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Example sentences for "comer"

Lexicographically close words:
comen; comena; comend; comendador; coment; comercio; comers; comes; comest; comestible
  1. His next idea was simply to leave it where it was, thus shuffling off the responsibility of publishing it or destroying it upon the next comer who chanced by accident to enter the quarry.

  2. The new-comer raised his hat slightly to Cecil Mitford, and spoke at once in the grave gentle voice of an educated and cultivated mulatto.

  3. The new-comer had shown himself zealous and exact in all her little commissions, which were ever numerous, and he diligently overlooked the laborers.

  4. The new-comer was rather short in stature and thick-set, with squat, dark features, as though descended from negro blood.

  5. Masthlion raised his face from his hands, and, taking one step forward, gazed at the new-comer intently.

  6. Three times the new-comer called her name; she gave no reply.

  7. The new-comer was a young girl too; she carried on her head a vessel of burnt clay similar to a flat urn, decorated with black and red designs on cream-coloured ground, and filled with water.

  8. The new-comer spoke first; he spoke rapidly and in a low voice, then grasped Hayoue's hand to breathe on it, and held it fast.

  9. The new-comer was busy drying herself, and the mistress of the house was struck by her rather cheerful looks.

  10. The last comer carried only a single string of shell beads with an iridescent conch fastened to it in front.

  11. At this the other ladies rose and shook hands, and it might have been supposed that the new-comer had just returned from a long absence.

  12. Burke could not make out the new-comer very well, but he knew her to be a Mediterranean steamer.

  13. His companions broke out at him again in a babble of argument, whereupon the new-comer shouted at them in a furious voice: "Silenzio!

  14. Norvin regarded the new-comer with interest, for Maruffi stood for what is best among his Americanized countrymen.

  15. Having gained a footing, the new comer now turned the light of a dark lantern in the direction of the corner where the prisoner was sleeping.

  16. A fellow doesn't enlist the first-comer for an expedition like yours last evening.

  17. So---- I was simply forced to do what I could for this undeserving late-comer in the way of feeding him after his tramp across the downs.

  18. Miss Vi Vassity immediately made the new-comer sit down also, close to her at the top of the table.

  19. It is true that the new-comer there is likely to be struck at first with a sense of isolation, and to wonder at the seeming exclusiveness of the workers, the self-absorption of each and every one.

  20. It is needless to rehearse them now, since they were all met valiantly, and the final verdict saw the new-comer triumphantly ensconced in man's ancestral halls as the oldest sojourner there who has any title to be spoken of as "human.

  21. There is no instructor here who shows the new-comer how to use the microscope, how to utilize the material, how to go about the business of discovery.

  22. Presently some one suggests to the new-comer that he join some of the others of a Wednesday or Saturday evening, at a rendezvous where a number of them meet regularly.

  23. They expect, therefore, that when such a phenomenon as the appearance of a new star occurs, the new-comer will establish new rules for itself and bring chaos into the scientific world.

  24. I left him in the hall," Elizabeth replied, leading the way back to the house, and turning back after she had waved the new-comer to enter.

  25. Ay, the new-comer is one who would fain have a lease of the manor at Cecil Point.

  26. The Governor laughed so loud that every one turned and wondered what the girl talking with him could have said that was so mightily clever, and thus her blunder did the new-comer more good in social repute than the finest wit.

  27. If there is a seat at a public table conveniently removed from those occupied by earlier arrivals the new-comer invariably takes it.

  28. The next comer was afflicted with a wound that would not heal--a common trouble in cold countries.

  29. At the northwest comer of the church-yard, stands Southey's tomb.

  30. The new-comer had some excuse for attempting to ornament his person; which, to say truth, greatly needed it.

  31. Helpless in the power of the agent, the new-comer was forced to work where he wished.

  32. Meantime the new-comer seats himself in solemn silence, and for five minutes the conversation is only kept up by monosyllables, in spite of the incredible efforts of all parties to appear unconcerned.

  33. Again that fell whisper, which, however, was drowned in the noise that Mr. Christie and the new-comer made in greeting each other.

  34. While we were in swimming a German guard with a rifle across his knees sat at each comer of the pool and watched us closely as we dressed and undressed.

  35. As I went along the street one night a lady standing on the comer stopped me and spoke to me.

  36. Mr. Diggs turned towards the new-comer with an unuttered oath.

  37. The new comer was the mysterious negro, Yellow Steve.

  38. There hasn't been a single new-comer since you were taken off in the ambulance.

  39. Perhaps the consciousness of speaking English well and fluently made the new-comer anxious to be pleasant; one felt that he would have regarded it as a slight upon his own proficiency to be rude or intransigent.

  40. Never in my whole life have I seen so much contempt, so much loathing in a man's face as I saw in the face of the new-comer at that moment.

  41. The new-comer gave a quick glance around the room, as though he wanted to take in the situation, then he took a quick step towards Lady Bolivick.

  42. It seems like a fantastic dream now, and the new-comer appeared to me more like a visitant from another world than tangible flesh and blood.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arrival; comer; entrant; fledgling; immigrant; intruder; modern; modernist; newcomer; parvenu; settler; star; stripling; success; upstart; visitor; winner