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Example sentences for "debaters"

Lexicographically close words:
debatable; debate; debateable; debated; debater; debates; debating; debauch; debauched; debauchee
  1. In these days its membership is recruited very largely from the Deputies, so that it includes not only many men of distinction in letters and science but an unusual proportion of experienced debaters and parliamentarians.

  2. Debaters are a good deal cheaper than organizers.

  3. Undoubtedly he succeeded, by this and one or two other speeches, in securing for himself a place among the few great Parliamentary debaters of the day.

  4. These measures were advocated by the Illinois Senator in a speech that at once won him recognized place among the great debaters of that illustrious assemblage.

  5. This debate should have been of more than ordinary interest, both disputants were lecturers and debaters of long standing, and as an exponent of the evidences of Christianity Mr Thomas Cooper's reputation was, I believe, considerable.

  6. If the debaters did well it was because the ladies by their presence gave just such cheer as bands of music contributed to Napoleon's army, when getting their heavy cannon over St. Bernard Pass.

  7. It sent debaters straight into the State legislature.

  8. It is a strange assumption that a good talker must be a good administrator, and that a strong government can be formed by parcelling out the offices among the leading debaters in the legislative body.

  9. No doubt all leading debaters do not make good administrators.

  10. At a later stage the juvenile debaters awoke to an interest in the stirring questions of the day.

  11. As to the oft-renewed struggle in France between Bourbon Royalists, Imperialists, and Red Republicans, it was forcibly brought home to the realization of the young debaters by the presence of the exiled Charles X.

  12. Most of those questions belong to periods long subsequent to the time when James and Alexander Sprunt were the champions of the West Indian planters, and William Nelson and other juvenile debaters maintained the cause of the enslaved negro.

  13. His idea was to get around him all the really capable administrators and debaters of every party, and thus make up a Ministry which should be all-powerful, and of which all the power should be in his hands.

  14. Over and over again has a new member failed in his maiden speech, failed utterly and ludicrously, and turned out afterwards to be one of the greatest debaters in Parliament.

  15. Both Tiedemann and Winckelmann also remark that the debaters called Eristics contributed greatly to the formation of the theory and precepts of Logic, afterwards laid out by Aristotle.

  16. He proved to be an orator of no mean degree of ability, his splendid education made him an acknowledged scholar, and he soon became known as one of the ablest debaters in Congress, serving on some of the leading committees.

  17. His subsequent speeches on the increase of the navy and the repeal of the embargo act won for him a first place among the great debaters of his day.

  18. Six empty chairs were placed, three on each side, for the debaters who were to come up upon the stage at the finish of the violin solo that opened the program.

  19. It seems, so far as I can make out, to have been the first debate that one of the most consummate debaters that ever lived had the fortune of listening to.

  20. This necessity for an abundance of information precludes the idea, held by some, that good debaters depend for their refutation on the inspiration of the moment.

  21. Another method that some debaters follow is to memorize portions of their argument and to extemporize the rest.

  22. But if, as is usually the case, there be several debaters on each side, he takes up only one or two main points of the proof.

  23. It is a deplorable fact that many debaters try to say so much that when their allotment of time has expired they find themselves in the very midst of their argument.

  24. Some debaters go so far as to commit this conclusion to memory.

  25. There is a particular kind of evidence frequently available for debaters and argumentative writers known as argument from authority.

  26. The debaters on either side may or may not speak in rebuttal in the same order as in the main argument.

  27. But as writers and debaters in general seldom have the opportunity to apply tests of this sort to their sources of information, and as these tests are seldom important outside of the law courts, they are not taken up in detail in this book.

  28. He was one of the foremost debaters in the House of Commons, even at a time when that House had more commanding debaters in it than it can claim to have just at present.

  29. Some men in the House of Commons have been orators and nothing else; some have been orators and instructors as well; some have been Parliamentary debaters more or less capable; and a good many have been bores.

  30. He was ever alert, he could answer attack by attack, he could carry the battle into the enemy's ranks, and the ablest of our debaters had his best work to do when compelled to stand up in Parliamentary contest against Harcourt.

  31. The tribute is all the higher in this case because Bryce is not one of the showy and fascinating debaters whom everybody wants to listen to for the mere eloquence and fascination of their oratorical displays.

  32. I may say at once that Mr. Chamberlain has, ever since that time, proved himself to be one of the ablest debaters in the House of Commons.

  33. Familiar with political history, and one of the ablest debaters in the country, he proved himself no mean antagonist even for Hamilton.

  34. A coterie of the most skilful debaters happened to be members of this Assembly; and for several weeks Thomas J.

  35. And yet few Parliamentary debaters have ever produced a deeper impression!

  36. It was in that way that Bradlaugh, for instance, graduated from being a boy evangelist to being one of the most formidable debaters in the House of Commons.

  37. Upon a platform at the head of the room sat dreadful seniors, the officers of the society, and, upon benches near the platform, the debaters of the evening were aligned.

  38. Debaters are notified that each will be held strictly to the following schedule: Affirmative, 4 min.

  39. The Hartford debaters also thought that the national government had not done enough to protect the coasts of New England from British attacks.

  40. While the New commissioners were talking over the treaty of peace, other debaters were discussing the war, at Hartford, Connecticut.

  41. In your attitude towards the debaters on the other side be scrupulously fair and friendly.

  42. Draw up a scheme for a debate on one of the propositions in Exercise 4, with a tentative assignment of points to three debaters on a side.

  43. Nowadays would-be debaters are easily thrust out of Congress and forced to resort to the printing-office; are compelled to content themselves with speaking from the pages of the "Record" instead of from their places in the House.

  44. Though Mr. Asquith was an untried man when he went into office, in two speeches he succeeded in placing himself in the very front rank of the debaters and politicians in the House.

  45. Nearly every one of the most prominent debaters had by this time cleared out.

  46. Mr. Goschen I have always held to be one of the really great debaters of the House of Commons.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "debaters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.