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Example sentences for "conspiratorial"

Lexicographically close words:
conspiracie; conspiracies; conspiracy; conspiration; conspirator; conspirators; conspire; conspired; conspires; conspiring
  1. Then he added in blank verse, as being appropriate to the conspiratorial attitude: "I thought I heard a footstep on the stairs.

  2. Although many did not like the report, particularly because of the blame it laid on the white community, it clearly proved that there had been no subversive or conspiratorial elements in these riots.

  3. In particular, he wished to ascertain whether any subversive or conspiratorial elements were involved.

  4. In spite of the rumors that the riot was the result of conspiratorial planning, the activities of the rioters and of the law enforcement units displayed a crazy, unreal quality as the riot unfolded.

  5. I note also the presence at this conspiratorial meeting of the Defendant Erich Raeder.

  6. Each document is conspiratorial in nature.

  7. During each phase the conspirators succeeded in accomplishing more and more in less and less time until, toward the end of the period, the rate of acceleration of their conspiratorial movement was enormous.

  8. These documents will leave no reasonable doubt concerning the aggressive character of the Nazi war or concerning the conspiratorial premeditation of that war.

  9. The conspiratorial nature of these Nazi plans and preparations long before the outbreak of hostilities is illustrated in many other ways.

  10. Signore,' in a conspiratorial whisper, 'zay are come, ze aunt and ze sister.

  11. She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper and glanced apprehensively over her shoulder to see if the jailor were listening.

  12. It had been possible to leave doubt unsettled so long as they were a small, conspiratorial group.

  13. Signore," in a conspiratorial whisper, "zay are come, ze aunt and ze sister.

  14. As soon as the watchful Albert caught sight of Edwin, he made a conspiratorial sign and hurried to the door, driving Edwin out again.

  15. III Auntie Hamps held back, and Edwin at once perceived from the conspiratorial glance in her splendid eyes that in suggesting a move she had intended to deceive her fellow-conspirator in life, Clara.

  16. Sir John was disappearing, with his stealthy and conspiratorial air, down the staircase.

  17. At this, Sorpiala and the other woman suddenly exchanged conspiratorial looks, and Sorpiala fairly hissed her disapproval with an insucking of air.

  18. I dislike this sort of conspiratorial masque Marini and his Chief indulge in.

  19. Before the excogitation of this splendid resolve, he had been observed to wear for some period a conspiratorial aspect.

  20. Mr. Prohack reflected calmly: "My new secretary is an adept of the first conspiratorial order.

  21. The worst of it was that he could not take their crime seriously because he was on such intimate and conspiratorial terms with each of them separately.

  22. She came in very quietly--she too had caught the conspiratorial manner.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conspiratorial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    accompanying; affiliate; affiliated; agreeing; allied; associated; coincident; collective; combined; combining; concerted; concomitant; concordant; concurrent; conjoint; cooperative; coordinate; corporate; coupled; furtive; harmonious; joint; knowing; leagued; married; meeting; paired; parasitic; saprophytic; shifty; symbiotic; synchronous; synergistic; teamed; united; uniting; wedded