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Example sentences for "lamellar"

Lexicographically close words:
lambskin; lame; lamed; lamella; lamellae; lamellated; lamellibranch; lamellibranchiate; lamellicorn; lamelliform
  1. In Clavularia and its allies each outgrowth contains several solenia, and the outgrowths may take the form of flat expansions, composed of a number of solenial tubes felted together to form a lamellar surface of attachment.

  2. It usually occurs as lamellar or glanular masses, with a tin-white colour and metallic lustre, in limestone or in mineral veins often in association with ores of silver.

  3. The inspiration of the animal is thus made by a cleft in the mantle, and expiration by the tube: the renewal of the respirable liquid acts as a sort of sucking and forcing pump, at the surface of the lamellar branchials.

  4. The Tubipora is a calcareous coral, formed by a combination of distinct, regularly-arranged tubes, connected together at regulated distances by lamellar expansion of the same material.

  5. Certain lamellar branchiæ are arranged in series all round the body.

  6. Defn: A massive lamellar variety of pyroxene, of a dingy green color.

  7. Note: Gills are usually lamellar or filamentous appendages, through which the blood circulates, and in which it is exposed to the action of the air contained in the water.

  8. Defn: Lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral, due to some other cause than cleavage, as to the presence of twinning lamellæ.

  9. Muriatiferous clay (with petroleum and lamellar gypsum) covers the western part of the peninsula of Araya, opposite to the town of Cumana, and in the centre of the island of Marguerita.

  10. This clay is of a smoky colour, impregnated with petroleum, mingled with lamellar and lenticular gypsum and sometimes traversed by small veins of fibrous gypsum.

  11. This tertiary stratum is composed of alternate beds of calcareous conglomerate, compact limestone, marl, and clay, containing selenite and lamellar gypsum.

  12. It is an orange-colored powder, which melts at a glowing temperature, and forms a lamellar mass after cooling.

  13. This oxide occurs in nature, crystallized in octahedrons of a ruby-red color, of a lamellar structure, and transparent.

  14. The first antennae have a lamellar appendage at the end of the peduncle, a decidedly non-entomostracan feature.

  15. Spines quadrangular pyramidal, with four prominent lamellar edges, tapering gradually from the broad base towards the simple distal apex.

  16. Each flat lamellar spine exhibits an elevated middle rib (like a lanceolate leaf), and is therefore compressed quadrangular.

  17. Two principal spines four-sided pyramidal, with four broad lamellar prominent edges; apex simple or bifid; base with a large leaf-cross.

  18. Two principal spines quadrangular prismatic, very large, with four broad, prominent, lamellar edges, of equal breadth throughout their whole length.

  19. Spines quadrangular prismatic, with prominent lamellar edges, of equal breadth in their whole length.

  20. Collosphaerida# with a double lattice-shell around every central capsule of the coenobium; both concentric shells connected by irregular or subradial beams, commonly solid or lamellar staffs, rarely hollow tubes.

  21. Two principal spines quadrangular prismatic, with four broad prominent lamellar edges or wings, of equal breadth throughout their whole length; apex pyramidal; base with a large leaf-cross.

  22. Each flat lamellar spine exhibits an elevated middle rib, which in the distal half is cleft into two divergent rods ending in the corners of the truncated apex.

  23. The connecting staffs between the two shells are solid rods or lamellar spines (derived from Acrosphaera).

  24. Two principal spines quadrangular prismatic, with four broad prominent lamellar wings, of increasing breadth towards the pyramidal distal apex.

  25. Spines quadrangular prismatic, with four prominent lamellar edges, of equal breadth throughout their whole length.

  26. Spines quadrangular, with four lamellar prominent edges, in the proximal half nearly prismatic, in the distal half pyramidal; both halves separated by a prominent short tooth on each edge.

  27. Spines in the basal part quadrangular pyramidal, with four prominent lamellar edges and a large basal leaf-cross; in the distal part three to six times as long, cylindrical, of equal breadth.

  28. Gills are usually lamellar or filamentous appendages, through which the blood circulates, and in which it is exposed to the action of the air contained in the water.

  29. A massive lamellar variety of pyroxene, of a dingy green color.

  30. Lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral, due to some other cause than cleavage, as to the presence of twinning lamell\'91.

  31. A hydrate of alumina, often occurring in white lamellar masses with brilliant pearly luster; -- so named on account of its decrepitating when heated before the blowpipe.

  32. Judd, consists in the development of a fine lamellar structure or parting due to secondary twinning and the separation of secondary products along these and other planes of chemical weakness ("solution planes") in the crystal.

  33. It does not occur in distinct crystals with definite outlines, but only as lamellar masses in deep-seated igneous rocks, principally gabbro, of which it is an essential constituent.

  34. Coronet with fifteen to twenty irregular lamellar feet, which are longer than the thorax, pointed, nearly vertical and parallel.

  35. Along the lower half of the shell there arise three broad triangular lamellar wings.

  36. The thorax has no lateral ribs, but bears around the mouth three large triangular lamellar terminal feet.

  37. Peristome semitubular, curved, as long as the shell-radius; with five curved lamellar teeth, an odd longer dorsal tooth and two pairs of lateral teeth.

  38. Peristome with a coronet of six to nine broad lamellar feet (in Ehrenberg's figure broken off).

  39. Peristome with a coronet of fifteen to twenty divergent lanceolate lamellar feet, longer than the thorax.

  40. Peristome with a coronet of fifteen to twenty parallel and vertical triangular lamellar feet, nearly as long as the thorax.

  41. Peristome scarcely constricted, with fifteen to twenty broad {1170}lamellar or lanceolate feet, which are twice to three times as long as the shell, parallel and vertical.

  42. Peristome with six large lanceolate, vertical, lamellar feet, half as long as the shell.

  43. Corona of the peristome composed of sixteen to twenty-four vertical, lamellar feet, which are longer than the abdomen, rectangular, and truncate at the end.

  44. Mouth scarcely constricted, with nine divergent, triangular, lamellar feet, about as long as the thorax.

  45. In Carnivora vera the most striking feature of the malleus is the occurrence of a broad lamellar expansion between the head and neck and the processus longus.

  46. Among Ruminants they are chiefly remarkable for the development of a broad lamellar expansion between the head and the processus longus of the malleus.

  47. The sea at the foot of Cabo Blanco throws up on the beach rolled fragments of a rock, which is a granular mixture of hornblende and lamellar feldspar.

  48. These balls are composed of lamellar feldspar and hornblende closely commingled.

  49. The gneiss as far as this spot preserves its lamellar texture and its primitive direction; but where we climbed the summit of the Silla, we found it had passed into granite.

  50. The mica-slate is silvery white, of lamellar and undulated texture, and contains garnets.

  51. In calcite and some other substances this lamellar twinning may be produced artificially by pressure (see below, Sect.

  52. Sometimes the striae on crystal-faces are due to repeated lamellar twinning, as in the plagioclase felspars.

  53. When we agitate a mixture of strong caustic soda lye and oil of cloves in equal parts, the mass thickens very soon, and forms delicate lamellar crystals.

  54. A period arrives towards the middle of the process when we see the extremity of the beak of the retort, and of the adopter, covered with crystals of a lamellar or needle shape, and of a pale green tint.

  55. The finest specimens come from Persia, in brilliant yellow masses, of a lamellar texture, called golden orpiment.

  56. Quartz, lamellar carbonate of lime, sulphate of baryta, sulphate and fluate of lime, generally form the gangues; but a great many other substances become such when they predominate in a vein.

  57. It is easily broken, and presents a lamellar and radiated fracture; and is so hard that tempered steel cannot act upon it.

  58. Antimony is a brittle metal, of a silvery white colour, with a tinge of blue, a lamellar texture, and crystalline fracture.

  59. The first has a sparry and lamellar fracture; with a colour varying from yellowish-gray to isabella yellow, or even to brownish-red.

  60. It melts before the blowpipe, and affords white fumes of oxide of antimony; being readily distinguished from arsenical iron, and arsenical cobalt, by its lamellar fracture.

  61. It concretes in lamellar crystals at the temperature of 50 deg.

  62. Its lamellar texture is not very distinct; its fracture is wavy, and it is easily frangible.

  63. It is employed frequently in Germany for the manufacture of steel, and is then called steel floss, or lamellar floss, a title which it still retains, though it be hardly silver white, and have ceased to be foliated.

  64. A variety of albite, white and lamellar in structure.

  65. An igneous rock of feldspathic composition, lamellar in structure, and clinking under the hammer.

  66. I think there can be little doubt that she has a rather unusual form of lamellar cataract.

  67. Which was doubtless an involuntary muscular affection incident on successful operations for lamellar or zonular cataract.

  68. The ware is without glaze or slip or other surficial treatment save that the lamellar texture is best developed toward the surfaces; hence it is so porous that the filled vessel is moist even in the sun.

  69. They rarely display lamellar twinning and give extinctions measured from the long axis of oligoclase and oligoclase andesine (2°-8°).

  70. They give lamellar extinctions of 15°-28°, and are often cross-macled.

  71. The first-named shows the felspar to be mostly replaced by alteration products; but occasionally a lamellar extinction of 6° or 7° can be observed.

  72. Lamellar twinning is rare, the extinctions being those of oligoclase andesine (10° to 20°).

  73. The felspars of the groundmass are broad and often rectangular and may give lamellar extinctions of oligoclase-andesine.

  74. In the slide they display numerous phenocrysts of plagioclase, with a few of olivine and pyroxene, in a groundmass formed of stout lamellar felspar-lathes and small prisms forming a plexus with granular augite in the meshes.

  75. The broad lamellar felspars of the groundmass, which are on the average ·3 to ·4 mm.

  76. When lamellar they give extinctions of 15° to 25° (basic andesine).

  77. There are also a few small phenocrysts of augite with dark rounded borders and showing in some cases lamellar twinning.

  78. Their lamellar extinctions (10° to 20°) are those of andesine.

  79. The hills were composed of a lamellar granite, approaching the stratified appearance of gneiss, but the leaflets of mica, instead of forming continuous layers, were scattered.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lamellar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    filmy; foliated; laminated; layered; leafy; membranous; scaly; stratified