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Example sentences for "disagreeables"

Lexicographically close words:
disaggregation; disagreable; disagree; disagreeable; disagreeableness; disagreeably; disagreed; disagreeing; disagreement; disagreements
  1. There was a dignified conclusiveness--not to add a grand convenience--in this way of getting rid of disagreeables which had done much towards establishing Mr Podsnap in his lofty place in Mr Podsnap's satisfaction.

  2. However, Wegg's comfort was, that all his disagreeables were now over, and that he was immediately coming into his property.

  3. I am quite sure that country air, quiet security, and moderate exercise in a good home, will bring up her health; and if she is willing to take the one or two disagreeables which may come with all this, let her try us.

  4. I only want to save real disagreeables in the future.

  5. It never seems to occur to you that I have my share of disagreeables to put up with.

  6. Luckily, one forgets the disagreeables of life unless they have an amusing side as this had.

  7. Zellner in Vienna You may believe me, dear friend, when I tell you that all the disagreeables and vexations which the preparations for the performance of my Mass [The Gran Festival Mass.

  8. You may safely expect various disagreeables in connection therewith, which are inseparable from musical work.

  9. But I should not wish previously to impose on any of my friends the disagreeables which the performance of my works, with the widespread presuppositions and prejudices against them, brings with it.

  10. You may remember I thought the offer you made when I was still in England too small; by which I did not at all mean, I thought it less than it was worth, but too little to tempt me to undergo the disagreeables of serial publication.

  11. Meanwhile, he was quite able to shut his eyes to disagreeables which did not actually affect him.

  12. As to that," said Leroux, spitefully, "there were enough disagreeables said about the Baron Leon about the time he married Mademoiselle Nathalie to serve for an ordinary lifetime.

  13. I should like to know what were some of these disagreeables to which you allude?

  14. The disagreeables are only going to last for a day or two.

  15. But a future life which is all described in metaphors, and a future life of which we know only that it is the negation of the disagreeables and limitations of the present, is but a poor affair.

  16. Whatever may be the success of my stories, I shall be resolute in preserving my incognito, having observed that a nom de plume secures all the advantages without the disagreeables of reputation.

  17. If I were to tell you of disagreeables and privations and sadness, Sara would write: "If you are unhappy now, you will be so a fortiori ten years hence.

  18. To his immense surprise, however, Hugo greeted him affably, and seemed to have forgotten the disagreeables of the previous visit.

  19. We can forget all the disagreeables now--I'm afraid I must continue to think Master Comfrey one of them--and be as we were.

  20. But I suppose after your experience you will be inclined to put up with any disagreeables you may have at home rather than try running away again?

  21. But men bound on active and dangerous service are always in the highest spirits, and make light of disagreeables and hardships of all kinds.

  22. I can easily believe you, especially when we come to consider the disagreeables of a mob.

  23. There was also a ship called the Loudoun Castle, whose skipper had the dire misfortune to incur the enmity of our mate, which led to disagreeables for the following absurd reason.

  24. Therefore, there was a great amount of good feeling on all sides, and disagreeables were rare.

  25. And is Walter one of the disagreeables you would go through?

  26. I would go through a great many disagreeables if I could only have enough to spend.

  27. Be calm; give care the go by, and drown all sorts of disagreeables in drink.

  28. I think I had naturally a bright disposition, and so in the first freshness of my surroundings did not mind the little disagreeables attending my 'strait-laced views,' as Nelly called them.

  29. I believe it is now finally settled that I am not to be in Parliament, and truly glad I am that the question is at any rate settled, for the certainty of a seat could hardly compensate me for the disagreeables attending the negociation for it.

  30. He appears pleased with the idea of his journey to Italy, though Mrs. Austin, who is returned, did not fail to represent in the strongest colours the disagreeables which she encountered.

  31. A long and most wearisome march, repeating all the disagreeables of yesterday in a magnified degree, the road lying through an interminable tract of shingle and deep sand by the river side.

  32. The glacier, which we now had to cross, has all the disagreeables of that peculiarity without its redeeming features, its varied and brilliant tints, such as are renowned in Alpine scenery.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disagreeables" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.