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Example sentences for "caliphs"

Lexicographically close words:
caligraphic; caligraphy; caliper; calipered; calipers; calisaya; calisthenic; calisthenics; caliver; calivers
  1. It was finished by Hassim (son of Abdalrahman, its founder), towards the close of the eighth century; but subsequent caliphs made great additions to it.

  2. The western caliphs continued to exercise great power for upwards of two centuries, and, indeed, the prosperity of Cordoba was at its acme during the reign of Abdalrahman III.

  3. The kingdom of Mohammed Alhamar, which thenceforth had to contend single-handed against the Christians, was respectable in size, though but a fragment of the vast dominions of the Caliphs of the West.

  4. Below, the two caliphs Abdullahi and Ali Uled Helu took the prophet under the arms and escorted him to the sheep hide on which he knelt.

  5. But the caliphs themselves observed these commands only seemingly; at home they indulged in everything, so that the penalties fell upon the poor, who at one blow were despoiled of all their goods.

  6. There besides the sacred person of the Mahdi you will behold all the 'Nobles' and also the three caliphs as well as the pashas and emirs; among the emirs you may find Smain.

  7. Even the Mahdi and his caliphs were perturbed by this vast concourse, which was threatened with famine and disease.

  8. In the Kingdom of the Caliphs heretical books were suppressed by stronger measures than being placed on the Index.

  9. His birth occurred at a time when the power of the Caliphs had been long on the wane, and the Turkish militia, like the Pretorian guards of the later Roman empire, were the real dispensers of power.

  10. It is a fact worthy of notice that when the power of the Caliphs was shattered and Muhammadanism, already in a state of decline, precisely at that period theology and all other sciences were flourishing.

  11. The Caliph of caliphs listens to his servants.

  12. In the eyes of the caliph of caliphs the moisture of human compassion sparkled.

  13. Their delicate nervous constitutions had been shattered in their youth under the influence of that perpetual terror to which the children of the Caliph of caliphs had been exposed from time immemorial.

  14. In return for a certain tribute, the earlier caliphs permitted the Christians of Jerusalem to have a patriarch, and to carry on their own form of worship.

  15. The Fatimite dynasty of Egypt, meanwhile, had long been showing signs of decay, the caliphs having become mere tools in the hands of their viziers.

  16. Beginning in the latter years of the eighth century, Moslem science was reformed and organised, in the New Empire, by the patronage of the Caliphs of the ninth.

  17. As the early Caliphs conquered, they made surveys of their new dominions.

  18. The early Caliphs were elected, the Judges of Israel and the 'kings' of Carthage and Tyre were elected, and so was the Great Khan of the Mongols until Kublai became a Chinese monarch.

  19. In 749 they accomplished a carefully prepared revolution, and the last of the Omayyad Caliphs was hunted down and slain in Egypt.

  20. Moreover, the tombs of the Omayyad Caliphs were rifled, and their bones burnt and scattered to the four winds of heaven.

  21. Mohammadan creed, with the names of the four orthodox Caliphs around the margin; reverse, titles) which was very popular in the fifteenth and sixteenth century.

  22. The obverse bears the Mohammadan creed and the names of the first four caliphs on the margin, a type which survived for two centuries longer in the Moghul coins.

  23. Originally built by the Abbaside Caliphs in A.

  24. Caliphs and emirs fell beneath their blows, in mosques, in streets, within the walls of palaces, amidst crowds of people and courts of nobles.

  25. The caliphs of, the chiefs of Islamism, i.

  26. The successors of Mohammed were called caliphs, and the caliphs of Bagdad and Cordova rivaled each other in fostering learning.

  27. Happily, zeal of proselytism somewhat abated among the Mussulman princes, and religious fervor gave place to policy; so that the later Arabian caliphs showed themselves, in general, the protectors of the arts and sciences.

  28. The eclat which the Moorish caliphs shed upon Spain from the tenth to the thirteenth century is well known.

  29. After the model thus set, heathen emperors, Christian kings, and Moslem caliphs showed their zeal in this good direction by the erection of sumptuous edifices and other rich endowments for the relief of suffering human beings.

  30. For the future the Caliphs were no more than puppets, and the Buhawid rulers used their names as a mere form and pretence.

  31. But the persecution of the Jews by the Mohammedans was confined to Arabia, for under the empire of the caliphs they suffered no further oppression than the payment of tribute.

  32. It became the habit of the caliphs to grant the government of Egypt, as a sort of fief, to a leading Turkish officer, who usually appointed a deputy to do his work and to pay him the surplus revenue.

  33. Mysticism finds kindred elements in many faiths, and the Fatimid caliphs soon struck up relations with the local heads of the Christian religion.

  34. Up to 846 all the successive governors had been Arabs, and many of them were related to the caliphs themselves.

  35. Nor did the caliphs extort taxes without giving something in return.

  36. At the beginning the caliphs had taken anxious precautions against the colonising of Egypt; they held it by an army, but they were insistent that the army should not take root, but be always free to join the caliph's standard.

  37. The power of the Caliphs gradually decayed, until for hundreds of years it was little more than nominal, and exclusively religious.

  38. But they were Caliphs as well as Sultans, and what they would do as Sultans they could not do as Caliphs.

  39. Utterly uninterested in culture, education, or science before the time of Mohammed, with the growth of their political power and the foundation of their capitals, the Arab Caliphs took up the patronage of education.

  40. The succeeding Caliphs of the first Arabian dynasty did not exhibit the same interest in education, and above all in science, that characterized Moawia.

  41. The Caliphs prayed before the faithful in the capital, as did the governors in the provinces.

  42. Before God man is but a slave: even the mighty Caliphs themselves, even those who were stigmatised by posterity as secular monarchs, included in their official titles the designation, "slave of God.

  43. The marriage of six of the emperor's grandsons was esteemed an act of religion as well as of paternal tenderness; and the pomp of the ancient caliphs was revived in their nuptials.

  44. In fact, many of the wonderful pieces that adorned the palaces and mosques of the Fatimid Caliphs of Egypt came from the districts of Fars and Kirman.

  45. As wealth and luxury increased the ornamentation became more elaborate, until during the rule of the Caliphs the mats rivalled in beauty the carpets for which, during the summer months, they were substituted.

  46. Fond of magnificence and luxury, the Caliphs founded great capitals in Assyria, Egypt, and Spain, and built palaces that have histories which sound like fairy tales.

  47. As early as the time of the Caliphs this district produced large numbers of carpets; though few, if any, remain that were woven before the XV Century.

  48. This is particularly true of the Caliphs and sultans of Syria and Egypt.

  49. Nor are there many from the looms of Syria, though in the days of the Caliphs every mosque was adorned with magnificent carpets.

  50. Caliphs was forced to sell his accumulated treasures, which consisted, besides jewels and works of art, of about four thousand bales of carpets.

  51. The Moslemin will recognise their rule with readier hearts, when they remember that a daughter of their caliphs gave them life.

  52. Soon the river broadly flowing, through its green and palmy banks, to our wearied limbs shall offer baths 'which caliphs cannot buy.

  53. Abulfeda, describing the court of the Caliphs of Bagdad in the decline of their power.

  54. I gained it; I confronted the spectre monarchs in their sepulchre; and the same hand that grasped their shadowy rule hath seized the diadem of the mighty caliphs by the broad rushing of their imperial river.

  55. We most of us have read the Arabian Nights at an early age, and think of the abode of the caliphs as a dream city, steeped in what we have been brought up to think of as the luxury, romance, and glamour of the East.

  56. As the residence of the Abasside caliphs it rapidly assumed an important position.

  57. In 650 the successors of Mohammed overthrew the Persian monarchy, and the province was the seat of the caliphs till A.

  58. And thus slowly and silently they made their way to the south, not with the pomp and pretense of conquest, but by means of that ordinary 5 inter-communion which connected one portion of the empire of the Caliphs with another.

  59. They got possession of the symbols of imperial power, the garment and the staff of Mahomet, and proceeded to make and unmake Caliphs at their pleasure.

  60. Advisers the caliphs had had before; but not a definite adviser with this name.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caliphs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.