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Example sentences for "crimsoning"

Lexicographically close words:
crimped; crimping; crimps; crimson; crimsoned; crimsons; crin; crine; crines; cringe
  1. Conditions were reversed now as to money, she thought as she stared unseeingly off at the mountain tops which pricked the crimsoning sky.

  2. And then a sudden stubborn resolution seized Elizabeth, and she sat up straight with crimsoning cheeks.

  3. She did not need the startled, dismayed look in the young man's eyes, or his crimsoning face, to tell her she had made a shocking mistake, for the older inner self rose up in severe accusation.

  4. Crimsoning capsules give the burning bush its name; this may well have been the bush at which Moses was directed to take off his sandals because he was treading on holy ground.

  5. The choke-cherries crimsoning in the summer sun, the clusters of the nuts swelling among the leaves of the hickory will strive to attain perfection, whether or no there are human hands to gather them.

  6. Fury swelling his veins and crimsoning his huge face, he sprang to the door and bellowed to his guards.

  7. The setting sun is crimsoning the eastern snow caps while they are burying him on the plateau above the mine settlement.

  8. She read it with a swift blush crimsoning cheek and neck.

  9. With a quick upward glance of surprise the girl recognized him, a sudden flush crimsoning her cheeks, her eyes as instantly dropping before his own.

  10. Blood had flowed freely, crimsoning the stone beneath, but was already congealing amid the thick mass of hair, serving somewhat to conceal the nature of the injury.

  11. By this the waning day was growing short, For the low sun was crimsoning the west; A fitting hour for those to seek a port, Who would not in the wood set up their rest.

  12. The letter-case is very shabby," she said, crimsoning with a painful confusion.

  13. Tommy, who was listening with rapidly crimsoning cheeks; "you shall not go and stop at Tripton, and tell Mr. Gisburne you will marry him!

  14. The keen little old eyes turn curiously on the crimsoning face of the girl.

  15. She looked at him with a crimsoning face and flashing eyes.

  16. Her head was bent; an all-eating shame was crimsoning her pale cheek.

  17. At the sight of her his crimsoning cheeks became white with wrath.

  18. Tall torches touched with the crimson of the sunset sky are made of the shell-bark hickory whose inner bud scales enlarge into enormous, leathery bracts, often crimsoning into rare brilliance.

  19. The red glow of the unwonted fire, crimsoning the wet sides of the cavern, seemed to attract countless blisterous and transparent shapelessnesses, which elongated themselves towards him.

  20. Oh, mum," with a sudden crimsoning of the little face, "may I fetch Billy?

  21. In the midst of this mirth, the officer of the watch, glancing round the fast crimsoning horizon, paused abruptly, and shading his eyes with his hand, looked out intently to the westward.

  22. How lovingly the pearls and opals and amethysts of heaven linger on the crimsoning hills!

  23. The lake of Onondaga lay glittering in the sunshine, surrounded by green valleys, green hills, and crimsoning forests.

  24. The marquis's glass crashed upon the table and the wine crept among the plates, soaking the marquis's sleeves and crimsoning his elegant wristbands.

  25. Patricia was conscious once more of crimsoning as she turned to Gustave.

  26. She felt herself crimsoning as he slipped away from Mr. Cordal's grasp and came across to her.

  27. A log burnt low in the fire-place, crimsoning the silver light.

  28. In the middle of the room a lamp hung over a flower-table, of which the tall pointed leaves were crimsoning in the soft light, the ferns glittering, a white camelia head opening to this alabaster moon.

  29. The poor girl bowed her head, crimsoning with shame to the roots of her hair; but she made no attempt at denial.

  30. His eyes when he entered the apartment encountered those of Marie-Anne; he blushed slightly, and the girl half turned away, crimsoning to the roots of her hair.

  31. As she tossed up her head to facilitate the latter process, her eyes caught a glimpse of Rotha's crimsoning face.

  32. He took her chin between his finger and thumb, and chuckled as he raised the crimsoning face to the light.

  33. The veins swelled on the crimsoning forehead of General d'Albignac.

  34. His hands rested listlessly on his kneecaps and his eyes were fixed on the sky-line crimsoning above his distant woods.

  35. Soon the morning light would be crimsoning the horizon before his window.

  36. I do," she said, not looking at him, and crimsoning to the roots of her hair.

  37. Yes," she answered Veslovsky, crimsoning still more.

  38. They sustained his penetrating gaze only for a moment and then her long lashes lay upon her crimsoning cheeks.

  39. The man of medicine laughed and nodded to Jessica where she stood, her cheeks reddened by the crimsoning light.

  40. As he did not answer, she faced him with crimsoning cheeks, then reading his look she suddenly threw her arms about his neck.

  41. What on earth would Betty Ashton not have given at this moment to have prevented her cheeks from suddenly crimsoning in such a ridiculous fashion?

  42. Her smile changed and died out; she leaned back in her leather chair, gazing absently at the fiery reflections crimsoning the andirons on the hearth, and hearing afar, on some distant roof, the steady downpour of the winter rain.

  43. But she heard him, looked up dismayed, and remained mute, crimsoning to the temples.

  44. She was about to ask how understanding the creature would keep one from being eaten up when Michael pointed to the crimsoning West: "See!

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crimsoning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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