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Example sentences for "disagreable"

Lexicographically close words:
disadvantageously; disadvantages; disaffected; disaffection; disaggregation; disagree; disagreeable; disagreeableness; disagreeables; disagreeably
  1. We start about one o'clock, are flattered with the hope of making Calais harbour by the same tide, in three hours and a half; but any delay will leave the disagreable option of a tottering boat or a tossing night.

  2. My desire to get rid of Buriton is much confirmed by a very disagreable proof of the danger of distant and landed property.

  3. This is no disagreable Draught, and may be given to a Child of two Years old: and if they are older, a Grain or two more of the Rezin may be allowed.

  4. This Intelligence, I flatter myself, will not be disagreable to you.

  5. The Necessity of doing this was disagreable to the Members, but it could not have been otherwise, without causing a great Uneasiness in our Army at a very critical Juncture.

  6. He is much esteemd by those who were favord with his Company, & I hope he met with Nothing disagreable to him during his short Stay among us.

  7. In case this proposal should be disagreable to you, you have my full consent to the other.

  8. But as my memory is pretty good, and as I keep a very exact journal; the recollection of this part of my life may be no disagreable employment of some winter evenings at Beriton.

  9. You have had but a disagreable Winter, I think, in point of health.

  10. The journey from Rome has satisfied at least one species of a disagreable curiosity, that of being acquainted with the very worst roads in the universe.

  11. I am sorry at present to have so disagreable an excuse for the shortness of my present letter as a new attack in my shoulder, which has confined me to my lodgings yesterday and to-day.

  12. This, Dear Sir, is the disagreable side of travelling.

  13. A fine large court is a very agreable thing, but a dark nasty gate-way is a very disagreable one.

  14. Would it be disagreable to you, to send us a line by the return of the post, directing him to deliver up the Deed to your brother Trustee?

  15. It continued to rain almost without intermission last night and as I expected we had a most disagreable and wrestless night.

  16. No (says the disagreable Woman) I have once in my life been fool enough to travel I dont know how many hundred Miles to see two of the Family, and I found it did not answer, so Deuce take me, if ever I am so foolish again.

  17. There was a disagreable coldness and Forbidding Reserve in her reception of me which was equally distressing and Unexpected.

  18. Temple will tell you I speak like an oracle; for I have often seen him led by vanity into this very disagreable situation: I hope I am not too late to save Fitzgerald from it.

  19. Tis the only disagreable one I ever received from my dear Lucy: I am not sure I love you so well as before I saw this letter.

  20. He leaned forward with that deceitful and sort of disagreable smile of hisen, and took up one corner of my mantilly.

  21. Dorlesky Burpy bein' disagreable--he wus as disagreable as she is, any day.

  22. They are disagreable creeters a good deal of the time.

  23. I nearly pitied him, disagreable as he wuz.

  24. That's the way; and understand this one thing, that that which is disagreable comes much more speedily than that which you wish for.

  25. Why, because they are just as disagreable as you were declaring your fare to be.

  26. As the scene is in Greece, Hegio asks him why he swears by these foreign places; to which he gives answer merely because they are as disagreable as the unsavoury dinner of vegetables which he had some time since promised him.

  27. They have a slight flavor, not injurious to their perfection, because it gives no disagreable return.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disagreable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.