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Example sentences for "flie"

Lexicographically close words:
flickering; flickerings; flickers; flicking; flicks; flied; flier; fliers; flies; fliessen
  1. The Indians returned to the shore with so great celeritie, that they seemed to flie in those little Canoas of canes.

  2. I whoe flie these idle fancies Which my dearest rest betraye, 20 Warnd by others harmfull chances, Vse my freedome as I may.

  3. Who treats with us must our affections move To th' good we flie by those sweets which we love, Must seeke our palats, and with their delight 55 To gaine our deeds, must bribe our appetite.

  4. And than ve void flie away, quhair ve vold, be ewin as strawes wold flie wpon an hie-way.

  5. Pliny says: "At Rome yee shall not have a Flie or dog that will enter into the chappell of Hercules standing in the beast market.

  6. Domitian sometime," says Hollingshed incidentally in his Chronicles of England, "and an other prince yet living, delited so much to see the iollie combats betwixt a stout Flie and an old Spider.

  7. And for this purpose they make much of Iaies, Dawes, and Choughs, whom they do honour highly, because they doe flie opposite against the Locusts, and so destroy them.

  8. Take the quantitie of a pease of Opium, and charge it amongst the shot; and this will make the shot to flie closer together then otherwise it would.

  9. They carried their Hawks in the left hand, and let them flie from the right.

  10. For though hereof prudent Symbols and pious Allegories be made by wiser Conceivers; yet common heads will flie unto superstitious applications, and hardly avoid miraculous or magical expectations.

  11. The pediculus and culex marinus the sea lowse and flie are also no strangeres.

  12. They used a Bell, and took great care that their Jesses should not be red, lest Eagles should flie at them.

  13. This locust is a flie in bignes of a mannes thumbe, in colour broune, in shape somewhat like a greshopper, hauing vi.

  14. Whiche miste in the countrie wher it began, was sene flie from toune to toune, with suche a stincke in morninges & eueninges, that men could scarcely abide it.

  15. Now these arcana are not fitt to lett flie abroad, till about 30 yeares hence; for the author and the persons (like medlars) ought to be first rotten.

  16. Henceforth I flie not Death, nor would prolong Life much, bent rather how I may be quit Fairest and easiest of this combrous charge, Which I must keep till my appointed day Of rendring up.

  17. Which way I flie is Hell; my self am Hell; And in the lowest deep a lower deep Still threatning to devour me opens wide, To which the Hell I suffer seems a Heav'n.

  18. I do my best, Sir; But men of free-born minds sometimes will flie out.

  19. Shall a frown or angry eye, Shall a word unfitly placèd, Shall a shadow make me flie As if I were with tigers chasèd?

  20. Then Canons loud gan rore, and pellets flie about, And each man haleth his ore and mooued not a foote.

  21. This Duke of Sauoy hearing these newes, with a number of well appointed souldiers, arriued shortly after in Cyprus, and recouering againe the Iland, compelled the bastard to flie forthwith ouer to the Soldan of Ægypt.

  22. Now firie Faulkons flie right greedie of their pray, And kils at first stone dead truely ech thing within their way.

  23. He's hurt too, he cannot go far, I made my Fathers old Fox flie about his ears.

  24. Henceforth I flie not Death, nor would prolong Life much, bent rather how I may be quit Fairest and easiest of this combrous charge, Which I must keep till my appointed day Of rendring up, Michael to him repli'd.

  25. The naturall Flie is sure Angling, and will kill great store of Trouts with much pleasure: As for the May-Flie, you shall have them always playing at the River side, especially against Raine.

  26. Thus must you goe to work with your Flies, light for darkness, and dark for lightness, with the wind in the South, then that blows the Flie in the Trouts mouth.

  27. When you come to deep waters that stand somewhat still, make your Line some two yards long, or thereabout, and dop your Flie behinde a bush, which Angling I have had good sport at; we call it doping.

  28. Sweet rest his soule, flie Lords and saue your selues, For Warwike bids you all farewell to meet in Heauen.

  29. Away my Lord, and flie to London straight, Make hast, for vengeance comes along with them, Come stand not to expostulate, lets go.

  30. I but you did greater wonders, when you made whole [dae129] Dukedomes flie in a day.

  31. Oh flie my Lord, lets leaue the Castell, And flie to Wakefield straight.

  32. So cowards fight when they can flie no longer: So Doues doe pecke the Rauens piersing tallents: So desperate theeues all hopelesse of their liues, ·eac080· Breath out inuectives gainst the officers.

  33. Though to my death, I flie Upon her summons I give up my breath Then willingly, if she command it from me.

  34. Mock, mock, it moves not me sir, Thy mirths, as do thy mischiefs, flie behind me.

  35. And when you flie to Heaven and leave this world No longer maintenance of goodness from you: Then Poetry shall lose all use with us, And be no more, since nothing in your absence Is left, that can be worthy of a Verse.

  36. There's nothing, nothing: Let me but know, that I may straight flie to it.

  37. Thou shalt not: flie if thou be'st thine own friend, There lies the suit and all the furniture Belonging to the head, on with it friend.

  38. Young-man, I will speak louder; Can any man but I deserve her favor, [Princes flie at one another.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.