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Example sentences for "disburden"

Lexicographically close words:
disbelieved; disbeliever; disbelievers; disbelieves; disbelieving; disburdened; disburdening; disburse; disbursed; disbursement
  1. She sighed and turned to sleep, leaving Emma to disburden her heart in tears.

  2. It was the convention for a young man about to travel to apply to some experienced or elderly friend, and for that friend to disburden a torrent of maxims after the manner of Polonius.

  3. As Basil saith, a drunkard is like a ship in a tempest, when all the goods are cast overboard to disburden it lest it sink.

  4. Physicians must pump thee, or disburden thee, or thou wilt be drowned; and all will not serve if thou hold on to fill it up again; for intemperance maketh most diseases uncurable.

  5. Let them come and disburden their souls of care, fear, and anxiety, in this blessed port of rest and refuge for poor sinners.

  6. There is nothing that doth disburden the soul so of care and anxiety, nothing doth rid a man of so many perplexities and troubles, as this way.

  7. If you would disburden your hearts daily at the throne of grace, peace should guard and keep your heart, and then your peace would be perfect indeed.

  8. Drink of this cup, and disburden thy conscience, like a man.

  9. Accustomed, like all of that region, and more especially in that age, to calculate his chances of success warily, before venturing to disburden his mind, the monk fastened a penetrating look on his interrogator.

  10. The Bucentaur did not return directly to the quay, to disburden itself of its grave and dignified load.

  11. Wherefore I expect thee, I desire thee, I send for thee; for there be many things which trouble and molest me, which had I but thee in presence, I could quickly disburden myself of in a walking discourse.

  12. If any person among you hath a mind to disburden himself, in this matter, let him speak freely; we being much too strong in argument to wish to silence doubts by authority.

  13. But what is thy will, friend, that thou seemest in waiting for me, to disburden thyself of something?

  14. Disburden your mind of the weight that presses on it.

  15. It was evident that Sir Ratcliffe had something on his mind of which he wished to disburden himself; and it was equally apparent that Glastonbury was unwilling to afford him an opportunity.

  16. A strange indescribable feeling had come over me, and an irresistible desire to disburden my mind to the excellent man before me.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disburden" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    allay; alleviate; clear; deliver; disburden; discharge; disembarrass; disencumber; disengage; disentangle; dump; ease; exonerate; extremity; extricate; free; liberate; lighten; relieve; unburden; unload; unpack