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Example sentences for "festive"

Lexicographically close words:
festis; festiuall; festival; festivall; festivals; festivities; festivity; festliche; festo; festoon
  1. Thus the literary and the professional element, as well as that of popular festive usages, had survived to become tributaries to the main stream of the early Christian drama, which had its direct source in the liturgy of the Church itself.

  2. Survivals and adaptations of pagan festive ceremonies and usages.

  3. The dancing-room glittered with extra lights, and a profusion of cut-paper flowers decorated the festive scene.

  4. Mrs. Hobson had actually assumed clean gloves for this festive occasion.

  5. A suppressed whisper passed round the festive board and all eyes were fixed on the haggard countenance of the prisoner.

  6. The painful silence which followed was broken by a stifled cry, and the knight's daughter, pale as the covering on the festive board, sank unconscious to the floor.

  7. There is no credit in being happy when the sun is shining, as dear old Mark Tapley would have said; but it will really be praiseworthy if we succeed in being festive this afternoon.

  8. They have developed other muscles than those of the tongue; and yet even they are a bit talkative to-night, and have an unmistakably festive air about them.

  9. On coming to the city from Montobbio, he was honoured with festive receptions by all the nobility; his manners and his gentle courtesy acquired him the love of the best among the people.

  10. These gentlemen, alarmed at finding the palace a camp rather than a festive hall, gathered about him to learn the cause of these extraordinary sights and sounds.

  11. Arriving there many were surprised to find, in place of festive preparations, the halls filled with arms and armed men, strange faces and the din of warlike preparation.

  12. Judith was just wishing before you came that we could have a cosy supper here, but we all thought it would be more festive to celebrate in some more lively spot than the old studio.

  13. Come along and get into your festive togs--we don't want to miss a single minute, and dinner is very early tonight.

  14. If being made much of, and petted and patted and admired and wondered at, make up the sum of human bliss, Barty came in for as full a share of felicity during that festive week as should last an ordinary mortal for a twelvemonth.

  15. Barty went in and selected his menu; and waiting for his hors-d'oeuvre, he just peeped out of the door and looked up and down the arcade, which was always festive and lively at that hour.

  16. He was a constant attendant in the crowd at all metropolitan fairs, mob meetings, Lord Mayor's shows, public executions, and all other holiday and festive gatherings!

  17. You must ask Nan to play and sing now," said Daisy to her brother, who sat looking very much like an owl, as he gravely regarded the festive scene between his high collars.

  18. Tommy flew to his room and dived into bed, where he lay, laughing till something burned his hand, when he discovered that he was still clutching the stump of the festive cigar, which he happened to be smoking when the revel broke up.

  19. It was a festive occasion, and he loved festive occasions of all sorts.

  20. Festive faces bent over the album and began examining it.

  21. Now, getting ready for the fourteenth, he was trying to make himself look as festive and correct as possible.

  22. Other people grow festive with vodka, but I suffer from anger, disgusting thoughts, sleeplessness.

  23. When the festive miner rejoices, his dancing would lack the distinguishing clatter which is its richest charm, without alder grown on the banks of the Donegal Finn.

  24. When the great Bill impends, why flee the festive scene?

  25. He loves to put in the seed and then to sit down and wait for the crop, varying the proceedings with fairs and festive gatherings.

  26. Then comes the house of the Misses Brown, in which on Christmas Eve shots were fired, by way of celebrating the festive season.

  27. Shorn, however, as it is, of its ancient and festive honors, Christmas is still a period of delightful excitement in England.

  28. And with the coming of these times, we'll add some old and lusty rhymes, that suit the festive season well, and sound as sweet as Christmas bell.

  29. All of her visitors are her cousins; and when they have spent a festive evening with her in the kitchen, is it not curious to remark with what certainty we find low tide in the sugar-box and an absence of symmetry about the cold beef?

  30. When I saw Gunn in earnest conversation with the groom and caught the words, "in favor of your wife, you know," I became aware of the fact that Benjamin was improving the festive hour with an attempt to do a bit of business.

  31. At one of these festive meetings Boswell related the story of the post-chaise, and expatiated on the merits of Sir David Dalrymple with the ardour of a hero worshipper.

  32. Friday evening was devoted to various dinner parties of the alumni of the library training schools, and the dining-room with its long tables and flowers presented a festive scene.

  33. The speeches were interrupted repeatedly by the festive small boy and his Fourth of July crackers.

  34. When funds were needed, a general levy was made; any balance that remained was spent in a festive gathering in the nearest tavern.

  35. The plane tree was much valued by the ancients, as affording, by its extending branches, a pleasant shade to festive parties.

  36. No industrious bee took {thence} the collected blossoms, no festive garlands were gathered thence for the head; and no mower’s hands had ever cut it.

  37. The Hæmonian nobles were there; I, too, was there, and the festive palace resounded with the confused rout.

  38. While the stranger is observing these things, the last course is run,[56] and the victorious Atalanta is adorned with a festive crown.

  39. And no longer suffering it to be deprived of its honours, they place upon it the festive chaplet.

  40. This they cover with cloths, which they have not been accustomed to place there but on festive occasions; but even these cloths are coarse and old, {though} not unfitting for a couch of willow.

  41. Oh very festive in this house to-night.

  42. So you're going to be very festive in this house to-night?

  43. He got many prisoners, and wagons loaded with bon-bons and all the good things of the festive season.

  44. At length, at the moment when the people, after their triumphs and festive repasts in the open streets, were looking about for a master, it was affirmed that a vessel had left the Hague, bearing Charles II.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "festive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    blithesome; boon; convivial; festal; festive; gala; gay; gladsome; hearty; hilarious; jolly; jovial; joyful; joyous; lighthearted; merry; merrymaking; mirthful; special