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Example sentences for "eightpence"

Lexicographically close words:
eighth; eighths; eightie; eighties; eightieth; eights; eightscore; eighty; eigi; eignen
  1. The eels were carried in little tubs, as many as eight or ten, one on top of the other, on the man's head, and sold by the lot in each tub at about sixpence or eightpence each.

  2. As every letter cost eightpence for postage it was too expensive to last long.

  3. A blood-letting, or a jaw-splitting tooth-drawing cost the sufferer eightpence extra.

  4. Physicians' fees were "meene" enough in olden times; but sixpence a visit in Hadley and Northampton in 1730, and only eightpence in Revolutionary times.

  5. The monarch's royal mandate The lawyer did obey; The thought of six-and-eightpence Did make his heart full gay.

  6. This would enable the public on both sides of the Atlantic to send their letters for eightpence instead of twelvepence.

  7. The consideration that Neale was to give for the patent was merely nominal; he was to remit six shillings and eightpence to the exchequer each year at the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.

  8. I knows what goosies ought to be to fetch eightpence a pound, and I can see he ain't got enough meat on him to feed a heckimal.

  9. Peter would sell a twelve-pound goose at eightpence a pound.

  10. I understand the market price of geese is eightpence a pound," said the artist nervously, awed by the gaunt presence of Mary and her patriarchal staff.

  11. Or why should people be allowed to ride quickly for eightpence a mile, after Parliament had come to the solemn decision that they should pay a shilling a mile for riding slowly?

  12. He left to an unnamed father and mother twenty shillings each, and six shillings and eightpence to the hospital.

  13. Provision was made that hammered money should be received in payment of these duties at the rate of five shillings and eightpence per ounce.

  14. Three old cronies would sit an afternoon six hours, smoke and drink a dozen bottles, their reckoning but eightpence each, and a penny for tobacco.

  15. After this John felt no more reluctant at parting with eighty-one pounds six and eightpence than he would have felt in paying a specialist two guineas for advising him to take a long rest when he wanted to take a long rest.

  16. The six and eightpence was for my lawyer.

  17. An exposure too common to attract notice, and a fine of six and eightpence was held sufficient penalty for a mortal sin.

  18. French and German wines were eightpence the gallon.

  19. Six and eightpence continued to be considered in parliament as the average; [20] and on the whole it seems to have been maintained for that time with little variation.

  20. The chronicler's statement for 1289, that in London the bushel of wheat rose from threepence to two shillings, is not borne out by the bailiffs' accounts, which show a range of from two shillings and eightpence to six shillings the quarter.

  21. According to Knighton, a reaper got eightpence a day, with his food, and a mower twelvepence.

  22. This license was paid at eightpence per day and twelvepence for his keeper that shall be with him.

  23. You tell me that you have married into a wealthy family, and you come to me faint and hungry, with two-and-eightpence in your purse.

  24. Two shillings and eightpence would have kept you till to-morrow, and then-- You have something of my brother's thoughtless spirit in you.

  25. The pay of the private foot soldier in 1685 was only four shillings and eightpence a week; yet it is certain that the government in that year found no difficulty in obtaining many thousands of English recruits at very short notice.

  26. Sir William Petty, whose mere assertion carries great weight, informs us that a labourer was by no means in the lowest state who received for a day's work fourpence with food, or eightpence without food.

  27. Their terms were--eightpence for every pound; but if the sum exceeded two pounds, a stamp duty of one shilling was levied by Government in addition.

  28. You only mentioned six and eightpence in your telegram.

  29. And she just flung the words six and eightpence at you, Beadsworth, and knew she’d fetch the lawyer.

  30. Having drunk the ale, which was highly approved of, one of them put down a shilling, and was walking off, when the barmaid recalled him, and offered eightpence change.

  31. Beer, or more frequently spirits, form the favourite 'nobbler,' the price of which varies from fourpence to eightpence in Sydney and Adelaide according to the drink.

  32. They had already eight shillings and eightpence out of the sixty-three shillings.

  33. At the fifteenth rabbit, when they had but eighteen shillings and eightpence toward the stole, the bottom fell out of it.

  34. The Terror went to the back doors of their well-to-do neighbors and offered his rabbits to their cooks with the gratifying result that in less than an hour he had sold all four of them at eightpence each.

  35. When it was between six shillings and six shillings eightpence a bushel its importation was forbidden, but there was no bounty paid for exportation.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eightpence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.