke, and for respect of the estate which he hath committed to my charge, I will tomorrow dispatch a poaste, to make him vnderstande the whole accident as it is come to passe.

  24. So restinge Readie to (per)forme the same and accordinge to my Bounden dutie to do her hignes anie service to my vttermoste.

  25. Alas if I be Antiochus in deede, the sonne of so louing a father, where is the duetifull loue, and bounden reuerence that I ought to beare vnto him?

  26. Hakon swore fealty to the King, and likewise to afford him such service as he was bounden to give him.

  27. How Good becomes bounden Duty, and Evil is advanced to Sin.

  28. If conscience by mistake sets us free of what is objectively our bounden duty, we are not there and then bound to that duty: but we may be bound at once to get that verdict of conscience overhauled and reconsidered.

  29. How Good becomes bounden Duty, and Evil is advanced to sin.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bounden" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beholden; bound; committed; obligated; obliged; pledged; saddled; tied