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Example sentences for "chamomile"

Lexicographically close words:
chamfer; chamfered; chamfering; chamfers; chamois; champagne; champagnes; champaign; champaigne; champain
  1. Occasionally, a mild emetic, such as warm chamomile infusion, or warm water alone, will arrest the vomiting temporarily.

  2. Ipecacuanha may be given in warm water or chamomile infusion until this result {650} has been accomplished.

  3. A light bag containing common table-salt, heated, or dry and hot chamomile flowers will also answer the purpose.

  4. If the urine is irritating, a cupful of buchu tea three or four times a day, or German chamomile tea, should be drunk between meals.

  5. Warm teas of German chamomile or flaxseed, so as to dilute the urine, may be freely given.

  6. If there is straining or diarrhœa, I prefer to employ an enema of one pint of warm German chamomile tea, to which half a teaspoonful of McMunn’s elixir of opium or laudanum is added.

  7. Chamomile is used in medicine in the form of its volatile oil, of which the dose is 1/2-3 minims.

  8. Wild chamomile is Matricaria Chamomilla, a weed common in waste and cultivated ground especially in the southern counties of England.

  9. I was very apprehensive for her safety; ordered her cordials and volatiles; a free supply of wine, chamomile tea with brandy for common drink, and blisters.

  10. I do not know if it becomes unmanageable, but, in moderation, I think chamomile a very charming intruder on a lawn, and the aromatic scent which it yields to one's tread to be very grateful in the open air.

  11. According to Galen, the Egyptians held the Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) in such reverence, that they consecrated it to their deities: they had great faith in the plant as a remedy for agues.

  12. Dog's Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomila) is a spurious or wild kind of Chamomile.

  13. Chamomile is considered to be a herb of the Sun.

  14. Gerarde tells us that Chamomile is a special help against wearisomeness, and that it derives its name from the Greek Chamaimelon, Earth-Apple, because the flowers have the smell of an Apple.

  15. If the ear be inflamed, inject water into it with a syringe, as warm as the patient can bear it, and foment the part with the decoction of poppy-heads and chamomile flowers.

  16. After each return of vomiting, give half a pint of tepid chamomile tea, which may be repeated three or four times, but not oftener.

  17. The chamomile infusion is more agreeable to the taste when cold, and is less apt to spoil than when made of boiling water.

  18. Take of chamomile flowers one ounce, boiling water, one quart; simmer for ten minutes, and strain.

  19. Chamomile tea is well known as an emetic, when taken in a tepid state.

  20. In some parts of England, a strong infusion of chamomile is frequently taken at bed-time, as hot as it can be swallowed, when it produces perspiration, and next morning acts as a purgative.

  21. Infuse in boiling water, till cold, half an ounce of poppy heads, and the same quantity of chamomile flowers.

  22. The smell of the Chamomile is aromatic, and its qualities highly tonic.

  23. The true Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) greatly resembles the Chrysanthemum in its flowers; but they are distinguished by having a chaffy receptacle, and the fruit having a membranous margin.

  24. Strings of poppy-heads, bunches of chamomile and centuary, also glass jars containing adders and worms adorn the counter.

  25. The chamomile has an ancient reputation for its medicinal properties as a stomachic and febrifuge.

  26. I rushed into the garden and trampled the chamomile bed.

  27. Along the roadside you will find the daisy-like flowers of the Chamomile or May Weed.

  28. From the leaves of this plant our grandmothers used to make Chamomile tea.

  29. I have often seen, says he, from the use of a decoction of Matricaria and chamomile flowers with a little mugwort, hysteric complaints instantly relieved, and the patient from a lethargic state, returned as it were into life again.

  30. It is undoubtedly a medicine of some use in these cases, though not perhaps equal to chamomile flowers alone, with which the Matricaria agrees in sensible qualities, except in being weaker.

  31. Oil of chamomile is reputed antispasmodic, tonic, and stomachic.

  32. Freshly powdered chamomile flowers, olive oil, and lard, in equal quantities.

  33. This forms the 'chamomile pills' of the shops.

  34. He should not drink after a Vomit, until it begins to work; but then he should drink very plentifully of warm Water, or a light Infusion of Chamomile Flowers, which is preferable.

  35. They may be relieved in the Fit by Glysters of a Decoction of Chamomile Flowers, in which a Bit of Soap of the Size of a Hazel Nut is dissolved.

  36. If this gross Humour, that covers the Child, seems more thick and glutinous than ordinary, a Decoction of Chamomile Flowers, with a little Bit of Soap, may be used to remove it.

  37. A Piece of Flanel wrung out of a Decoction of Chamomile Flowers, with the Addition of some Venice Treacle, and applied hot over the Stomach and on the Belly, is also very beneficial, and relieving.

  38. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Chamomile Tonic for Aged Persons also for Children.

  39. Put about one-half ounce chamomile flowers into a jug, pour a pint of boiling water upon them, cover up the tea, and when it has stood about ten minutes pour it off from the flowers into another jug; sweeten with sugar or honey.

  40. An infusion of chamomile is good for the green diarrhea of teething babies.

  41. A tea made of chamomile blossoms and used as a sitz bath is excellent; after using the sitz bath use vaselin or cold cream and press rectum back gently.

  42. Chamomile flowers one ounce, marshmallow roots one ounce, bruise and boil in one quart of water down to a pint.

  43. The bark of bittersweet with chamomile and wormwood simmered in fresh lard make an excellent ointment for sprains and swellings.

  44. When it is thought proper to promote perspiration, an infusion of chamomile may be drank, as is recommended by Dr.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chamomile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.