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Example sentences for "eastermost"

Lexicographically close words:
easinesse; easing; east; eastbound; easterly; eastern; easternmost; easting; eastward; eastwardly
  1. At the North sunne the North Cape (which I so named the first voyage) was thwart of vs, which is nine leagues to the Eastwards of the foresayd Chappell from the Eastermost point of it.

  2. Eastermost part of this Island, there lyeth a sand East and by South 7 leagues long.

  3. And at the Eastermost part of that land is a castle which is called the Wardhouse, and the King of Denmarke doeth fortifie it with men of warre: and the Russes may not goe to the Westward of that castle.

  4. The south-eastermost of them lies in the latitude of 18° 12' S.

  5. These three islands make a kind of right-angled triangle with each other, the distance between the eastermost and westermost is about eleven miles, and their relative bearings are very nearly east and west.

  6. The anchoring-place is between the two rocks, the eastermost bearing N.

  7. The next day we made the island of Masafuero, and on the 10th, the island of Juan Fernandes: In the afternoon we got close to the eastermost part of it, and soon after hauled round the north end, and opened Cumberland Bay.

  8. The latitude of the eastermost and westermost of these islands is 5° 31' S.

  9. The eastermost is distant thirty-four miles due west from Tonikaky, and the westermost lies ten miles farther.

  10. On Thursday the 2d of June, we hauled in and made the land of Java, which proved to be that part of the island which makes the eastermost point of the Bay of Batavia, called Carawawang Point.

  11. The north-eastermost of these islands is small, low, and flat, with a white sandy beach all round it, and a great many trees in the middle.

  12. The eastermost point of land in sight bore E.

  13. This Cape, as I have observed before, is the northermost extremity of this country, and the eastermost point of a peninsula, which runs out N.

  14. I steered northeast for the north eastermost of these islands; but the wind coming to the north-west, I was obliged to stand out to sea.

  15. Footnote 42: Huaheine or Aheine (a word which signifies woman) is the eastermost of the Society Isles.

  16. I could see, this point being the eastermost land on the whole coast.

  17. And on the 4th of that month we passed the eastermost point of Arabia, called Cape Rassalgat, in lat.

  18. We anchored in Sangora road, under the eastermost of the two islands, on the 4th; and having put our ship into good trim, we came away on the 9th September, and returned to Patane next day.

  19. And so I conjecture it is about the Eastermost of the Tercera Islands.

  20. The eastermost part of New Guinea seen bore east by south, distant 12 leagues: Cape Mabo west-south-west half south, distant 7 leagues.

  21. Two miles beyond the eastermost town there are black rocks, which continue to the uttermost cape or point of the land for the space of a league, after which the land runs E.

  22. The west part of the land was high-browed, much like the head of a Gurnard, and the eastermost land was lower, having three tufts of trees like stacks of corn.

  23. The Eastermost Island of the two, our Men unanimously called Bashee Island, [25] from a Liquor which we drank there plentifully every day, after we came to an Anchor at it.

  24. The Eastermost of them are about 110 Leagues from the Main.

  25. The 10th, in the morning, we had sight of two small islands off the high land of Demiti, about a league from the coast, and about four leagues distant from each other, the eastermost bearing S.

  26. The 21st we set sail, steering near the eastermost of the two islands that are over against the watering-place, having nine and ten fathoms, and so to seawards of all the islands E.

  27. Footnote 139: Isola de Tierra, the eastermost of these islands of Juan Fernandez, in lat.

  28. Round foreland, which I take to be the Eastermost part of Capo de tres puntas: and within the saide Round foreland was a great bay with an Island in the said bay.

  29. Shortly after we had sight of the Eastermost part of the Cape, which lieth 4.

  30. The Eastermost Island communicates with the Main at Low-water, by a narrow Beach, over which Boats can go at High-water, into the N.

  31. South East about two Miles from Lally Cove Head, are two Islands about a Mile from each other, the North Eastermost is called Bell Island, and the other Dog Island, they are of a tolerable Height, and bold too all round.

  32. This point of Land I have called East Cape, because I have great reason to think that it is the Eastermost land on this whole Coast; and for the same reason I have called the Island which lays off it, East Island.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eastermost" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arctic; boreal; east; easterly; north; northeast; northerly; northern; northwest; northwesterly; south; southeast; southerly; southern; southwest; west; westerly; western