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Example sentences for "dearness"

Lexicographically close words:
dearer; dearest; dearie; dearling; dearly; dears; dearth; deary; death; deathbed
  1. Therefrom there followeth a great dearness of the Ware.

  2. The prices, indeed, which Fleetwood has been able to collect, seem to have been those chiefly which were remarkable for extraordinary dearness or cheapness; and I do not pretend that any very certain conclusion can be drawn from them.

  3. The more, therefore, they pay for the one, the less they really get for the other, and the dearness of the one is the same thing with the cheapness of the other.

  4. This, however, is the effect, not of the real cheapness of silver, but of the real dearness of corn.

  5. Upon examining, however, the accounts which have been published of their annual produce, I have not been able to observe that its variations have had any sensible connection with the dearness or cheapness of the seasons.

  6. Unquestionably, the mere deficiency of wheat could not cause the dearness of the other articles, which extends not only to the provisions he mentioned, but to every other without exception.

  7. The dearness of all things, and of bread in particular, continued to cause frequent commotions all over the realm.

  8. To the immediate effects of the cold must be added the great dearness of all the necessaries of life.

  9. Chapter XX 'A distant dearness in the hill.

  10. He was always trying to put her dearness into words and always failing.

  11. Love is the flowers and the dusk falling, and the sound of birds and rivers, and the dearness of little children.

  12. The dearness of provisions incites--the hope of increase of wages allures--and drink puts them in motion.

  13. The dearness of Mrs. Gardner was significant.

  14. He is a man capable of a dearness with the youngest men, yet he not youthfuller for them, but they older for him; and no man credits more his acquaintance.

  15. All vice put together is not half so scandalous, nor sets off our acquaintance farther; and even those that are not friends for ends do not love any dearness with such men.

  16. He cites the passage in Adam Smith referred to supra, in which Smith distinguishes real dearness from apparent dearness (introductory part of chap.

  17. He allowed her to perform small services for him because of the dearness of the smile it brought to her lips--almost a sort of mothering smile.

  18. And she saw the beloved dearness and beauty growing in him.

  19. But the dearness of labour leads to the adoption of improved methods of production, and especially to the invention of machinery, which gives back to the community what it has paid in increased wages a hundred or a thousand fold.

  20. Would it be very detrimental to real civilization if we were forced, by the dearness of labour, to give up all the trades in which human life or health is sacrificed to mere fancy?

  21. Yet the two brothers lived in amiable dearness and concord, no wise shaken or estranged by the reigning contention amongst their separate friends and adherents.

  22. The excessive dearness of this price will be easily conceived, when it is known, that at Moscow a pound of beef sells for about three copecs.

  23. The windows are large after the European manner, but on account of the dearness of glass and Russian talk are generally of paper, excepting a few panes of glass in the sitting room.

  24. But, not to ascribe all the guilt to men, but to our sins, the cause of this dearness has in part been that these years have not afforded as good weather as others.

  25. I have tried to ascertain the reason for so great a change, and for the dearness of food; and after thoroughly informing myself through persons who know, and through what I have seen with my own eyes, I find the following reasons therefor.

  26. Notwithstanding the burdens of the war, and the late dearness of provisions, the consumption of all these articles has increased, and the revenue along with it.

  27. To this cause he attributes a certain supposed dearness of the necessaries of life, which must compel our manufacturers to emigrate to cheaper countries, particularly to France, and with them the manufacture.

  28. Again, unhappily, we are able to bring to the test of facts the doctrine, that the dearness of food benefits the labourer and injures only the capitalist.

  29. How good is the Lord in helping me week after week through the heavy expenses, especially in this season of deep distress and dearness of provisions!

  30. The dearness of food must be felt by many; but the Lord in judgment is nevertheless gracious.

  31. Then came the sufferings that even distant war brought upon the citizens, the scarcity and dearness of provisions.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dearness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    price; stiffness; value; worth