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Example sentences for "disburse"

Lexicographically close words:
disbelieves; disbelieving; disburden; disburdened; disburdening; disbursed; disbursement; disbursements; disbursing; disc
  1. But he, smarting under the deceit, being able to punish the man, made him disburse the remainder of the payment.

  2. I will disburse twenty-five Louis, but it is your wife who must receive them; and the only condition is that she must receive me alone for an hour, and be entirely kind.

  3. The Chevalier Mengs embraced me as a brother, but I had the advantage over him in not being obliged to pay anything, whereas the great artist had to disburse twenty-five Roman crowns to have his diploma made out.

  4. The verdict might have possibly turned in his favour had he been willing to grease the palms of the jailors, in accordance with old Persian custom; but although the man was very well off, he refused to disburse a single shai.

  5. After not very long we pull up to disburse the road toll at a wayside collecting house.

  6. He does disburse the money in the end, capital and interest, but why people should worry over time, and why it should matter whether payment occurs to-day or to-morrow are quite beyond him.

  7. They therefore appointed a committee to consult with counsel learned in the law, and prepare a defence such as they might be advised to make, and ordered the Chamberlain to disburse such sums of money as might be required for the purpose.

  8. Let us then plunder as fast as possible, because Government will disburse the loss, and we shall not be forced to disgorge our booty.

  9. If twelve or more people who riotously and tumultuously assemble and disturb the peace, do not disburse within an hour of an order to disburse by a justice or sheriff or mayor, they shall be deemed felons without benefit of clergy.

  10. At length Senator Reniero came up and told me that if I was willing to disburse sixty ducats, which my sister-in-law had pressing need of, I might enter at once into possession of the house without a verdict from the bench.

  11. Then he called the treasurers who were appointed for my supplies, and told them to disburse whatever I required, let the cost be what it might.

  12. Therefore I shall wait until to-morrow before I disburse more money.

  13. Nothing would induce him to disburse it; at last, however, the Duke compelled him to make the payments, which caused the old man such anguish that he sickened of a dangerous colic and was brought to deathÂ’s door.

  14. He called his treasurer at once, who was the Viscount of Orbec, and ordered him that very day to disburse to me a thousand crowns of good weight and old gold.

  15. For this purpose he should be ex officio a member of all committees required to receive and disburse funds.

  16. There will be a treasurer, to care for the funds, and to disburse them as ordered by the board of teachers, or the Sunday school as a whole.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disburse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    administer; budget; cost; deal; disburse; dispense; disperse; dispose; distribute; divide; dole; expend; give; hand; invest; issue; mete; outlay; parcel; partition; pass; pay; portion; ration; schedule; shell; spend; splurge; spoon; squander