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Example sentences for "driv"

Lexicographically close words:
dritto; driue; driuen; driueth; driuing; drive; drivel; driveling; drivelling; driven
  1. He met Miss Rachel at a party in Louisville, an' de fust Sunday she come home he driv over to see her.

  2. Well, I driv de cows an' sheep to pasture an' seed dat no eagles kotched de lambs.

  3. My mammy was de cook in de big house an' my pappy driv de carriage an' went 'roun' wid Marse Jeff when he tuck trips.

  4. I kept him out of sight until Quarles could go over to the river and borrow a rig, and we driv in with him by the lower road, acrost the iron bridge, without goin' anywhere near Massac.

  5. But good as he is he is a heady old creeter, and won't be driv into anything and has a powerful good opinion of himself.

  6. Once in awhile you'll see some rare soul that seems as if all onworthy motives have been driv out by the angels of divine Purity and Endeavor, but they're scurce, scurce as hen's teeth.

  7. I sez, I wuz driv to it, and I sez it agin, "Oh, shaw!

  8. And in the Belgian exhibit wuz a gas engine of three thousand horse-power, a common sized horse can be driv through its cylinders, it takes about thirty tons of coal a day to run it.

  9. But he wuz driv most beyend his strength, and the cold wuz almost Klondikey, I could make allowance for him.

  10. Wal, arter dark, Parson Carryl, he driv into the yard, full chizel, with his pig.

  11. She mout take lessons on de peanny-forty from dat white gal in de grate house und play de hopperatticks arternoons arter me und her hez driv over de plantushun und seed to de craps.

  12. His finger got wusser till it nearly driv him crazy.

  13. Right dar whar I's a pinting my finger was a stone hitching post, and along dis side de street was whar de surreys driv up fer de folks to git out and go in de do' to de Opera.

  14. Paw--de call him 'Obie', he driv a waggin wid all de little nigger chaps in it dat wuz too little to walk.

  15. After pappy run away, mammy died and den one day de overseer herded up a big bunch of us niggers and driv us to Barnum's Tradin' Ya'd down in Mississippi.

  16. Thet’s the way we driv when we thought the Redskins was after us,” he called to Grace without turning his head.

  17. The descendants of them folks you driv round can stand here and poke fun at you all day and you've got to keep your mouth shet.

  18. He might have prayed for them to be driv out and then folded his hands and waited for the millennium.

  19. But come to look at it clost you could see a kind of a determined and sot look in the Stars and Stripes that seemed to say, "Well, now I am here I hain't goin' to be driv out by no yeller grounded flags whatsumever.

  20. So we driv through Lincoln Park, so beautiful as to be even worthy of its name, and one or two other beautiful parks and boolevards and Lake Shore drives.

  21. Why, I have thought when the mash got to burnin' down to the lake it wuz a grand sight; Jonesvillians have driv milds to see it.

  22. Bein' driv out of that position Elder Wessel tried a new tact: "The poor man has just as much right to the social enjoyment they git out of their saloon as you have, madam, to your afternoon teas and church socials.

  23. Robert got a big carriage, and we all driv over to the Prater, a most beautiful park on an island in the Danube.

  24. Josiah went with me, but he couldn't have driv no more than a mournin' weed could.

  25. You needn't look like that, Samantha; I tell you agin I wuzn't goin' to use it only when I wuz driv to death with work.

  26. For horses that are so old and have been driv round and showed off by so many conquerors, they look pretty sound and hearty.

  27. We descended a hill, driv along half a mild or so till we come to a fence and a open pair of bars, in front of which stood two muscular attendants and one on 'em sez, "We take a small fee from them that enter.

  28. Why, the boys have driv off the last two, and licked the one afore them like blazes.

  29. She jest plunged bows down, and driv straight to the bottom, the Daredevil did.

  30. It was a nor’wester that day, and they driv her right before the wind.

  31. When I got driv to you by Douglas and found you snoozin' I jes' crawled in under your bed and must a snoozed some myself.

  32. I was so tired er gettin' driv from one to the tother all mornin' that I got so sleepy I couldn't stay awake.

  33. She had more larning than ever could be driv into my brain, and went into a rich man's family to larn his children their letters.

  34. I tell you, it wasn't that as driv the gal away.

  35. It has mighty nigh driv her pa distracted, kase he likes Eph, an' Sally's his pet.

  36. Fact is, I reckon they've been driv off by some thievish villain.

  37. Neow this Langham girl, she driv up here with Note t'other day, to git some lobsters.

  38. I driv 'em off--but them thet went last tuck my saddle-bags away with 'em.

  39. Sometimes she put horse mint on de pallet with us to make us sweat and driv de fever 'way.

  40. They was fixed 'bout as good as anybody in the county and driv as good hosses and rigs as anybody.

  41. I seed long lines of slaves chained together driv by a white man on a hoss, down the Jefferson road.

  42. When us driv back to de plantation, sech a sight I never seen.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "driv" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    drive away; drive back; drive from; drive over; drive them; driven away; driven back; driven from; driven over; driver blow his horn; driving snow