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Example sentences for "concretes"

Lexicographically close words:
concrescence; concrete; concreted; concretely; concreteness; concreting; concretion; concretionary; concretions; concubinage
  1. Preliminary tests are in progress, including a study of the effect of salt water on mortars and concretes of various mixtures and ages.

  2. When dried rapidly in vacuo or in a desiccator over calcium chloride, it concretes in cracked translucent lamellæ like albumin or gum arabic, and thus assumes a crystalloid aspect.

  3. It then concretes in scales of a citrin colour, more or less dark, according to the concentration of the liquid.

  4. For it is evident, that these Flowers, do many of them in point of Colour, much differ, not only from one another, but oft times from the Concretes that afforded them.

  5. For it drew light Bodies like Amber, Jet, and other Concretes that are noted to do so; But its attractive power seem'd inferiour to theirs.

  6. The like Colour I have taken notice of in the Fumes of several other Concretes of differing Colours, and Natures, especially when Distill'd with strong Fires.

  7. Afterwards a liquid distils which readily concretes into a mass like gum.

  8. The demand is met by cements and concretes easily laid in unjointed miles.

  9. And furthermore it is necessary to recognize how widely concretes of diverse composition vary in strength and durability.

  10. When it becomes thick, or of a proper consistence, it is poured into moulds or frames, when it concretes into jelly.

  11. A solution of Bismuth prepared with the proper quantity of aqua fortis, that is, with two parts of the Acid to one of the semi-metal, concretes into little crystals almost as soon as made.

  12. Forms built complete a full story high and concreted from the top are essential where wet and sloppy concretes are used.

  13. If the vesicles break, they exude a slight, gummy discharge which concretes into a small, hard scab.

  14. The blisters may be of any size from a millet seed to a pea, and often crack open and allow the escape of the fluid, which concretes as a slightly yellowish scab or crust around the roots of the hairs.

  15. For about a week a serous fluid oozes from the teat and concretes as a yellow, waxlike mass around its orifice.

  16. A considerable portion, however, escapes into the air; and another portion concretes in the mouth, which must be cleared from time to time by an iron rod.

  17. The oil concretes when cooled a little below 32 deg.

  18. When cautiously fused, it concretes into a transparent hard tough mass, like shellac.

  19. The same kind of seed usually affords oils of different degrees of fusibility; so that in the progress of refrigeration one portion concretes before another.

  20. Thus the metal first concretes below, while, by remaining fluid above, it continues to impart hydrostatic pressure during the shrinkage attendant upon refrigeration.

  21. Here it concretes into irregular semi-transparent yellow-brown lumps, which are ground into fine flour between mill-stones, and in this state brought to the market.

  22. The pulp dried in the manner above described concretes into lumps, which become hard and friable as they cool.

  23. The phosphorus falls down in drops, like melted wax, and concretes at the bottom of the water in the receiver.

  24. In proportion as the floor of the furnace gets impregnated with litharge, the workman digs in it a gutter for the escape of the liquid litharge: it falls in front of the small aperture, and concretes in stalactitic forms.

  25. It concretes in lamellar crystals at the temperature of 50 deg.

  26. This paste speedily concretes on cooling, and is then broken into fragments and carried to the soda manufactory.

  27. This "how" depends on more than concretes and events in the nurse's setting.

  28. Norman Kiell in The Universal Experience of Adolescence says that as adults we forget the intensity, turmoil, and concretes of this period and that perhaps we have to.

  29. It yields, on distillation, an elegant odoriferous essential oil, which concretes into a flaky form.

  30. The root of Convolvulus Scammonia, another plant of the same family, affords, when cut, a gummy resinous exudation or milky juice, which soon concretes and forms scammony.

  31. The pulp thus dried concretes into lumps, which become hard and friable as they cool.

  32. It may likewise be granted, that those distinct Substances, which Concretes generally either afford or are made up of, may without very much Inconvenience be call'd the Elements or Principles of them.

  33. There never was a more exquisite example of an idea abstracted from the concretes of experience and then used to oppose and negate what it was abstracted from.

  34. When the pragmatist undertakes to show in detail just WHY we must defer, the rationalist is unable to recognize the concretes from which his own abstraction is taken.

  35. The way in which type concretes truth is sufficiently plain; but it may be useful, with respect to plot, to draw out more in detail the analogy which has been said to exist between it and an illustrative scientific experiment.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "concretes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.