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Example sentences for "dollop"

Lexicographically close words:
dollars; dolled; dollers; dollies; dolling; dolls; dolman; dolmen; dolmens; dolo
  1. Mrs. Dollop became more and more convinced by her own asseveration, that Dr.

  2. Mrs. Dollop looked round with the air of a landlady accustomed to dominate her company.

  3. Dollop--Is a large or good quantity of any thing: the whole dollop means the whole quantity.

  4. Garnish each plate with a big dollop of sour cream and a heaping tablespoonful of sugar.

  5. Shred chicken, reheat in sauce and serve with shredded lettuce and cheese and a dollop of sour cream.

  6. And then, just when she began to feel it was a pretty big task to find her husband among that dollop of navvies and quarrymen, if she didn't run right on top of him!

  7. And many such like things she did, though never did they fetch such a dollop of money again.

  8. Besides, if you call at a cottage, and put on a pitiful face, you will nearly always find some one to "chuck you a dollop o' stale tommy.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dollop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bit; butt; chip; chunk; clip; clipping; collop; crumb; cut; cutting; dollop; dram; end; fragment; helping; hunk; little; lump; modicum; moiety; morsel; paring; particle; piece; rasher; scoop; scrap; shard; shaving; shiver; shred; slice; sliver; snack; snatch; snip; splinter; spot; stitch; stump; tatter