When these pieces are thoroughly dried, they are laid on the glass while it is red hot, and a large patch of very liquid glass is placed above it, so as to encase it and form one body with the whole.
Being a bad conductor of heat, charcoal is employed sometimes in powder to encase small furnaces and steam-pipes.
The married ones encase their hair in a piece of blue cloth, gathering it up at the back of the head in the fashion of English women of the present day; this is a sign of wedlock.
A pressed steel switch box should be used to encase each flush switch mechanism, even though it already be encased in porcelain.
It is made of hardwood in two pieces, a backing and cap, so constructed as to thoroughly encase the wire.
Where, perhaps, the legs of some gallant captain once found a local habitation, there the dirty Israelite now passing along feels ambitious to encase his own.
The constructor was thus led to encase the lower parts of his walls in a cuirass of stone imposed upon their brick cores.
Sew up tight, tie up the legs, andencase the body with strong twine, wrapped around to hold the wings to the body.
If we have healthy chests, we will encase ourselves in flannel; but if we happen to have chest complaint, we will use nothing of the sort.
Take no rest on a hair-mattress; it is elastic and pleasant, certainly, but it does not encase the body; and therefore you run a risk of not awaking languid.