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Example sentences for "constreined"

Lexicographically close words:
constrains; constraint; constraints; constrayne; constrayned; constrict; constricted; constricting; constriction; constrictions
  1. After this the English armie besieged the citie of Aques, but thorough want of vittels he was constreined to raise thence and breake vp the siege.

  2. Robert Bruce and others that had some space to arme themselues made some resistance for a while, but at length the Englishmen put them to the worsse, so that they were constreined to flee.

  3. The Englishmen in the fore-front waded the ditch, and were holpen vp by the Almains, and set on their enimies, and tooke manie prisoners.

  4. For hauing denied the French king to enter into anie of his fortresses to talke with him, he would be loth now to giue a president to him to desire the like meeting.

  5. Sidenote: A practice of custome by poison to an ill purpose vsed.

  6. These acts performed, he chose to be of his councell a conuenient number of right graue and wise councellors.

  7. Henrie his second son prince of Wales, which after him was king, Margaret queen of Scots, and the ladie Marie promised to Charles king of Castile.

  8. But yer this monie could be leuied, the king was constreined to borrow certeine great summes in sundrie places, and therefore he sent to the citie of London for foure thousand pounds.

  9. Sir Godfrey de Harcourt being constreined to flee out of France, to auoid the French kings displeasure, came ouer vnto the king of England, who receiued him verie ioifullie, for he was knowne to be a right valiant and a wise personage.

  10. When the said sir Iohn de Vienne saw the manner of the English host, and what the kings intention was, he constreined all the poore and meane people to depart out of the towne.

  11. Sidenote: The prince of Wales constreined to burden his subiects with a sore subsidie.

  12. But might ouercame right, so that he was constreined to be quiet.

  13. Robert earle of Darbie that tooke part with the barons, besieged the citie of Worcester, and tooke it by the old castell, sacked the citizens goods, and constreined the Iewes to be baptised.

  14. Againe in the later end of haruest about Michaelmasse, there was eftsoones such a drought, that men could get no grinding at the milles, but were constreined to go in some places a daies iournie off, to haue their corne groond.

  15. He was also constreined to giue vnto the earle of Leicester the countie Palantine of Chester before he might obteine to haue so much libertie.

  16. Sidenote: The Iewes constreined to helpe the king with monie.

  17. King Lewes himselfe also began to waxe diseased and crasie, so that he was constreined to renew the truce with king Henrie & therewith departed home.

  18. The Londoners were pardoned of their trespasse for receiuing the earle, though they were constreined to paie a thousand marks to the king of Romans, in recompense of the hurts doone to him in burning of his house at Thistleworth.

  19. At which season the French king meant to haue followed him to Blaie, but by reason of a great death which chanced in his armie, he was constreined to alter his purpose.

  20. Then finallie was the citie of Baion besieged, and with mines and batterie constreined to yeeld it selfe into the Frenchmens hands.

  21. This towne was well walled, manned and vittelled, so that the besiegers were constreined to cast trenches, and make mines, for otherwise they saw not how to compasse their purpose.

  22. After that Trois was yeelded, the communaltie of Chaalons rebelled against sir Iohn Aubemond their capteine, and constreined him to deliuer the towne vpon like composition.

  23. From thence they remooued to Baugencie, and constreined them that were within the towne to yeeld, vpon condition they might depart with bag and baggage.

  24. The Essexmen were content with this offer, as they that were desirous to see their wiues and children, being waxen wearie of continuall trauell and paines which they were constreined to take.

  25. The king with his armie remaining in those parts eleuen daies, was in the end constreined to come backe, when all their vittels were spent: for more than they brought with them they could not get.

  26. Herevpon was the duke constreined to fall to a communication for a peace, which in the end was accorded, though not at this instant.

  27. Giving full credit, however, to the story of his late banishment, he is driven into a very awkward supposition.

  28. Some must precede, and others follow; but the order of march is not, nor ever was, invariable.

  29. Salmasius, more rationally, conceives it to have been produced at Rome.

  30. This was again changed, and an equivalent in money (centum quadrantes, about twenty pence English) given instead.

  31. But if old laws and statutes are to be raked up,[86] before all others the Scatinian ought to be revived.

  32. Birth of Domitian, while his father is consul suffectus.

  33. The praise of Domitian is incompatible with Juvenal's universal hatred and execration of him.

  34. But then, again, we hear of Julius Fronto in A.

  35. His choice of privacy, however, was in some measure constitutional; for he had an easiness of temper which bordered on indolence; hence he never rises to the dignity of a decided character.

  36. A few of us perhaps may wrestle, or diet themselves on the trainer's food; but only a few.

  37. On the other hand, suppose the entire fabric of the material Universe abolished and dissolved, and the dishoused population of spirits would still somehow survive in the imaginable vacancy.

  38. It is because this Idea is an Idea of the Divine Mind.

  39. Cadwallader was constreined with the chéefest part of his people to forsake their natiue countrie, and by sea to get them ouer into Britaine Armorike, there to séeke reliefe by vittels for the sustentation of their languishing bodies.

  40. But there was no other shift, sith none other bishop was then canonicallie ordeined in the prouince of the Westsaxons in those daies, this Wini onlie excepted, and therefore was he constreined to take such as he might get and prouide.

  41. Northwales, so that they were constreined to submit themselues vnto him, who shortlie after moued with pitie in considering their sudden fall, restored them all three [Sidenote: Matth.

  42. Danes that were landed about Tinmouth, constreined them by sharpe fight to flée backe to their ships, and tooke certeine of them in the field, whose heads they stroke off there vpon the shore.

  43. Northumbers, the which had latelie expelled king Osbright, that had the gouernement of those parts, and placed one Ella in his roome: howbeit now they were constreined to reuoke him home againe, and sought to accord him and Ella.

  44. Venutius: against whom the Romans were constreined still to mainteine warre.

  45. This motion was allowed of both the armies, so that king Edmund was of force constreined to be contented therewith.

  46. Osberne named Pentecost, and his companion Hugh, were constreined to surrender their castels, and by licence of earle Leofrike withdrew thorough his countrie into Scotland, where, of king Mackbeth they were honorablie receiued.

  47. Howbeit they are constreined to vse it, and there to make their marts.

  48. To conclude, this matter was so followed, that at length he was constreined to withdraw himselfe to Bristow, and so by sea as a banished man to saile into Ireland.

  49. Neuerthelesse, the French king tooke the matter so greeuouslie, that except the lord Basset might be constreined to come vnto Paris, and there make answer to his offense, he would not hearken to anie other satisfaction.

  50. Edmund in the Rogation weeke, and after sore & sharpe battell was put to the woorse, and constreined to forsake the field by the high prowesse & manhood of the said Edmund.

  51. Manie great assalts he caused to be giuen vnto the citie, but the Londoners and others within so valiantlie defended the wals and gates, that the enimies got small aduantage, and at length were constreined to depart with losse.

  52. I, weping, am constreined to biginnen vers of sorowful matere, that whylom in florisching studie made delitable ditees.

  53. Thanne axe I,' quod she, 'in as mochel as apertieneth to that, sholden thanne thinges that comen of free wil ben constreined to bityden by necessitee?

  54. And of this sentence folweth it, that thanne ben shrewes constreined at the laste with most grevous torment, whan men wene that they ne be nat punisshed.

  55. The duke according to his commission, comming before that castell, within a while constreined them within by continuall skirmishes and assaults to diliuer vp the place into his hands.

  56. The fight was handled on both parts verie hotlie, but bicause the Englishmen were not able to resist the force of the Frenchmen, the duke was constreined to retire with losse at the least of three hundred of his footmen.

  57. And bicause the Ilanders were not able to ouercome them, Augustus was constreined to send an armie of men to destroie that needlesse brood.

  58. William, the same was but a constreined & no voluntarie oth, which in law is nothing; since thereby he tooke vpon him to grant that which was not in his power to giue, he being but a subiect whilest king Edward was liuing.

  59. Octauius and his Britains, by whome after a sore battell there striken betwixt them, in the end Traherne was put to flight and chased, insomuch that he was constreined to forsake that part of the land, and to draw towards Scotland.

  60. Pius Antoninus sent ouer Lollius Vrbicus as lieutenant into Britaine, who by sundrie battels striken, constreined the Britains to remaine in quiet, and causing [Sidenote: Julius Capitol.

  61. On the other part the Romans were sore troubled with the rough mounteins and craggie rocks, by the which they were constreined to passe beside the dangerous riuers, lakes, woods, streicts, and other combersome waies and passages.

  62. The battell being once begun, the Galles that looked earst for gold, and not for battell, were easilie ouercome, such as stood to the brunt were slaine, and the rest by flight constreined to depart the citie.

  63. Denmarke, where he made such warre with fire and sword, that the king of Denmarke with the assent of his barons was constreined to grant eftsoones to continue the paiment of the aforesaid tribute.

  64. For after his deceasse, diuerse of them (as it were promising to themselues a new libertie to doo that which in his life time they were constreined sore against their willes to forbeare) deceiued themselues by their hastie dealing.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "constreined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.