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Example sentences for "brocht"

Lexicographically close words:
brocades; broccoli; broch; broche; brochs; brochure; brochures; brocoli; brod; brodder
  1. They started wi' that and kept it up till the neighbours near brocht doon the ceilin' on them.

  2. Macrae, the nicht polis, was awfu' chawed that he brocht him there at a'.

  3. If I had thocht o't I wad hae brocht my kilts and my pibroch and a' that.

  4. As if ye hadna been dacently christened and brocht up an honest faimily!

  5. I was never near the place, and I've lived in this hoose for seventeen year, and brocht up a faimily in't.

  6. Now," she said, "what brocht ye here this night, and where did ye come frae?

  7. He seemed rale agitatit when he brocht it in to me, but I cheered him up by tellin' him how ye wad dreel him wi' the besom-shank gin he waur to gang to the Black Bull i' the forenichts.

  8. Reed breeks did na suit Jock's taste at the best o' times, and he had no been brocht up to countenance yellow facin's.

  9. This is as fearsome as that year there was nae meat in the hoose, and Gash Gibbie brocht some back, and aye brocht it, and brocht it even as it was needed.

  10. We fand him i' the fields, and for very God's pity brocht him hame to our door and laid him on the bed.

  11. Whatna yin o' your rebel sons--chasing up hill and doon dale after your blackguard brither, was it that brocht him hame?

  12. I got ye in my father's house, Wi' mickle sin and shame; I brocht thee up in gude grene wode, Under the heavy rain.

  13. And he has tain Gill Morice up, 145 Laid him across his steid, And brocht him to his painted bowr And laid him on a bed.

  14. I brocht it to lord Barnards lady; I trow that ye be she.

  15. At last he was brocht afore the Theologis, and al his opinionis condampnit.

  16. And thairfoir hes God brocht us to some experience in our awin personis.

  17. And on the 6th of October, "he was brocht nakit to the Croce of Edinburgh, quhair he preichit publictlie, the samyne quhilk fasting was be helpe of the Virgin Marye.

  18. Yea, and how far was it socht heir to have bene brocht in upoun yow and your posteritie, under cullour to have bene laid up in stoir for the weiris?

  19. I'll no' tell ye, for I canna tell you or ony man hoo I was brocht up!

  20. If it's nonsense," replied Jock, "what way has he brocht you into this habble?

  21. What way war ye brocht up that ye cam to be sae puir as to need Adam's assistance or ony ither man's?

  22. The green kirkyaird; And at the yett, the chestnuts spang That brocht the laird.

  23. Weel, before they come, Davy, I'll tell you what's brocht me here the nicht.

  24. I've brocht ye a cup o' tea an' a wee bit buttered toast.

  25. Nine shillings were paid "to the botemen that brocht the Kingis stuf, and the maister cuke with the Kingis souper fra the schip to Maij, and fra Maij to the schip agane".

  26. Turk, as was allegit, and brocht ane ymage of our Lady with him, and foundit the Chappel of Laureit, besyid Musselburgh".

  27. Maybe ye hae brocht back what ye started wi', but gin ye hev, it's the first time a' can mind.

  28. But as I was sayin' the minister gaed ower til Mary yon ae dark nicht, an' the mornin after he brocht hame this bit bairnie in his arms.

  29. It'll be a week come the morn 'at the carrier frae Inverlyon brocht them a muckle creel fu' o' groceries.

  30. An' as for puir Mester Brown, I'm sure I wuss him nae ill, but juist 'at he may be brocht til own til his transgressions.

  31. And he has tain Gill Morice up, Laid him across his steid, And brocht him to his painted bowr, And laid him on a bed.

  32. O hae ye brocht my silken cloak, Or my golden key?

  33. I've neither brocht your silken cloak, Nor your golden key, But I have come to see you hanged, On this green gallows-tree.

  34. I got ye in my father's house, Wi mickle sin and shame; I brocht thee up in gude green-wode, Under the heavy rain.

  35. Or is my lady brocht to bed, Of a dochter or a son?

  36. I got him in my mother's bower, Wi meikle sin and shame; I brocht him up in good green-wood, Got mony a shower o rain.

  37. I've neither brocht your silken cloak, Nor your golden key, But I am come to set you free From this green gallows-tree.

  38. Next day a wee laddie brocht a great hamper to Jamie's door.

  39. The laddies wad flock to hear them, and when they were brocht together so there was easy work for the sergeants who were wi' the band.

  40. One day, while I was restin' in my dressing room, word was brocht to me that a bit lassie who looked as if she micht be in sair trouble wad ha' a word wi' me.

  41. A' the company that was travelling wi' me followed them, and they brocht wee presents for me and for the wife.

  42. Oh, Harry--ye brocht the auld hame to ma mind when ye sang o' roaming in the gloaming!

  43. Many and many the canny Scot who's made a great place for himsel' in the world was born and brocht up in a wee village in a glen.

  44. I ken fine that all that has brocht aboot a great change.

  45. And then, losh, I startit to laugh till the watter ran doon my cheeks, and the lassies was that mortified they wushed they had nae brocht me.

  46. Whereupon the Heelandman bought a Kilmarnock nichtcap, price elevenpence happeny, frae Mr. Weft, and paid him wi' part of the very note that brocht on the ferly I hae just been relating.

  47. I very soon brocht Tibby to ken wha was her bread-winner.

  48. It was that brocht them first thegither, and it's maistly that has keepit them thegither ever since, nearly thirty year.

  49. However, as I was saying, we went up to Orange Lane, and we sat doun, and ae gill brocht on anither.

  50. Forth nildon hja navt ne daja that-a setma an skrift brocht wrde, hwerthrvch tha witskip thera far vs forborgen warth.

  51. Hwersa thene Kroder en tid forth kroden heth, than skilun tha afterkomanda wana that tha leka and breka, ther tha Brokmanna mith brocht have, ajen were an hjara ethla.

  52. Alhwat god and djar is, brocht hju by degum and alhwat kwad and arg is, brocht hju thes nachtis forth.

  53. Bi-ne thjustre nacht brocht ik tha famna nei there burch and dana gongen hia mith hjara famna in thrvch tha dwarl-pada spokka in wttta klathar huled, sa that ther afternei nen mannisk mara kvma ne thvrade.

  54. Hellenia andere, Frya het vs vppe wei brocht and thene kroder that is tid, tham mot that ovrige dva.

  55. Nw gong thene erosta to and brocht thene thjaf by tha skelte.

  56. Nw wet allera mannalik that-ne kening navt ovir-ne waxdom ne welth, and that im sin feding thrvch that folk brocht warth, men thach wildon hja fvlherdja by hjara formetenhed.

  57. Here, mither, I hae brocht you anither prisoner," said Cuddie, coming up with his charge.

  58. Eh, Cuddie, I wad suner hae any ither than ane o' these hizzies brocht in.

  59. He'd jist gaed awa wi' the lads aefter his supper, an' it wes no an oor, till they brocht ma bairnie hame drooned.

  60. But it wes a hard day for me the last time they brocht ma Tam to me.

  61. Whilst there, his naturally adventurous speerit brocht him into contact wi' Alkali Pete the Road-Agent--ye ken the feller that haulds oop the Deadville stage?

  62. Wi'oot a thocht for his ain parrsonal safety, the gallant laddie brocht his machine to the clood i' question, caircling through its oombrageous depths.

  63. Ah weel, a wee seegair is no muckle to gie a body wha's brocht fame an' honor to the Wing.

  64. I brocht them up frae the country mysel',' she said, thinking to rouse the lethargy of her companion.

  65. I can bear the brunt o' what I've brocht on mysel.

  66. Ye brocht me here again' my wull, but ye'll no' cross-question me.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brocht" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.