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Example sentences for "esters"

Lexicographically close words:
esteeming; esteems; esteme; estemed; ester; esthai; esthetic; esthetical; esthetically; esthetics
  1. Referring to the esters C9H18O2 previously mentioned, it is seen that the highest boiling-points belong to methyl octoate and octyl formate, the least symmetrical, while the minimum belongs to amyl butyrate, the most symmetrical.

  2. CO2C2H5, formed by condensing acetic ester with formic ester, and also its dimolecular condensation product, coumalic acid, readily yields esters of [1.

  3. Acid esters yield carbinols, many of which are unstable and readily pass over into unsaturated compounds, especially when warmed with acetic anhydride: R.

  4. There is no doubt that at the present time artificial esters and higher alcohols, &c.

  5. In the above table the acid is expressed in terms of acetic acid, the esters are expressed as ethyl acetate, and the aldehyde as acetaldehyde.

  6. H + HCl In the sulphonic acid compounds it is assumed that the sulphur is hexavalent, and it is hence possible to consider the sulphones to be esters of sulphinic acid.

  7. From a physiological standpoint the recognition of tannins as esters of glucose and hydroxybenzoic acids, possessing characteristics similar to those of tannin, is of great importance.

  8. They readily form esters with alcohols, which on subsequent saponification with alkali are converted into the esters of the free hydroxybenzoic acids.

  9. The chlorides interact energetically with esters of amino-acids, and may be coupled with amino-acids in aqueous alkaline solution.

  10. They show all the reactions of esters, being readily hydrolysed by caustic alkalis, and reacting with ammonia to produce carbamic esters and urea.

  11. The normal esters may be prepared by the action of silver carbonate on the alkyl iodides, or by the action of alcohols on the chlorcarbonic esters.

  12. The acid esters of carbonic acid of the type HO.

  13. These normal esters are colourless, pleasant-smelling liquids, which are readily soluble in water.

  14. The acid esters of phenol are best obtained by the action of acid chlorides or anhydrides on phenol or its sodium or potassium salt, or by digesting phenol with an acid in the presence of phosphorus oxychloride (F.

  15. The haloid esters of the paraffin alcohols formed by heating the alcohols with the halogen acids are the monohaloid derivatives of the paraffins, and are more conveniently prepared by the action of the phosphorous haloid on the alcohol.

  16. With strong acids water is split off and esters are formed.

  17. Organic acids yield metallic salts with bases, and ethereal salts or esters (q.

  18. The ester or ether value, or number of milligrammes of KOH required for the saponification of the neutral esters or glycerides in 1 gramme of fat, is represented by the difference between the saponification and acid values.

  19. In addition to free santalol, the oil contains esters of santalol and santalal.

  20. The simplest glucosides are the alkyl esters which E.

  21. The fractional hydrolysis of optically inactive esters by lipase Part II.

  22. Hence, it seems probable that these changes in plants which are maturing naturally may be hastened by the hormone action of the esters and similar bodies which are developed in largest quantities at that stage.

  23. Furthermore, the glycerol esters of higher members of this and other monobasic acid series are constituents of all natural fats and oils (see Chapter X).

  24. The term wax, when used in the chemical sense, has reference to this particular type of esters rather than to any special physical properties which the compound possesses, and both solid and liquid waxes are known.

  25. This possibility is the most interesting fact known concerning these complex alcohols; although their presence as esters in all plant and animal fats indicates that they must have some biological function.

  26. Recent investigations seem to indicate, however, that there is really no cellulose nucleus in such walls as these, but that they are compound glyceryl esters resembling the true fats (see chapter X) in composition.

  27. These acid esters retain some of the characteristic properties of the acids, forming, for example, salts, with basic oxides.

  28. Esters of the mineral acids are also known and may be prepared by the ordinary methods as given above.

  29. The neutral esters are as a rule insoluble in water and distil unchanged; on the other hand, the acid esters are generally soluble in water, are non-volatile, and form salts with bases.

  30. The esters of the aliphatic and aromatic acids are colourless neutral liquids, which are generally insoluble in water, but readily dissolve in alcohol and ether.

  31. The esters of the higher fatty acids, when distilled under atmospheric pressure, are decomposed, and yield an olefine and a fatty acid.

  32. They all consist of glyceryl esters containing two fatty acid radicals and the phosphoric acid radical in which one of the residual hydrogens is replaced by the choline group.

  33. Barbital “may be prepared by the interaction of esters of diethylmalonic acid with urea in the presence of metallic alcoholates.

  34. It is resolved by solution in sulphuric acid and subsequent hydrolysis of the esters thus produced into dextrose.

  35. Production of fatty acids and esters in Cheddar cheese, Wis.

  36. The agencies operative in the production of volatile acids and syntheses of esters are as yet undefined.

  37. Claisen by condensing ethoxymethylene aceto-acetic esters and similar compounds with [beta]-ketonic esters and with 1.

  38. These esters of the fatty acids give the characteristic savor to many of our favorite fruits, candies and beverages.

  39. The nitric esters of cellulose have a strong reducting action on alkaline copper solutions.

  40. From the benzoates above described, mixed nitro-nitric esters are obtained by the action of the mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids.

  41. In the formation of nitric esters and in the sulphocarbonate reaction the substance gave results similar to those obtaining for the jute fibre.

  42. Further researches on the typical fibrous lignocellulose have given us a basis for correcting some of the conclusions recorded in our original work, and a study of the esters has thrown some light on the constitution of the complex (p.

  43. It will appear from this work that an exhaustive study of the cellulose esters promises to assist very definitely in the study of constitutional problems.

  44. In describing these mixed esters we shall find it necessary to adopt the C{12} unit formula.

  45. The esters were treated with ferrous chloride in boiling aqueous solution.

  46. Attempts have been made to determine the molecular weights of the cellulose esters in solution, by observations of depression of solidifying and boiling-points.

  47. Of the 8 OH groups five only react in the mixed esters described above, and six only in the case of the simple nitric esters.

  48. This would give a simple explanation of the well-known facts obtaining in the corresponding esters of the normal cellulose.

  49. In the systematic investigation of the nitric esters of the carbohydrates (p.

  50. On saponification of these esters with alcoholic sodium hydrate, anomalous results are obtained.

  51. The esters of the aliphatic amino acids may be diazotized in a manner similar to the primary aromatic amines, a fact discovered by T.

  52. The constitution of the diazo fatty esters is inferred from the fact that the two nitrogen atoms, when split off, are replaced by two monovalent elements or groups, thus leading to the formula N \ .

  53. It unites with aldehydes to form esters of ketonic acids, and with aniline yields anilido-acetic acid.

  54. Upon shaking the resin acids are rapidly saponified and extracted by the dilute alkaline solution as rosin soaps, while the ethyl esters remain in solution in the gasoline.

  55. As has been indicated alcohol is a common accompaniment of most acid fermentations, as are the esters of acids other than the chief product.

  56. Thus, the study of organic phosphates progressed from the comparatively simple esters connected with fatty substances of organisms to the proteins and the nuclear substances of the cell.

  57. Organic esters of phosphoric acids are used as insecticides.

  58. H Further proof for these constitutions was sought in the study of the esters formed when the acids react with alcohols.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "esters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.