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Example sentences for "catarrhs"

Lexicographically close words:
catapults; cataract; cataracts; catarrh; catarrhal; catastrophe; catastrophes; catastrophic; catastrophism; catatonic
  1. Kleinstück of Java recommends the essence of the leaves in all sorts of catarrhs and as an antiseptic in doses of one drop to 140 of the vehicle.

  2. It is widely used in bronchial catarrhs and in asthma on account of its sudorific and expectorant action.

  3. Ingledew states that the natives of Mysore (south of India) treat rheumatism and febrile catarrhs by steam baths of the decoction of vitex.

  4. Eruptive fevers have induced a similar effect upon the mucous membrane of the child’s vagina and also upon that of the bladder; obstinate catarrhs are frequently traced to these fevers.

  5. There is no doubt that many women become infected from this source, and that obscure and stubborn catarrhs of the vagina and womb are strictly traceable to personal uncleanliness of the male.

  6. During the child-bearing period catarrhs of the vagina are quite common, and excessive coition excites a very painful inflammation of the vaginal mucous membrane.

  7. Both these miseries were consequent upon the Applebite festivities, and Agamemnon saw a series of catarrhs enter the house as the rout-stools made their exit.

  8. This may be given beneficially for chronic catarrhs of the lungs, the bowels, or the urinary passages, Dr.

  9. Its saline constituents promote activity of the kidneys, and for this reason the plant is used in France to carry off catarrhs which are feverish.

  10. There were so many fevers from 1693 to the end of the century that it is not easy to distinguish epidemic agues or catarrhs among them.

  11. This constitution held the mastery all the autumn, affecting now the head, now the bowels, until the end of October, when catarrhs and coughs became universal and continued for a month.

  12. In the midst of this epidemic constitution of agues and other fevers there occurred one or more horse-colds, and one or more epidemic catarrhs of mankind.

  13. The Italian writers assign the universal catarrhs and coughs to the autumn of 1562, the Barcelona writer to the winter solstice of that year, and the letter from Edinburgh to "the laste of November.

  14. At the end of October, he says, the mild, warm weather turned to cold, while catarrhs and coughs became more frequent than at any time within his memory.

  15. There is an actual record from more than one country (Italy, Barcelona, as well as Edinburgh) of such universal catarrhs and coughs a year later than the one foretold.

  16. They are also erroneously given in catarrhs or coughs, where the discharge is too thin and saline, as they increase the frequency of coughing.

  17. Which has given rise to an indiscriminate and frequently pernicious use of the warm regimen in coughs and catarrhs of the warm or inflammatory kind, to the great injury of many.

  18. Perpetual sneezings in the measles, and in catarrhs from cold, are owing to the stimulus of the saline part of the mucous effusion on the membrane of the nostrils.

  19. The juice or distilled water snuffed up into the nostrils, purges the head and eyes of catarrhs and rheums.

  20. When combined with purgative salines they are specially valuable in gastro-duodenal catarrhs associated with disease of the liver.

  21. In the pharyngeal, laryngeal, and bronchial catarrhs from which some gouty persons suffer, where there is a dryness and irritability of the mucous membrane, the administration of these salts produces the most prompt and beneficial result.

  22. And the fact that so many varied ailments are cured by a course of these mineral waters with enforced dietetic regulations only shows the prevalence of gastro-duodenal catarrhs and their relation to a great variety of human ailments.

  23. The continuity of these lesions at the orifices of the mucous tracts, and the frequent association of external eczemas with catarrhs of mucous membranes, are facts of common experience.

  24. Measles and scarlatina are very commonly arousers of the scrofulous process, not only by the temporary impairment of health which follows them, but also through the catarrhs which are usually present in both diseases.

  25. But they do not have measles or scarlatina because they are scrofulous, and we can with no more justice say that they have catarrhs or other inflammations because they are so.

  26. These defects in the circulation also probably explain the frequent catarrhs and eczemas with which such persons are affected, and account also for their intractableness as well as the unwholesome character of their wounds.

  27. The occurrence of subacute gastro-duodenal and intestinal catarrhs {123} with hemorrhoidal complications is even more common that the catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catarrhs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.