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Example sentences for "earldoms"

Lexicographically close words:
eares; earf; earing; earings; earldom; earledome; earles; earless; earlie; earlier
  1. Anglo-Norman influence, which also tended to make these earldoms less official and more feudal.

  2. Something should be said of anomalous earldoms with Norman or Scottish styles.

  3. His fief would descend to the heirs of his body; and the earliest charters creating earldoms were granted with the same "limitation.

  4. Edwin and Morcar would keep their earldoms as of right.

  5. Probably they were aiding the insurrection,--if not at these two points, still at some other of their great earldoms of Mercia and Chester.

  6. All that they, young and unskilful lads, have a right to ask is, their father's earldoms and their father's lands.

  7. The new principle of primogeniture introduced at the commutation of chieftainries into earldoms was productive in this reign of much commotion and bloodshed.

  8. The great families of Fitzgerald and Butler obtained their earldoms of Kildare, Desmond, and Ormond, out of this dangerous crisis, but the premier earldom of Ulster disappeared from our history soon afterwards.

  9. Earldoms and kingdoms are not renounced "for light and transient causes.

  10. Some time after he also received the earldoms of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland.

  11. For some years the real governor of England was Earl Godwine, who kept his own earldom of Wessex, and managed to procure other smaller earldoms for his sons.

  12. Some of the earldoms had more extensive rights of regality than others, some were actual palatinates, and all earldoms originally were honours in fee heritable by the heir-general.

  13. Earldoms had a territorial nature, and the Earl took his “third penny” in the issues of the Courts in his earldom.

  14. This, of course, is but one of the cases in which the son of a Norman house settled in Scotland through its King's connection with the earldoms of Huntingdon and Northampton.

  15. Remembering the dictum of Dr Stubbs that 'Stephen's earldoms are a matter of great constitutional importance', it is worth while to examine this earldom of Cambridge.

  16. The match formed probably part of a policy which Henry pursued throughout his reign of bringing the great earldoms into closer connexion with the Crown.

  17. In no point had the policy of Henry the Third more utterly broken down than in his attempt to weaken the power of the nobles by filling the great earldoms with kinsmen of the royal house.

  18. But it must be remembered that the earldoms thus created are quite different from those of the Anglo-Saxon state or from the countships of France.

  19. That no serious trouble ever came from the so-called palatine earldoms is itself evidence of the powerful monarchy ruling in England.

  20. Nor ought comparison to be made between English baronies, or earldoms even, and those feudal dominions on the continent which had been based on the counties of the earlier period.

  21. By the abolition of the four great earldoms of the realm he struck a final blow at the ambition of the greater nobles for independent power.

  22. If William founded any earldoms at all after 1074 (which may be doubted), he did it on a very different scale.

  23. He was, however, very sparing in giving earldoms at all, and inclined to confine the title to those who were already counts in Normandy or in France.

  24. It was probably this fact that induced Canute to establish so many earldoms in the Southwest, particularly in the Severn Valley.

  25. It is also related that the Earl was not satisfied with the King's reward,[169] which may mean that he objected to having independent earldoms carved out of Western Mercia.

  26. Whether all the old Mercian region made one earldom is uncertain; most likely it did not extend to the western limits, as several smaller earldoms appear to have been located along the Welsh border.

  27. They became William's men and received again their lands and earldoms as his grant.

  28. One Norman and one Englishman held two earldoms together; but they were earldoms far apart.

  29. Of the three earldoms, those of Hereford and East-Anglia were not filled up; the later earldoms of those lands have no connexion with the earls of William's day.

  30. Waltheof's southern earldoms of Northampton and Huntingdon became the dowry of his daughter Matilda; that of Huntingdon passed to his descendants the Kings of Scots.

  31. It was only in the border earldoms and in Cornwall that he allowed anything at all near to the lordship of a whole shire to be put in the hands of a single man.

  32. Two greater earldoms than his had become vacant by the revolt, the death, the imprisonment, of Edwin and Morkere.

  33. Roger of Montgomery held the earldoms of Shrewsbury and Sussex, and Waltheof to his midland earldom of Northampton and Huntingdon now added the rule of distant Northumberland.

  34. While richly gifting his brother with earldoms and lands, Richard had taken oath from him that he would quit England for three years.

  35. But greater even than these was Robert of Belesme, the son of Roger of Montgomery, who held in England the earldoms of Shrewsbury and Arundel, while in Normandy he was Count of Ponthieu and Alençon.

  36. The King abolished the four great earldoms (S64), and restored national unity.

  37. The four earldoms established by Canute remained nearly unchanged until the Norman Conquest, 1066.

  38. The history of the earldoms during Edward's reign is exceedingly obscure.

  39. Hereditary right tempered by outlawry was fast becoming the title by which the earldoms were holden.

  40. To these earldoms he appointed some of his strongest men, men little troubled by scruples of justice or mercy, but capable leaders in war or diplomacy.

  41. But the country side looked on with dismay while William fought his way to London, not without much toil and opposition, but at last the humbled earldoms willingly or unwillingly received their new lord.

  42. His scheme of the four great earldoms had proved a bad one enough, for it had only made the nation weaker, and kept up continual rivalries and jealousies between the lords of Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, and Wessex.

  43. The earldoms in England were so perverted; originally they were offices like the modern lords-lieutenancies of the shires; gradually they became hereditary titles.

  44. Seal of Richard Nevill with separate crests and supporters for his earldoms of Salisbury and Warwick.

  45. They would be equally willing to acknowledge William of Normandy so that they might but preserve their earldoms under him.

  46. They will hasten to make the best terms they can for themselves, and will ask to be permitted to hold their earldoms as his vassals.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earldoms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.