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Example sentences for "filibusters"

Lexicographically close words:
filial; filiam; filiation; filibuster; filibustering; filiform; filigree; filigreed; filii; filiis
  1. I have heard it said that the Nitti government had advance knowledge of the raid on Fiume and that the reason it took no vigorous measures against the filibusters was because it secretly approved of their action.

  2. Night fell upon the scene where fifty-eight surviving filibusters stood at bay, overcome with hunger, thirst, and hard fighting.

  3. Whether or not the lesson may be heeded when the example shall have grown old, it is plain that for the present at least, the race of filibusters is extinct.

  4. With the expulsion of the filibusters terminated for a time the war in Nicaragua.

  5. It was said that the United States had saved the filibusters from extermination; but there was not a man in Rivas who did not spurn the spurious claim.

  6. The filibusters lay in groups around their fires, the very flower and perfection of that lost race called the "49-ers.

  7. The filibusters were by no means impelled to risk life and liberty through an abstract love of freedom or disinterested affection for their oppressed allies.

  8. In less time than has been taken to tell it one hundred and ten filibusters had carried by assault the city of Granada, without losing a man--literally, for a drummer-boy was the only victim on their side.

  9. President Pierce had recognized the government of Rivas and Walker, as a cheap concession to the friends of the filibusters in the United States, for President Pierce was looking to a re-nomination in the forthcoming convention.

  10. The filibusters lost one man, a victim to his own indiscretion in having borrowed a leaf from the enemy's tactics and fortified his courage with too much aguardiente.

  11. Among the latter were many devoted men who had kept faithful to his fortunes throughout all, and on whom the wrath of the enemy would fall as soon as the dread filibusters should leave the country.

  12. For the filibusters had "come to stay," they boasted.

  13. The enemy, as soon as the junction was effected, abandoned further opposition to the retreat of the filibusters and withdrew from the lake road.

  14. The names of these filibusters are forgotten, but those of Lount and Matthews, who perished on the scaffold, have been inscribed on some Canadian hearts as patriots.

  15. It was enough, however, considering the filibusters had no more than four hundred engaged.

  16. However, there was now a conspiracy commenced by some who were unwilling to leave Nicaragua, and who distrusted General Walker's ability to save the filibusters much longer.

  17. Never were filibusters or men-of-war better pleased than now!

  18. The filibusters jumped up astounded and disordered; but, seeing so much good liquor running away wastefully into the grass, they grew terrible.

  19. To the four other republics of Central America the five-pointed blood-red star on the flag of the filibusters bore a sinister motto: "Five or None.

  20. Hidden behind rocks and cactus, across the hot, glaring plain, the filibusters could see the American flag, and the gay, fluttering guidons of the cavalry.

  21. On Mexican soil he would neither embarrass the ex-President of Sonora nor aid him; but he saw to it that if the filibusters reached American soil, no Mexican or Indian should follow them.

  22. Those of the filibusters who were wounded died from lack of medical care.

  23. From the very start the filibusters were overwhelmed with disaster.

  24. Three hundred French filibusters were killed in the battle.

  25. In this long war, too, the French filibusters were especially numerous and active.

  26. In 1683, however, these filibusters of Hispaniola carried out a much larger design upon the coasts of New Spain.

  27. The French governor thereupon sent a barque with 30 filibusters to attack the Englishman, but the filibusters returned well beaten.

  28. The mulatto's costume is such as certain filibusters then generally adopt when on shore.

  29. Until its almost total destruction by Walker and his filibusters in 1857, it was a beautiful town, filled with fine mansions, and proud of its appearance.

  30. Crabb, a Stockton lawyer who married a Spanish woman with relatives in Sonora, a hundred or more filibusters gathered in Los Angeles, in January, to meet Crabb at San Pedro, when he arrived from the North on the steamer Sea Bird.

  31. After France had taken possession of Tortugas, it came about quite naturally that the French buccaneers found themselves better treated in that port than the English filibusters or the Dutch Sea-Rovers.

  32. Filibusters saw the value of a base so close to Spanish holdings, realized the impregnability of the harbor and flocked thither.

  33. But as the Mexicans rode into the ambush which Walker had prepared for them the hidden filibusters emptied a dozen saddles at a single volley, and the soldiers, terrified and demoralized, wheeled and fled for their lives.

  34. Illustration: The programme was always the same: the sudden rush of the filibusters with their high, shrill yell; the taking of the barracks and the cathedral in the Plaza.

  35. Sidenote: Texas filibusters] In the extreme South the American settlers of Texas, aided by Davy Crockett's filibusters from the United States, began a war for independence against Mexico.

  36. On August 11, Lopez had landed with more filibusters in Cuba.

  37. Of the occupation of the Buccaneers one can assert what James Jeffrey Roche writes of that of the filibusters of the middle of the last century--that it "is no longer open to private individuals.

  38. The monument that appealed most strongly to us was located in the Parque Nacional, and commemorates the campaign of 1856 against the Filibusters led by that daring adventurer from the United States, William Walker.

  39. As the "Meteor" ran up to port of the filibusters Captain Jonas French was the only man showing beside the seaman in the pilot house.

  40. Tom had read in the newspapers, more than once, that filibusters sending military supplies to Central American republics label their cases of goods "machinery" in order to get past vigilant eyes unsuspected.

  41. His news, however, leads us to believe that the filibusters will not attempt to get away from here with their unlawful cargo for a few days yet.

  42. Yet anything relating to attempts by filibusters to ship arms secretly to another country should be brought to the notice of the United States Government.

  43. These filibusters of Boers have had a shot for us and our treasure.

  44. The filibusters were not to be pacified; they abused England and her representatives in the most violent and abusive terms.

  45. Governor Lincoln ordered out the militia to the frontier, while an army of filibusters was ready to take possession of the territory.

  46. They would, I believe, be well prepared to meet and give an account of any filibusters who might visit them; and I am not sure that it is wisely done on our part to show any intention of taking the work out of their hands.

  47. So the Piedmontese army, which was intended to aid the filibusters in the sack of Rome, was obliged to fight them.

  48. The filibusters smiled at each other grimly, and told him, if that was the difficulty, he had better not go, for Walker intended driving the enemy out of Granada shortly, and he would there find all that he wanted.

  49. For sustenance, the filibusters had the fruits around Rivas, and a small ration of tortillas and beef, furnished them daily by Walker's commissary.

  50. Above the heads of the filibusters a shell screamed and within a hundred feet splashed into a wave.

  51. No longer was David of a mind to sue the filibusters if they did not put him ashore.

  52. In 1678 commanded La Sorcière, a frigate, and, in company with other French filibusters from Tortuga Island, cruised off the coast of Caracas.

  53. The filibusters caught many of the inhabitants hiding in the neighbouring woods, and killed numbers of them in their attempts to force from the rest the hiding-places of their treasure.

  54. The French filibusters and pirates mostly used the Virgin Islands, while the Dutch patronized their own islands of Curaçao, Saba, and St. Eustatius.

  55. Boer filibusters in 1882, and Taungs, are towns on the railway between Kimberley and Mafeking.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "filibusters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.