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Example sentences for "exerts"

Lexicographically close words:
exert; exerted; exerting; exertion; exertions; exfoliation; exhalation; exhalations; exhale; exhaled
  1. The activity of the mind exerts itself on the elements furnished to it by the perceptions of the senses.

  2. The powerful agency of steam or aqueous vapour in volcanic eruptions leads us to compare its power of propelling lava to the surface with that which it exerts in driving water up the pipe of an Icelandic geyser.

  3. His next law is that when a body A exerts a force on a body B, then B also exerts a force on A which is equal in amount but opposite in direction.

  4. Thus it is known to chemists that spongy platinum causes the combination of oxygen and hydrogen, and exerts generally a powerful influence over the affinities of gases and liquids, without ever itself undergoing any change.

  5. Iodide of Potassium exerts a special influence over secondary forms of the same malady?

  6. But we find that the exhilarating action of Alcohol may often be followed by no manifest depression; and that Belladonna, which scarcely stimulates at all, exerts a very sensible depressing influence.

  7. Antimony is also a special sedative to the Vagus nerve, and as such exerts an important influence, which enables it sometimes to cut short the process of inflammation by depressing the action of the heart.

  8. It exerts a true Catalytic or counteractive influence.

  9. But it is used beneficially in Gout; and it is assumed that in the cure of this disorder it exerts an action in the blood, inasmuch as its remedial operation appears to be independent of its nervous and glandular actions.

  10. Arsenic has been recommended in Syphilis, but it exerts no marked power over that disorder.

  11. In inflammations of the lungs it is particularly applicable, for it exerts a sedative influence over the nerves of those organs.

  12. It is thus Gallic Acid which passes out into the secretions, and exerts an astringent action at distant parts of the system.

  13. It is possibly by a similar action that it seems able to counteract the deposit of crude tubercle, and exerts a special action in the prevention and cure of strumous disorders.

  14. The state or condition of formation or decomposition of a body, the state of change of place or motion in which its particles are, exerts an influence on the particles of many other compounds, if in contact with them.

  15. Nitro-hydrochloric acid contains Chlorine, which is an oxidizing agent, and probably exerts in the blood an action of this kind.

  16. The hearts of men are open to him, as to one of their own class; and whether he exerts himself or not in the conversational circles of his acquaintance, his silence is not attributed to pride, nor his communicativeness to vanity.

  17. But supposing, Reding, there is no law existing in the quarter where influence exerts itself?

  18. Just what action the liver exerts upon proteins is not wholly known at the present writing.

  19. We see therefore that degeneration exerts a most notable influence upon morphological anomalies; it is far more serious than external (social) conditions.

  20. Time is uselessly wasted in importunity, which all believe must in the end prove successful; and the practice of invocation and intercession thus exerts the most baneful tendency even upon the daily dealings of life.

  21. Hence, this condensation product exerts a pickling rather than a tanning effect.

  22. She notes, for example, the evil influence the street exerts on the characters of her boys, but does not know how to preserve them from its overwhelming attractions.

  23. State enterprise for all practical purposes exerts no supervision over lads between the ages of fourteen and eighteen--the most important epoch of their lives.

  24. The following bacteriological studies as to the effect which a variation in temperature exerts on bacterial life in milk are of importance as indicating the foundation for the selection of the proper limits.

  25. The ripening temperature, likewise the moisture content of the surrounding air, also exerts a marked influence on the physical properties of the cheese.

  26. Bright sunlight exerts on many species a powerful disinfecting action, a few hours being sufficient to destroy all cells that are reached by the sun's rays.

  27. When growth does once begin in milk, the temperature at which it is stored exerts the most profound effect on the rate of development.

  28. Temperature exerts a most potent influence on the quality of the cheese, as determined not only by the rate of ripening but the nature of the process itself.

  29. In the manufacture of cheddar cheese, the development of acid exerts an important influence on the character of the product.

  30. Heat may be used at different temperatures, and when so applied exerts a varying effect, depending upon temperature employed.

  31. Stocking[26] has shown that the individual milker exerts a potent influence on the total germ content of milk, even where the procedure is quite the same.

  32. The thrust of the screw is the pressure which it exerts in driving the vessel forward.

  33. Certainly no institution exerts a more powerful influence upon the beliefs and opinions of the individual than the home.

  34. He also exerts some influence upon legislation by the use of the patronage which accompanies his appointing power.

  35. From the standpoint of Public Opinion, the primary importance of the church is that it exerts a powerful influence upon the ideals and conduct of both young and old.

  36. In spite of these restrictions, the President exerts a considerable influence upon legislation by the use of the veto, or by the threat that he will employ it.

  37. Though still heard in tariff discussions, this argument now exerts less influence than formerly.

  38. Indirectly the President exerts a considerable influence upon legislation by bringing political pressure to bear upon the Congressional leaders of his party.

  39. There is a large class of events which civilized man cannot help recognizing as belonging to a definite order and sequence, and where the belief in the marvellous exerts little or no influence.

  40. In several passages he affirms that its influence extends far beyond that which it exerts on the race of man.

  41. That which exerts an irresistible power to please and attract; that which fascinates; any alluring quality.

  42. He was inclined to shew an usurper and a murderer not only odious, but despicable; he therefore added drunkenness to his other qualities, knowing that kings love wine like other men, and that wine exerts its natural power upon kings.

  43. Hence he generally exerts his conjectural Talent in the wrong Place: He tampers with what is found in the common Books; and, in the old ones, omits all Notice of Variations the Sense of which he did not understand.

  44. But the power it exerts is in large part the resultant of other forces less openly displayed.

  45. It is beyond our ability, and we imagine it is beyond the ability of Mr. Murphy, to conceive of force without something that exerts force, of intelligence without a being who is intelligent.

  46. But, according to Herschel, the pull which the sun exerts on the earth is delivered instantaneously.

  47. We can readily believe, with Hamilton, that the human mind "exerts energies and is the subject of modifications" of which it is not immediately conscious, the combined results of which are manifested in the complex fact of consciousness.

  48. A person who believes he has his succour at hand, and that he acts in the sight of his friend, often exerts himself beyond his abilities, and does wonders that are not to be matched by one who is not animated with such a confidence of success.

  49. Evidently the Particle knows, for it exerts a "drawing" power or force by means of the Mental-connection, and two come together.

  50. And, remember this please, that the small object attracted by the earth exerts an attraction on its own account.

  51. This dignitary, appointed by the local authority annually, exerts in his little community an undisputed sway, enforced by his power of imprisonment.

  52. Upon thought and art and taste, however, neither of these countries exerts much influence.

  53. To describe her body describes her mind--one is the transcript of the other; her understanding is not shown in the variety of matters it exerts itself on, but in the goodness of the choice she makes.

  54. The wise will profit by the suffering they cause, and eschew them for the future; but there are those on whom experience exerts no ripening influence, and who only grow narrower and bitterer, and more vicious with time.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exerts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.