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Example sentences for "expressional"

Lexicographically close words:
expresses; expresseth; expressible; expressing; expression; expressionless; expressions; expressive; expressively; expressiveness
  1. I once much overrated him as an expressional draughtsman, not having then studied the figure long enough to be able to detect superficial sentiment.

  2. In this instance the contagious effect of expressional movements was undoubtedly facilitated by their connection with so primary an impulse as that of rapine and destruction.

  3. As a result of this craving the expressional activities lead to artistic production.

  4. The expressional impulse is not satisfied by the resonance which an occasional public, however sympathetic, is able to afford.

  5. Now that the principle of the interindividual diffusion of feeling has been stated and explained, we may return to our main line of research and examine its bearings on the expressional impulse.

  6. We are amazed at the audacity, the resourcefulness, of the expressional apparatus that is cumulatively reared in this unprecedented score.

  7. One would not be far wrong, probably, in finding this music-drama's chief and final claim to the highest excellence in its triumphant character as an expressional achievement; in this it ranks with the supreme things in music.

  8. Where much is to be gained much also can be lost, and interpretative or expressional typography that misses the mark may easily be of a kind to make the judicious grieve.

  9. Of the wrongness or rightness of such a proceeding we shall reason in another place; at present we have to note it merely as displacing the Venetian work from the highest or expressional rank of art.

  10. Hunt's Light of the World is, I believe, the most perfect instance of expressional purpose with technical power, which the world has yet produced.

  11. Ruskin pronounced it "the most perfect instance of expressional purpose with technical power which the world has yet produced.

  12. Though he conceives the prime mission of music to be interpretive, he insists no less emphatically that, in its function as an expressional instrument, it shall concern itself with essences and impressions, and not at all with transcriptions.

  13. The range of his expressional gamut is striking.

  14. He would have none of a formal and merely decorative beauty--a beauty serving no expressional need of the heart or the imagination.

  15. That will be commonly the best proportion which is a natural mean between the two limits; leaning to the side of grace or of grandeur according to the expressional intention of the work.

  16. So again with Giotto; the Arena chapel is not only the most perfect expressional work, it is the prettiest piece of wall decoration and fair color, in North Italy.

  17. So that I have never yet seen the case in which this true artistical excellence, visible by the eye-glance, was not the index of some true expressional worth in the work.

  18. In general, the hearing of the voice, and an expressional purpose in making the voice, are the better means of acquiring good breathing.

  19. Following comes the adapting of this improved voice to the varieties of use, or expressional effect, demanded of the public speaker.

  20. What was said about vividness in the discussion of expressional effects applies generally to the reading of poetry.

  21. Infinitely suggestive such an observation as this last on the whole delightful head, where representation is concerned, of possible variety, of effective expressional change and contrast.

  22. Expressional activities at State colleges are not wanting.

  23. Expressional activities are increasing in Negro colleges but with few exceptions these are inadequate in scope and number.

  24. It now remains for us to examine the expressional activities of these students.

  25. The emphasis which they are putting on expressional activity as an essential in the process of religious education does seem to indicate that they regard self activity.

  26. Still, our impression is that their concepts are too vague to be put into intelligible language even if the expressional terms at hand were adequate.

  27. There is a dearth of expressional terms, and I am doing the best I can with such as are at my disposal.

  28. Unquestionably, however, the elder poet showed a consummate and continuous mastery of his art altogether beyond the intermittent expressional power of Browning in his most rhythmic emotion at any time of his life.

  29. A line may be pleasing to sense-perception, and in addition illustrate expressional value by suggested ease of movement or pose.

  30. It requires a certain boldness to attempt to effect a rapprochement between the formal and the expressional factor.

  31. His accusation that I induced architects to study sculpture more, and what he is pleased to call “expressional character” less, I admit.

  32. This powerful drawing, made within the last two years, is to be cited as a characteristic specimen of expressional art.

  33. For throughout his career this artist has leaned strongly toward the treatment of his expressional and significant painting in a decorative way.

  34. Thirdly, the Grotesque Expressional School, consisting of men who, having peculiar powers of observation for the stronger signs of character in anything, and sincerely delighting in them, lose sight of the associated refinements or beauties.

  35. There is, first, the Great Expressional School, consisting of the sincerely thoughtful and affectionate painters of early times, masters of their art, as far as it was known in their days.

  36. TICS OF THE CHIN The muscles of the chin collaborate with other facial muscles in expressional movement, and are similarly liable to be the seat of tics.

  37. The average college student lacks expressional power: Reasons= The very best law and medical schools get the better of this, and only the best.

  38. What the Greeks did for the horse, and what, as far as regards domestic and expressional character, Landseer has done for the dog and the deer, remains to be done by art for nearly all other animals of high organisation.

  39. We refer to the expressional power of color,--not the conventional significance whereby certain colors have been associated arbitrarily with mental conditions.

  40. In order to bring together in fairly comprehensive array the terms that are ordinarily used by the composer to indicate various expressional effects, a table of the most frequently encountered dynamic expressions is here included.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expressional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.