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Example sentences for "flowerlike"

Lexicographically close words:
floweret; flowerets; flowerful; flowering; flowerless; flowerpot; flowers; flowery; floweth; flowing
  1. A genus of hydroids having large, naked, flowerlike hydranths at the summits of long, slender, usually simple, stems.

  2. A genus of deep-sea alcyonaria consisting of a cluster of large flowerlike polyps situated at the summit of a long, slender stem which stands upright in the mud, supported by a bulbous base.

  3. Any structure having a flowerlike form; especially, the group of five broad ambulacra on the upper side of the spatangoid and clypeastroid sea urchins.

  4. In many places the sea floor was beautiful with these graceful, flowerlike forms, as with fields of long-stemmed lilies.

  5. The fair wild fields and the circling downs, The bright sweet marshes and meads All glorious with flowerlike weeds, The great grey churches, the sea-washed towns, Recede as a dream recedes.

  6. His cool, white, flowerlike hands, even, had a curious charm.

  7. Suddenly I determined to leave her as flowerlike as I had found her.

  8. Her flowerlike lips touched the withered cheek and warmed its frost.

  9. No winter marred his face or stained his flowerlike bloom.

  10. Flowerlike I hope to die as flowerlike was my birth.

  11. Antinous Stretched on a sunny bank he lay at rest, Ferns at his elbow, lilies round his knees, With sweet flesh patterned where the cool turf pressed, Flowerlike crept o'er with emerald aphides.

  12. Beside this flowerlike slip of a woman Adare was more than ever a giant, and his eyes glowed with the tenderness that was in his voice.

  13. So devitalised and neurasthenic are many of our pretty young girls, that their flowerlike faces, topping over-tall and undeveloped bodies, suggest delicate blossoms crowning long attenuated, sapless stems.

  14. Coralline structures and beautiful shells, fungi, leaves, and plants bearing coloured, flowerlike blooms spring into growth when a formless fragment of calcium salt is dropped into a chemical solution.

  15. Never since day broke flowerlike forth of night Broke such a dawn of battle.

  16. Far eastward, clear of the covering of cloud, the sky laughed out into light From the rims of the storm to the sea's dark edge with flames that were flowerlike and white.

  17. In some species they are very elaborate, in others they are simple, flowerlike objects.

  18. Near by we find a flowerlike or budlike form (Fig 45), which may well serve as the flower of this stem, and so we add it and produce a striking resemblance to the crinoid shown in Figure 46.

  19. Some are merely great disks towing behind them enormous masses of pink fluted jelly, as in Figure 23; others are simple flowerlike forms (Fig.

  20. The anemone displays its beautiful flowerlike face; it is spread out, waiting for prey.

  21. At the slightest alarm or jar these disappear, showing themselves merely worms, which have bored into the coral, the flowerlike petals being the breathing organs.

  22. The sea anemone, common in almost every rocky pool, and found everywhere from the rocks bare at low tide to the greater depths, certainly has a very flowerlike appearance, some of them resembling a flower without a stem.

  23. The crinoid, with its long slender stem, its branching tendrils, its flowerlike top, is one of the most graceful of all animals, as might be imagined from the drawing.

  24. The flowerlike girl looked down at him with a strange glance.

  25. From the height of his intellectual pride he bent his head and sent a winged caress fluttering down upon that flowerlike face.

  26. The flowerlike face of the little girl quivered, the blue eyes spilled big drops over her cheeks.

  27. The dust was all washed away and a fresh glow came into her flowerlike face.

  28. And, yet, it was not the flowerlike face of little Carolyn May that Amanda Parlow saw continually before her eyes as she tugged on the bell rope with bleeding hands.

  29. It lent her a flowerlike semblance that was very fresh and lovely.

  30. But the coral cones would look grey and barren below, while their summits would be gay with a richly-coloured parterre of flowerlike coral polypes.

  31. Mrs. Goddard bent and kissed the girl, and Carolina, usually so reserved, laid her flowerlike face against the older woman's cheek in a silence too deep for words.

  32. The woven web that was plain to follow, The small slain body, the flowerlike face, Can I remember if thou forget?

  33. Its flowerlike delicacy and prettiness and the glow in her wide blue eyes were more than he could withstand.

  34. Her piquant little face was flowerlike in its delicate contours and apricot tinting; her big blue eyes were the pure intense blue of alpine forget-me-nots.

  35. They seemed wondrously flowerlike and birdlike to the plainsman, and brought back his school days at the seminary, and the time when he was at ease with young people like this.

  36. The flowerlike texture of her skin and the exquisite grace of her hands plunged him into gloom.

  37. Defn: A genus of deep-sea alcyonaria consisting of a cluster of large flowerlike polyps situated at the summit of a long, slender stem which stands upright in the mud, supported by a bulbous base.

  38. A flowerlike color marking; as, the rosettes on the leopard.

  39. He was over on the steps holding Beryl Mae Macomber by her new scarf and telling her how flowerlike her beauty was.

  40. She found Alonzo in the hallway telling Beryl Mae how flowerlike her beauty was and giving her the elk's tooth charm off his watch chain.

  41. She was now being Little Nugget, the Miners' Pet; and when she wasn't chasing in easy money she'd loll at one end of the bar with a leer on her flowerlike features to entice honest workingmen in to lose their all at the gaming tables.

  42. Alonzo still had Beryl Mae by the scarf, telling her how flowerlike her beauty was.

  43. A baby left unattended to scream itself to sleep and awakening to scream itself to sleep again, does not present to a resentful observer the flowerlike bloom and beauty of infancy.

  44. The children watched her until her victoria drove away, the chiffon ruffles of her flowerlike parasol fluttering in the air.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flowerlike" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.