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Example sentences for "execration"

Lexicographically close words:
execrable; execrably; execrate; execrated; execrating; execrations; execucion; executant; executants; execute
  1. No tears are shed for nations," cried Francis, whose sympathy for the Revolution was as passionate as Burke's execration of it.

  2. But the power of his name and presence was gone; howls and execration arose from the mob; a stone from a sling struck Montezuma upon the forehead, and he sank back into the arms of the Spaniards and was borne to his quarters.

  3. The appalling and unnecessary slaughter at Cholula has called down upon the heads of Cortes and the Spaniards the execration of historians.

  4. The 1st of March was the day fixed for the entrance of the Prussians into Paris, and a long-drawn howl of wrath and execration went up from every heart.

  5. Disease had weakened the poet's strength, and the burning of his library, as his Execration upon Vulcan sufficiently shows, must have been no mere transitory trouble to a poor poet and scholar.

  6. So that while the hidden curse is a lasting execration of her nature, the beautiful exterior is a masterpiece of mockery which her nature, and not her ugliness, maddened his sensitive genius to perpetrate.

  7. For a moment their execration seemed likely to turn upon me.

  8. This, by provoking deeper sympathy with the hero and greater execration of the villain, acted like paraffin oil on the flames.

  9. I am a wretch devoted to the scorn and execration of mankind!

  10. He answered, that he could not take cognizance of my deposition; that I was an object of universal execration in that part of the world; and he was determined upon no account to be the vehicle of my depravity.

  11. If there be one being on the whole earth that feels the scorn and execration due to such a wretch more strongly than another, it is myself.

  12. But I fear for young George and his oath there was no excuse; for it was an execration uttered from a heart full of hatred, and rage, and jealousy.

  13. An execration and a savage laugh, I am sorry to say, burst out of Harry's lips at this sudden movement of the chaplain's.

  14. But it was destined to a second interruption, which brought an execration from Lord March's lips.

  15. His paper meanwhile enjoyed a fair circulation, and his enemies periodically saw themselves held up before the people of the Province in a light well calculated to bring down public execration upon them.

  16. His head fell upon his bosom, he sobbed aloud, and we wept with him, and a deep groan of execration went up from the souls of us all to the God of mercy against this law.

  17. Occasionally words of bitter execration escaped the lips of one and another of the proslavery party.

  18. Imagine what must be the man's talent for Odium, who has contrived to spread his infamy like a pestilence from Ireland to Italy, and to make his name an execration in all languages.

  19. That, satisfied as your petitioners are that this inhuman system meets with the general execration of mankind, they flatter themselves the day is not far distant when it will be universally abolished.

  20. Amiable in domestic life, and respectable as a sovereign, but in his policy ill advised, while he gained the love of his Roman Catholic subjects, he incurred the execration of the Protestants.

  21. Nothing remained of all his past exploits, but the general execration which had followed them.

  22. The civilized world has greeted with execration this inhuman method of prosecuting war.

  23. The best protection of undefended cities against German Zeppelins is that a repetition of the Antwerp occurrence will be greeted with execration by the whole civilized world.

  24. And these were the women who only a few weeks back had hurled shouts of execration at me whenever they saw me!

  25. India to fan the discontent of pampered natives or aggravate the perplexities of overworked civil servants, held up to execration as the "overpaid and aristocratic favorites of a wasteful government.

  26. At this moment the Chilian plunged into the thick brushwood, and was, in a few seconds, lost to sight, while a yell of angry disappointment and execration went up from the pursuing soldiery.

  27. As they entered the house there was a shout of execration and defiance from the floor above, and the defenders began to swarm down the stairs to repulse their enemies.

  28. Let it be driven from the Church, with the burning seal of its reprobation and execration stamped on its iron brow, and its fate is fixed forever.

  29. A roar of execration was the answer to this appeal.

  30. And for four hundred years that lie has held its place in history, the very cornerstone of all the execration that has been heaped upon the name of Borgia.

  31. In his own dominions the voice of execration has been raised against him.

  32. As they reached the bottom of the nave the great central doors swung open, and through them came a mighty roar of execration from the multitude outside as they appeared on the top of the Cathedral steps.

  33. As he concluded his appeal, one mighty shout of wrath and execration rose up to heaven from a million throats.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "execration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.