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Example sentences for "convened"

Lexicographically close words:
convective; conveened; conveigh; convenable; convene; convenes; convenience; conveniences; conveniencies; conveniency
  1. He had convened forty-five of his people, among whom were five chiefs, each of whom made the visitor the offering of a boiled chicken, while he gave them some coloured cotton handkerchiefs and some brass buttons.

  2. He convened a council at Quebec, and administered an oath of allegiance to the leading men in his dominions.

  3. Mr. Cornelius Johnson, a member of a Christian Church in Farmington, Ohio.

  4. And seizing his whip, he made off to the negro settlement.

  5. A few years since, he emancipated his slaves, and removed to Hamilton County, Ohio, near Cincinnati; where he is a highly respected ruling elder in the Presbyterian church.

  6. His master ordered him to be buried in a hole without a coffin.

  7. I never saw or heard of an instance of masters allowing them stockings.

  8. See Minutes of the American Convention, convened in Baltimore, Oct.

  9. It was midsummer, 1862, and at a time when the whole North was depressed, that the President convened his cabinet to talk over the subject-matter of the Emancipation Proclamation.

  10. Having returned to Washington, he convened a cabinet council on the 14th of April.

  11. The Senate had been alarmed at the first outbreak of the tumult, and a meeting had been suddenly convened to consider what measures to adopt in such a crisis.

  12. So important have the differences seemed that the Wainwright Board was convened to investigate the parts taken in the Santiago naval battle respectively by Admiral Sampson and Admiral Schley.

  13. But in official phrase this board was convened for the purpose of determining the position and courses of the ships engaged in the action at Santiago July 3, and reporting to the Secretary of the Navy.

  14. What pleasure was there in learning, or indeed what could be learnt, when the senate was convened either to do nothing whatever or to give their sanction to some consummate infamy!

  15. When these preliminary matters were settled the bishops were convened in one of the suburbs of Chalcedon, which is called “The Oak,” and immediately cited John to answer charges which were brought against him.

  16. Although Military Commissions were fully authorized by the Reconstruction acts, yet I did not favor their use in governing the district, and probably would never have convened one had these acts been observed in good faith.

  17. The first, Military Commission was convened to try the case of John W.

  18. The opening session of the Forty-third Annual Meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association convened at 9:20 o'clock, a.

  19. Whereas objects of interest to the United States require that the Senate should be convened at 12 o'clock on Monday, the 1st day of April next, to receive and act upon such communications as may be made to it on the part of the Executive.

  20. Is it a new body to be elected and convened by proclamation of the "governor elect," or is it that body which met more than a year ago under the provisions of the State constitution?

  21. Before a military commission which convened at Washington, D.

  22. At the close of the war of Independence he was a member of the Legislature that convened under our present form of government.

  23. It was convened with the especial object of inquiring into the circumstances connected with the failure of Mr George Whitefield Bunyan Smith.

  24. At his return home, Tom was presently convened before Mr Allworthy.

  25. We further declare that the meeting convened at the Police Office on the 19th of August for the purpose of thanking the magistrates, municipal officers, soldiers, etc.

  26. April 1st, the Senate was convened in Executive session by the proclamation of the President of the United States, and the Committee proceeded to the consideration of the treaty.

  27. On the day after the adjournment of Congress the Senate was convened for the transaction of Executive business.

  28. He calls our attention to a session of Congress convened by virtue of a summons of the President, being a called session.

  29. Attention was then called to a resolution adopted at a session of Congress convened by the President of the United States for a declared purpose, announced at the time in advance.

  30. The Possession thereof had been for some time in the Power of others; and therefore by a Chapter convened at White-hall, Nov.

  31. King of Denmark, where the Knights-Companions in a Chapter convened at Whitehall, 14 of July 1 Jac.

  32. It was ordered by the Sovereign and Knights-Companions, convened in Chapter on the 10th of January, Anno 14 Car.

  33. And then (upon a Question put in Chapter convened at Westminster 23 May 14.

  34. At present these affairs, if they are peaceably settled, are either settled by ordinary diplomatic negotiation or, if the matter is pressing and of the greatest importance, by temporarily convened International Conferences or Congresses.

  35. On the other hand, when legislation on a certain subject was considered pressing, a Congress or Conference was convened for that very purpose.

  36. The Peace Conferences meet periodically--say every two or three years--without being convened by any special Power.

  37. A general assembly was convened at Lintz.

  38. Leopold was endeavoring to rivet anew the shackles of despotism, when he received a manly remonstrance from an assembly of Hungarians which had been convened as Pest.

  39. I have convened you," he said, "to give me contributions, not remonstrances.

  40. The queen convened her council, and then informed England, in most courteous phrase, that she could not accede to the proposition.

  41. Eighty thousand nobles, many of them with powerful revenues, were frequently convened at these tumultuous gatherings.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "convened" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.