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Example sentences for "fellow citizens"

  • Well, fellow citizens, may our hearts be wrung with sorrow on this occasion, in looking back to what we were, and forward to what we may soon be.

  • My fellow citizens: The world and we have passed the midway point of a century of continuing challenge.

  • From a respect, indeed, to economy and the ease of my fellow citizens belonging to the militia, it would have gratified me to accomplish such an estimate.

  • I rely with entire confidence on your cooperation in objects equally your care, and that our mutual labors will serve to increase and confirm union among our fellow citizens and an unshaken attachment to our Government.

  • We have met, fellow citizens, to give public expression to the feelings which animate every bosom in our society, and to unite our congratulations on the triumph of liberty in France.

  • Fellow citizens, this light was first struck in our land.

  • Though I prize as I ought the good opinion of my fellow citizens, yet, if I know myself, I would not seek or retain popularity at the expense of one social duty, or moral virtue.

  • I must be excused, my fellow citizens, if, upon this point, I take advantage of my professional experience, to detect the futility of the assertion.

  • My fellow citizens, on the adoption of this fatal plan, and when every part of the great complicated machine shall be put in motion, the lustre of our state assemblies will be diminished by the superior splendour of the federal head.

  • Believe me, my fellow citizens, that no overweening self conceit, no vain ambition, no restless meddling spirit, has produced this address.

  • For my part, I will neither further disappoint my fellow citizens, nor will I be dictator to no purpose.

  • Could I believe that, even though I dwelt in the very citadel and the Capitol, that I could be dreaded by my fellow citizens?

  • It is for you, fellow citizens, not for me to say whether I am up or down.

  • But, fellow citizens, the few survivors are not only venerable, they are sacred men.

  • The speech opened thus: "Fellow Citizens; who is Daniel Webster?

  • With what confidence, fellow citizens, did your ancestors look to independence and the establishment of the form of government under which we have lived and prospered as a people?

  • When I was last in Boston, I seizd an Opportunity to advise my Fellow Citizens to beware of their popular Men--to penetrate their Views and Designs.

  • There, I shall on all occasions contribute my Mite in promoting the Peace and Prosperity of my fellow Citizens.

  • I employ no Pimps or Spies on my Fellow Citizens, & yet I hear of many things that are said & done in Boston.

  • I shall most heartily rejoyce, if the "Abilities and disinterested Zeal" of the Gentleman called to fill the Chair prove adequate to the strong Expectations of my fellow Citizens in Boston, expressd in their late Vote of Thanks.

  • He pushed me back in a very dramatic way, and shouted: "Fellow citizens, allow me to make the introduction here.

  • Fellow citizens, I have come three thousand miles from my mountain home, three thousand feet above the level of the sea, to discuss with you these vital questions for the safety of our republic.

  • He shouted: "Fellow citizens, I told you they were coming.

  • So instead of saying "fellow citizens" he used the fatal words "my friends.

  • Although the soldiers of Coroticus are also called "fellow citizens of the pious Romans," no one would surely dream of saying that the soldiers of Coroticus and the pious Roman were actually of the same nationality.

  • I do not say to my fellow citizens, nor to the fellow citizens of the pious Romans, but to the fellow citizens of the devil, through their evil deeds and hostile practices.

  • Fellow citizens of all the Island: The blood of the patriots who have fallen during the first onset of the struggle has consecrated our aspirations with a glorious baptism.

  • Fellow citizens of the Western Department, if it has not been your good fortune to be the first in grasping arms, neither were you among the last in listening to the voice of the fatherland that cried for revolution.

  • Attend to it, fellow citizens, and tremble at the dangers that threaten the destruction of your republic, from the introduction of Popery among you.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fellow citizens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    atomic energy; bitter disappointment; compound leaf; cried out; dark spots; dearest father; down there; excuse for; fair share; fellow citizens; fellow countrymen; fellow creature; fellow creatures; fellow like; fellow prisoners; fellow soldiers; generally recognised; mismo que; nearly circular; private enterprise; rarely white; religious rite; she spoke; story told; threw himself; when standing